Steel-Manning Fauci: Speculation on Why Fauci Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan, China - and Nearly Got Away with It
This may fall under "Thoughts Not Worth Having", or "Playing with Fire", but I had them yesterday in a call w/Dr. Wakefield. Here, I steel-man Fauci's reasoning for working with Wuhan. Please share.
The timeline of research by Ralph Baric, SARS-CoV-2-like genome sequences from Nanjiang Command, a book by Andrew Huff, and the likely motives of our military pharma complex tells me we were using WIV instead of Baric's Lab for one or two reasons I can see as being realistic. This in no way justifies the lies, the cover-ups, the attempted take-down of the world’s greatest democratic republic by chaos opportunists on woke/neocommunist side. But the scenario seems to be a plausible, if not likely one, given Fauci’s arrogance. This is not an excuse for Fauci, it’s a healthy intelligent exercise to steelman Fauci.
Imagine you’re Anthony Fauci.
Sorry, but just do it.
Ok, so imagine you’re Anthony Fauci.
You’re funding gain of function research in Ralph Baric’s lab. You’re seeing progress in the production of knowledge about how deadly a virus in the Coronavirus family could be made.
Why? So you can make a vaccine against it and see if the vaccine can be made to be effective? Maybe. Or maybe you’re concerned about China weaponizing a virus behind your back.
Why? Because China has access to nasty respiratory viruses like SARS, and if a bioweapon shows up, you’ll want to know if vaccines are a reasonable - or harmful - thing to do. Sounds reasonable, I mean, what other options do you have?
Unfortunately, the funding for GOF research is under threat. There have been dozens of viral escapes in China and in other countries.
Calls for a moratorium on dangerous GOF research have been made and are gaining political support in Washington.
Then, the worst possible thing from your viewpoint: A moratorium is put into place. Crap. Now China has access to nasty respiratory viruses, worse than we do.
Our national security will have to be entirely dependent on China if we’re going to collaborate.
What can we do?
We could set up GOF research on viruses from SE Asia in Ralph Baric’s lab at UNC, so let’s give him an NSA grace on the moratorium.
They’re already doing the same GOF research we want done…
Wait, hold on. About 1/2 of the US population (actually, 48%) lives on the east coast.
So… what if a virus escapes from his lab and wipes out 48% of the US population in a first wave? (I sincerely doubt Fauci thought this part, btw, but it’s possible).
Also, we can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to get reliable samples of viruses from the wild in Hong Kong or elsewhere in SE Asia forever, given China’s expanding control in the region.
Well, we do have a Chinese scientist here, Dr. Zhengli Shi. She’s working in Ralph Baric’s lab. One day, she’ll be known as “The Bat Lady”. Why don’t we have her go to Wuhan as a US spy and have her provide intelligence on what’s going on there?
Further, we’re the US - why not actually have her do the research WE want done?
How? I know, let’s set up a pass-through organization (EcoHealth Alliance) and recruit Peter Daszak as a US spy, and we can fund Zhengli Shi’s research via a subcontract.
We’re sure to get away with it, because we (Fauci) are (is) so “smaht”. Plus, we outsourced the risk. Double bonus good!
And it all falls into place. Li does serial passaging on humanized ACE2 receptors, adds a little furin cleavage site, and boom! A potential lethal SARS-like virus.
Wait, that’s not good. That could cause problems. Better publish a paper about it warning about emerging deadly viruses, in case it escapes.
Ok, that’s done. Now, what other types of lethality could potentially evolve?
Wait. A Master’s degree lab tech falls ill with the same symptoms as the mouse. She seems to have spread it around. Quick, take her photo and name off the WIV website.
Oh no, this is getting out of control. It’s a bad one. We don’t want the blame. Let’s um, let’s blame it on Wuhan wet market and cover our tracks. Ok, ok, that’ll work.
Now, um, we need an intermediate host. How do we do that? Ugh, crap, the sequence will be known, they will see our work.
I know, let’s publish a fake Pangolin sequence and claim that could the intermediary host. By the way, Nanjiang Command says we better destroy all of our samples and wipe the hard drives. No, screw it, they want all of the computers and will here tomorrow.
