I would call Fauci a 'teflon don'. his role in all this is more akin to a mafia boss than anything.

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I have to say, I was puzzled by the "nearly got away with it" line in the header. In what sense did Fauci not get away with literally every piece of malfeasance he has committed over my lifetime? Everybody who can't figure out why Woody was "allowed" to say what he did on SNL should just recognize that it's because the PTB are so in control that it doesn't matter what one comedian says. It wouldn't even have mattered if the audience had erupted into massive cheers; the PTB still know that they can yank all their jobs, access to commerce, etc., if they don't comply with the next part of the game. <sigh>

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Dr Huff relates a very compelling argument and seems to have the background knowledge to be credible. he also tells of how they attempted to shut him up & intimidate him. excellent interview with him on CHD


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Excellent. Loved it! Great synopsis. Also, I'm very thankful for you and Dr Huff and your tireless and tolerant work.

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I think you are giving him way too much credit. More like he is fulfilling his role as a Jesuit...have you ever read their oath???

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

This book is as blood boiling as The Real Anthony Fauci and A Plague Upon our House.

The trilogy makes a great gift for your yet-to-be-red-pilled friends and family.

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You are one sick puppy, Jack. Getting into the mind of Fauci!? Only madness resides along that path...wait, you started IPAK. You WERE mad to begin with!!!!

All kidding aside, I do like the Steel-Man approach. It helps to eliminate the bullshit...

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

ALL the sequences are fraudulent, not just the pangolin sequence.

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I don't see China as the enemy of the United States. I think there's one big oligarchical club, which has some in-fighting to be sure, but they pretty much cooperate so that each group can control their own plebs. In other words, I don't have to imagine that The Bat Lady was a US spy working against China. She was probably working for the same WEF/IMF global interests they all are. What are we to think of David Martin's assertions (based on published science) that the virus was synthetically created in the US? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMSz209wV8g

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While speculative in part, this is one of the most important posts I have seen anywhere that projects a “most likely” history of what happened based upon many facts, sane logic, balanced views. It all fits and well. Wow!

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Whether or not things transpired as you suggest, the evidences already in hand show that the key players were all known to each other and "collaborated" on viral research.

Does that make the SARS-CoV-2 virus a bioweapon, or the product of "threat reduction" and "biodefense"? At this juncture, is there any real difference between the concepts.


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Of course, there was a book by Fleming in 2021 that Skyhorse also published, spelling out the backstory for Huff's new breaking revelations. Kudos to Huff, Tony Lyons, CHD, IPAK, et al. Huff's interview about his Skyhorse book in the link below by Warrior Mom is essential. Don't miss it. Had it not been for the Lord, we would not be having this conversation... May God continue to bless and protect his own people and all those who seek the truth... it can make us free. (Jenny McCarthy called me the Research Warrior.)

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Hmm yeees... but... what about all that followed? I do try to understand how and why people do what they do, and I agree, it's way too easy and far too common to put people into a box marked 'evil' or 'insane' and go no deeper. The scenario you describe is eminently plausible looked at in isolation, but it is hard to accept that what followed and what is due to come to a head in May was simply a hastily-executed reaction to such an accidental mess. It doesn't seem to be an opportunist coup de monde we're in the throes of, it's definitely a little bit more like a well-laid nanoplan. Adhanom the accidental antichrist. Eheu

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I’ve read Huff’s book. I’ve read Judy Mikovits’ books. I’ve listened to David Martin’s discussion of the patents. I’ve read RFK Jr.’s book on Fauci. I’ve read, watched, and listened to medical doctors explain why there is no such thing as a virus, and certainly not the so-called SARS2 virus. My tentative conclusion is that there was no natural biological SARS2 virus, a genetic sequence is no proof of a biological object, that indeed research was done with computer software. And . . . no one in America or the UK or ? admits to having actual SARS2 viral material. I’m not saying people did not get sick, I am saying that no virus caused that sickness. Personally, I favor the 5G theory.

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Bioweapon for sure - only which one? The magic of covid:


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I always search for alternate possibilities.

In medicine it is taught as "differential diagnosis", not widely practised in the clinic, as 95% of the time you should know what you are seeing. Pattern recognition is the primary skill, and we put ourselves in situations where "fast thinking" works and we only need to use the "slow thinking" model 5% of the time. Generally this seems to take about 5-10 years of clinical work to ascend the learning curve and to have made enough errors to recognise the exceptions.

I cannot see and will never know what has been done in the military laboratories, in the USA, China, or Russia. The asymmetric structure ensures that the secret labs see all of the published studies, and that the visible researchers are not privy to the other half of the knowledge base. Do we really believe that the dangers of mRNA injections were not understood?

I thought that Didier Raoult was a genius- who would have thought of using HCQ plus azithromycin for a coronavirus in March of 2020? Through the summer of 2022 I read "The Real Anthony Fauci" and learned that this treatment was known from MERS and that it had been suppressed from Jan., 2020, with removal of HCQ from OTC status in France! Like the iceberg, there is a major structure below the visible "Narrative" and I am reasonably certain that we will never be able to examine all of the data.

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