After two years of full time SIDS research, I fully agree with Dr. McCullough (who, "points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea"). There appears to be a connection between vaccination (and adjuvants), the viruses they emulate and diaphragm fatigue, myopathy and spontaneous neuromuscular excitation causing apneas-hypoxemic…
After two years of full time SIDS research, I fully agree with Dr. McCullough (who, "points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea"). There appears to be a connection between vaccination (and adjuvants), the viruses they emulate and diaphragm fatigue, myopathy and spontaneous neuromuscular excitation causing apneas-hypoxemic episodes in infants, inflammatory myositis (of all skeletal muscles, including the diaphragm) and novel putative "diaphragm cramp-contracture" respiratory arrest in SIDS (prolonged apneas causing secondary cardiac arrest and deaths). These are silent, rapid and unpredictable (spontaneous), consistent with SIDS. It's no different than a limb cramp except it ceases respirations.
After two years of full time SIDS research, I fully agree with Dr. McCullough (who, "points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea"). There appears to be a connection between vaccination (and adjuvants), the viruses they emulate and diaphragm fatigue, myopathy and spontaneous neuromuscular excitation causing apneas-hypoxemic episodes in infants, inflammatory myositis (of all skeletal muscles, including the diaphragm) and novel putative "diaphragm cramp-contracture" respiratory arrest in SIDS (prolonged apneas causing secondary cardiac arrest and deaths). These are silent, rapid and unpredictable (spontaneous), consistent with SIDS. It's no different than a limb cramp except it ceases respirations.