No one copy ANYTHING. Under penalty of execution. Take anything home, share anything by word or in writing, and you’ll be dead. And your family will, too.
Oh, crap. IPAK says they found evidence of lab origin. How did he do that so fast, it’s only Jan 30th!?!?
Who runs IPAK? Oh, a Dr. James Lyons-Weiler. Is that University of Pittsburgh? Looks like it; no, no. He left in 2014. Independent research science? Crap, we can’t control him.
He’s pretty high-minded, ethical. Crap. We’ll have to issue a rebuttal.
(See Pei et al, 2020: Is SARS-CoV-2 originated from laboratory? A rebuttal to the claim of formation via laboratory recombination, Published online 2020 Mar 8)
(Note the early date!)
Oh no, that’s didn’t work. We’ll have to discredit him somehow…
The facts I embedded are clear and fit together. The speculation is only partial; I would call it an educated guess at their viewpoints. I’m not saying that’s what happened. But I don’t know it didn’t.
There is some scuttlebutt about Zhengli Shi publishing a paper without the CCP’s approval. But I doubt that, too; that seems like a distancing attempt. She’s still employed and not in a CCP “you won’t publish scientific papers without CCP’s approval” re-education camp.
According to Skyhorse author Andrew Huff, Former Ecohealth Alliance executive, something like this is exactly what happened.
I’m not fully convinced. There’s the fact that I found in my analyses that Nanjiang Command published a sequence that was awfully similar to the sequence that Shi published that is awfully similar to the COVID-19 patient zero sequence. Betcha didn’t know that! This means in some weird way, NIAID was potentially collaborating directly with the military arm of the Chinese government.
What do you think? Read the book, and you decide.
The Truth about Wuhan How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History Andrew G. Huff https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510773882/the-truth-about-wuhan/
From the publisher:
“Shocking new insider information that shows what really happened in Wuhan, China, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak and in the ensuing cover-up.
The day that Dr. Andrew G. Huff left his senior scientist and vice president role at EcoHealth Alliance was one of the happiest days of his life due to the corruption he had witnessed at the organization. However, he never thought working there would be of any great consequence to the future. He was wrong. Because, as an EcoHealth Alliance insider, Dr. Huff had had a ringside seat to one of the biggest cover-ups in history.
The Truth about Wuhan contains new research and a breakdown of how and why the development of COVID-19 in the United States and China was supported by the US government to collect intelligence on laboratories in China. Dr. Huff, an expert in the fields of bioterrorism and bio warfare, is a whistleblower who will show why the reasons the lab leak was covered up are incorrect. He worked on the classified research side of the program as a US government scientist. He knows the real how and why COVID-19 emerged. Besides exposing the conspiracy and cover-up, Dr. Huff also puts forth policy solutions and recommendations to prevent a lab leak virus from plaguing the world again.
The Truth about Wuhan simply explains the complexity of the system that led to COVID-19’s emergence; how the medical industrial complex grew and became entrenched in gain of function work after 9/11; why EcoHealth Alliance was the (almost) perfect intelligence collection cover; the policy actions and decision-making process as to why the United States government engaged in the COVID cover-up; how and why the United States swapped biotechnology with China and biomedical corporations; and the incentives for each of the actors or governments to engage and coordinate a global cover-up of COVID-19 origins.
The Truth about Wuhan also shows how and why Dr. Anthony Fauci is intricately involved in the COVID cover-up; how scientists like EcoHealth Alliance president and CEO Dr. Peter Daszak rose to power and used their influence to corrupt science and the COVID origin investigation; and how the intelligence community likely orchestrated the cover-up with Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Dr. Huff also provides personal harrowing accounts of how the US government waged a psychological operation against him to prevent him from speaking out. COVID-19 is the biggest lie, scandal, and intelligence failure in US history, and Dr. Andrew G. Huff is stepping out of the shadows to share his insider story about this failure that led to millions of deaths around the world.”
Dr Huff relates a very compelling argument and seems to have the background knowledge to be credible. he also tells of how they attempted to shut him up & intimidate him. excellent interview with him on CHD
I would call Fauci a 'teflon don'. his role in all this is more akin to a mafia boss than anything.