My baby, full term and weighing a little over 7 pounds, was sent to NICU after a difficult birth, low Apgar scores, and quick (45 seconds) resuscitation. The paperwork to waive the HepB vaccination had been signed well before. She was not declared "stable" until about 3.5 hours after birth -- but at about 1.5 hours after birth, she was given the HepB vaccine in spite of the waiver. We were not informed of this. We discovered it when we requested her hospital records several months later.

She was also put on IV antibiotics for 3 days as a "preventive" measure because she had passed meconium, though none showed in her lungs on scope or x-ray.

She was one of the "different from the beginning" babies and was eventually diagnosed autistic. The first doctor to bring up the possibility of autism (a psychiatrist who specialized in the treatment of autism) told me, "MANY babies given antibiotics at birth become autistic." This is because of the disruption of normal development of healthy gut microbiome. (See Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's work on the gut-brain connection in autism.)

But I believe the neurotoxic and immune-dysregulating effects of the huge aluminum dose in the HepB vaccine can also play a role in the development of autism in the babies who are eventually described as "autistic from birth" or "autistic, and different from the beginning."

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Imagine asking the doctor.."What are the risks of hepatitis for a child.."...?

That`s not even considering the adjuvant...

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Kind of shocked that IPAK published that any amount of injected aluminum in neonates could be deemed safe or wise. Good for Dr McCullough but he is certainly not the first to say that vaccine induced apnea causes SIDS.

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There is currently no discussion on dose variation in aluminum pee body weight IPAK called for a ban in aluminum use in the NICU a few years back... it went exactly nowhere. Dr. M is not the first but he pointed to the study that shows a mechanism by which SIDS can occur in the NICU. Vaccines are killing babies, also now new. But discussing it is important.

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"IPAK called for a ban in aluminum use in the NICU a few years back... it went exactly nowhere." Of course it went nowhere. That's the response for decades. So your reaction was to try to determine a safe dose? No human, let alone a preemie or infant, should be injected with any dose of aluminum. No studies needed. That one is obvious. Good that Dr. M is discussing it, but let's not forget all the scientists over the past 40 years that have made that exact point, and were ignored or persecuted.

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Char GPT said that there has been an increase in SIDs since 2020. What is up with that? The covid vaccines don't have aluminum right? Could something else about the infection/vaccine be causing SIDS? Was any other new vaccine with aluminum introduced?

Before that SIDS was going down. They say it's from campaigns promoting back sleeping. Were there more vaccines being delivered to infants even as it was going down? Do front sleeping and (vaccine induced) apnea together promote SIDs? What about mercury? Could the decline in SIDS have to do more with mercury being phased out of vaccines?

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The conclusion notes: “vaccination is a cornerstone of public health”

Is it, really? or is that just what has been claimed over and over?

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Gah, you are right. I meant to change it to 'touted as'. Fixed it!

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Thank you for updating. I found the phrasing quite worrisome…

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What is the fate of injected aluminum? I know some stays where it is injected, and some is transported to the brain and other places by macrophages. I suppose the counterargument to exceeding the FDA's limit is that it is not comparable to intravenous route.

Edit: The FDA doc actually says parenteral, not intravenous. That is more concerning. But it also raises the question as to why they would have the same dose limit for all parenteral routes. Now i suppose the main counterargument would be that they are describing long-term administraiton. But 20 days is nothing to scoff at. And who is to say that stacking it all up on a specific day(s) isn't worse.


“Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney function is impaired. Premature neonates are particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they require large amounts of calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain aluminum"

So...that is in addition to other exposures???

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Serious Adverse events on the 14 following days are on clinicaltrials.gov

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Thank you James, great analysis!

I would include a 6th critical point in the recommendations: Rational evaluation of the actual need of a specific vaccine, based on the exposure risk.

For instance, given that Hepatitis B spreads through blood, semen and vaginal fluids, which is the pressuring need for HepB vaccination during the first months (and hopefully years) of life, if the mother is not infected at the time of delivery?

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After two years of full time SIDS research, I fully agree with Dr. McCullough (who, "points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea"). There appears to be a connection between vaccination (and adjuvants), the viruses they emulate and diaphragm fatigue, myopathy and spontaneous neuromuscular excitation causing apneas-hypoxemic episodes in infants, inflammatory myositis (of all skeletal muscles, including the diaphragm) and novel putative "diaphragm cramp-contracture" respiratory arrest in SIDS (prolonged apneas causing secondary cardiac arrest and deaths). These are silent, rapid and unpredictable (spontaneous), consistent with SIDS. It's no different than a limb cramp except it ceases respirations.


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