"It’s time we start testing for t-cells immunity to SARS-CoV-2 proteins other than spike. We urgently need to know who is immune and who is not so people who are naturally immune can stay productive with far less concern over infection."

This makes far too much sense for any of the captured health agencies and governments to follow. Insanity seems to be the rule of the moment. The sinister nature of all of this becomes clearer and clearer to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Thanks for your continued diligence and sane reporting.

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We need to stop using PCR tests set to 30+ cycles. The media fueled hysteria and government overreach are all based on a foundation on inappropriately used PCR tests.

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Agreed. To date, I've never taken a C test. I hope to never have to. It's my aim to contribute as little as possible to this idiocy.

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Ditto. Even if the tests were accurate, there would be little point in taking them because all they do is confirm what is already known and and worsen the signal to noise ratio. Real COVID symptoms go beyond those of the common cold and flu and are hard to ignore.

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Conservative estimates are saying 50% of people now have natural immunity. I’ve read possibly a high as 70%

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It appears that the jabbed now lack the capacity to assemle a proper immune response. If that theory holds true...then those numbers you quote will be inflated.

If the jabbed develop natural immunity...there would be no need of endless boosters.

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No. I, and other unjabbed people I know, have had repeated variant infections.

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Sounds good on paper, but depending on ANY testing is fraught with issues--measurement, medical and ethical. How about we stop looking for danger all around us and heal the separation mankind has from Nature (ooohhh nature is FILLEd with danger and will kill me) we are part of Nature. We need to build up our terrain-- our immune systems. How can we measure that-- easy by health-- how healthy are we-- physically mentally emotionally. Observation and symptomology is the only way to measure-- tests lie, get contaminated, have idiots reading the results, etc.

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perfect reply. I agree!

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Great comment and very sadly completely accurate!

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Totally agree

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The nature of bureaucracy is to never ever admit to an error. In this situation it may not even be an error. At some level what would happen as a result of the "vaccine" may have been known. The vax cartel will likely dig in, increase propaganda efforts, and continue to do what hasn't worked well, although from the perspective of the master planners it may have gone very well.

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Yes, we know that. But that's the question, isn't it? What will we all do to counter that?

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Unfortunately we don't all know that. Maybe everyone that reads your substack does. I think the only thing to counter that is to do what you and others are doing which is to spread truths, ideas, and concepts that are outside the mainstream narrative. Eventually the bubble will break and the aftermath will be very interesting.

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"All?" The most effective strategy, it seems to me, is to pursue vaccine manufacturers and their stooges in court under the RICO statute. But the groundwork needs to be laid that early treatment with antivirals was smeared as part of a corrupt plan. And it will take failure-to-treat liability lawsuits against general practitioners to lay the groundwork.

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A most rational response.

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Truth nowadays is rare . I for one do appreciate it . Stand up and speak .

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Or shame them publicly the way Mike Wallace used to. It's quick and understandable to the most people possible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NELRAz2Xqo

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That "60 Minutes" episode on the Swine Flu vaccine from the 1970s is fantastic. So many parallels to the current jabs. To me, the strangest thing is the way people talked: clearly and directly. Journalists, doctors, patients -- people in general -- were unafraid to speak honestly, to question, to criticize the government, to actually think out loud.

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Is that available? I was in Germany or Switzerland, so didn't see it.

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This becomes easier when people are refusing their product. As long as people - individuals - take the thamn dings, they will continue pushing them. And, in fact, they may push them in the face of great resistance (as we have witnessed over the past few years).

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No choice. Take them or not, you and I still pay for them.

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What do you think of this perspective James? It cuts against what most other people are saying. By the way great post. Thank you. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/more-bad-news-on-omicron

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I think people better start paying attention to Dr. Brownstein. Find his study here. https://www.publichealthpolicyjournal.com/clinical-and-translational-research

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Here's a conspiracy theory for you:

The classic mechanism for ensuring positive cash flow in the software publishing industry is to release a product with updates on a regular basis, subject to a maintenance license. Thus the user's position is analogous to a magazine subscription. In cynical hands, this industry practice allows the big publishers to fleece the users, once they established significant market share. Think about this, and remember that one of the major players in the vaccine industry made his bones in the software industry.

Now given the idea that mRNA is essentially software; for a biological platform. The reality is that mRNA-vaccine driven mutations in the virus results in a scenario analogous to the software licencing subscription business. Everybody using the current mRNA vaccines are for all practical purposes locked in, i.e., forced to be re-vaccinated regularly. A situation familiar to those in the habit of getting a seasonal flu shot.

BTW: As eugyppius recently pointed out (https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/we-are-all-cattle-now) that it is a well known in the animal mRNA-vaccine business that these vaccines don't last very long. This isn't a problem in the broiler business, because the chicks are slaughtered before they need a booster. Chickens that are bred for laying eggs, do however need a booster.

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What we see Pharma doing now with COVID vaccines is the same business model they use for all of their products. Find a new "disease" validate it by bogus studies then make up a drug or treatment. Then give more drugs for the side effects. Rinse and Repeat. The beauty of Dopesick (Hulu) outlining Purdue Pharma's "business --sorry extortion and killing model" is that this is how it has ALWAYS been. Its just bigger and in your face more with this COVID bs.

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Look at psychiatry. If you try to get off of their drugs, and suffer symptoms (which 40-80% of people do, depending on the drugs & individuals) - then it is "relapse," and of course, when you "relapse," you need more drugs. . . vicious cycle. www.madinamerica.com

There is a similar cascade in "heart health" which starts with a statin, then an NSAID for the pain caused by statin, then an antidepressant for the brain fog caused by statin, then PPI's for the stomach upset from the NSAID. Then, as the system fails, they throw the kitchen sink at it.

This is, as you have said @Carol Jones, a business model, and docs have no idea they are feeding this monster.

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Meanwhile vaccine mandates are forcing those with natural immunity to take this injection.

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"Will policy makers stop making it worse?"

Is Frauci a fraud?

Is the Pope obese?

Did Bill Clinton inhale?

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History lesson; The father of medicine/ god inspired Hypocrites had real physician’s swear to “do no harm” “God’s food for medicine first” “No abortions” “Do what you know best”! Than for profit, patent medicine reared its ugly head, in the form of Bayer IG Farbem’s mass death Holocaust and WW 2 war promotion! Now (USA’s god] Big Pharma’s credo is, “First do harm with mass [side effect] vaccinations” needing mass prescription drugs to deal with the exponential increase of childhood disorders I.E. going from a once small percentage of kids needing pharma’s drugs to over 50% is a real marketing blessing! As a bonus have the now quack/ sheep [so-called] "doctors" swear oaths & allegiance to their god, Big Pharma, & it's generated [cough] “science” [or, faith when the science can’t be generated] The Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study and the book Death by Medicine best document the 250,000 to 750,000 annual mass death Evil big pharma’s medicine cause! I.E. more deaths than all the wars USA has ever been in! [Fact] Fact #2 Romans 6:23; “Death is the wages of Sin; but the gift of God is everlasting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

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I've noticed that you are very big on Dr Brownstein's protocol. I've been tracking his and Dr Levy's for over a year. Different strength of their respective H2O2 solutions. Have you used either? Just curious.

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From what I know s far the spike protein in the vaccine is wrong. Thankyou so much for this.

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So is the a test to see if someone is immune to the virus?

I really do not want the vaccination as I have a life long history of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical medications. I am extremely healthy, other then allergies to pollen. I have not been ill since early 2010. Prior to then I have not had a lot of illness my entire 58 years of life.

I feel that I am going to be bullied into being vaccinated by being unable to attend any events or sled dog races with no vacation certificate. So if I did test positive to having a natural immunity to covid this should be sufficient to partake in my sport.

Any information would be helpfull.

If it could be sent to me via email marni@xtra.co.nz.

Thanking you in advance

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There are some decent blood tests, they can take a few days. There's different ones to use depending what the question is. You may want one that basically says "Yes, you have the antibodies" rather than titers. I'll throw my opinion out that unless you've been sick with a Covid you're not going to have the antibodies, there is no asymptomatic covid (except the jabbed are getting such results, because they are cooking spikes). Very recently FDA approved (for EUA I believe) a pcr that discriminates between flu, covid and adenovirus but it's not going to be in wide use, and most pcr is still base on the CDC one that is pro-false positives. I'm sorry to hear sled dog racing is requiring jabs! If jabs work so well (hey, masks "work, right?) how could you be a threat!? It's an outdoor sport, and not a contact one, either! I am so sorry you're being subjected to this!

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sadly, NZ is not going to recognise natural immunity. Just like Australia. The Aus TGA says don't get shot for the first 6 months after infection - but then they want you shot, just like everyone else.

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Shouldn’t the title say “virus escape” and not “vaccine escape”?

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No. Vaccine escape is correct.

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These vaccines are a miracle of modern science. Too bad the basis of modern science is not asking questions.

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I was thrilled to read your analysis, James. You echo many of the things I've been saying publicly for some time, which generally engenders insults from establishment sycophants. Respectfully, I'll take you one step further; the "single spike vaccines" (as you call them) do not activate production of memory T cells. Succinctly put: no memory T cells = no herd immunity - ever. If you'd care to discuss this further, reach out to me at dcopenmarkets@gmail.com and we can find a time to speak on the phone.

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