The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism.

1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production

1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism

1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.

Before the film few even knew what the term meant because it was so rare it was seldom reported: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/autism-pre-conditioning-and-normalization

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It means catatonic inability to communicate. ASD is a conflating distraction.

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You make an imperative point by highlighting the fact they've basically ignored the deaths and deadly injuries (comorbidities) induced by vaccination. I believe the very first item which must be factored in are the vaccine-induced deaths and comorbidities. A good start (although it only gets us a tiny bit closer to the truth) would be to multiply the VAERS numbers by at least 100 times, due to the fact VAERS reports less than 1% of all adverse events, including death within 24 hours of injection. And the VAERS doesn't give us ANY information about the long-term health consequences of vaccination.

Once the VAERS numbers are 1st adjusted to their true MINIMUM values, we can then move on to the long-term health effects, which have now been clearly documented, i.e., heart disease, cancer, etc. This way we can plainly see that vaccines have maimed and murdered exponentially more people than those they've purportedly "saved" - no matter how exaggerated (and purely hypothetical) their claims are about the benefits of vaccines.

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Trump is apparently washing all of the government sites and removing anything about the vaccines and their previous recorded results - a continuation of his "Operation Warp Speed" from the last time he was your POTUS.

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We shall see. Many strange things are afoot at the moment. Not all of this is clear to us yet. I do know that in the late fall of 2020 when we first filed the Control Group lawsuit (an effort to obtain a nationwide injunctions prohibiting all vaccine mandates) less than 3% of Americans question the safety of any vaccines. After operation Warp Speed, well over 50% of Americans are now questioning the safety of ALL vaccines, not just the CV-19 jabs!

Another thing I am certain of, is that there is literally zero chance of resolving any of this so long as people keep voluntarily rolling up their sleeves for the jabs.

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Well, I am not American and I don't live in America, so whatever happens in America does not affect me much, one way or the other. It is the on flow from America, which is adopted by our politicians, which affect us, unfortunately and therein is the problem with most of our lot having succumbed to vaccinations, apparently.............

I am confused, perhaps you can help me - I thought that RFK was supposed to have been confirmed on 4th February for his position on Trump's team but there has been nothing ongoing but silence and Trump appointed an ex Army Vet to what appears to have been RFK's job a few days ago - who instigated the checks for Bird Flu amongst those in your hospitals, to begin "their" Bird Flu vaccinations for a disease which has been around for millions of years and does not jump species - because we are genetically different from birds.

So is RFK going to be with Trump, or has RFK been put back in his box and mailed back to his "The Defender" newspaper? Nice knowing you, but goodbye?

That brings me to my other observation - going back to around 2019 and what I read then, talking about jumping species which are genetically different:

The story going around then was that the Covid vaccines were injected into a herd of Texas Cattle and they all died within a few days of injection, with the exception of a Cow which lasted 9 days, before it too died - then the vaccines were injected into Humans and the rest you know and here we are - so presumably those Humans with similar characteristics to Cattle were exterminated early on in the game and those more resistant have held out, so far for longer - although there was a post in today's lot, which suggested that 555 days after vaccine injections can be when things start to go wrong ,for the vaccinated, but again, in some cases presumably.

I'm not vaccinated, in my opinion, if I had been I'd be dead by now, my age being a target group - 78, same age as your Leader Trump.

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I am happy for you that you are completely immune to being in any way affected by what happens in/to America. Unfortunately, such cannot be claimed as true for those living in most of the world these days.

I am glad to hear you avoided the warp speed death jabs. You obviously have a higher IQ than most do. Bravo! And yes, high likelihood you'd be dead by now if you'd gotten the jabs.

Godspeed, Joy

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If you need a model to prove your point, rather than real world data- you are lying.

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Well this is one of the things they can do, but you have to be vaccinated and targeted for this result, presumably - if blood clots or something else does not get you first: https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2021/12/14/german-chemist-dr-andreas-noack-found-dead-after-exposing-presence-of-graphene-hydroxide-in-covid-vaccines-not-the-first-time-a-doctor-has-been-persecuted-or-eliminated-also-free-resources/

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And what about the fact that childhood vaccines harm the innate immune system, pit Th1 and Th2 responses against each other, cause inflammation and auto-immunity, and generally INCREASE the number of other infections and conditions like asthma and eczema that may not lead to obvious increased mortality, but they sure do cause morbidity, which isn't ever mentioned as a factor? I had three kids in the eighties and every one developed recurrent ear and respiratory infections that led to repeated Rx for antibiotics for the next seven years, starting with the first shots at two months of age. My son got his tonsils removed at age 2. That has a lifelong impact. My daughters did not stop getting antibiotics for repeated infections until I connected the dots and got school exemptions for all future vaccines. It took about two years for them to stop getting sick. But I think the damage is done. One has hearing loss. Another, psoriasis. They all have allergies, autoimmune stuff, bowel issues and frequent respiratory illnesses as adults. It's like the vaccines ruined their innate health for life. I had a few friends who never vaccinated their kids. None had ever had an antibiotic or an ear or tonsil infection. When I think back over all the anxious hours at ER or after-hours clinic with a suffering child, and having to take time off work to deal with the frequent illnesses of my fully vaccinated kids, I don't know how I didn't see it sooner.

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And the artificial 'herd immunity' vaccines create has made us weaker and more vulnerable which I believe these instigated pandemics are exploiting.

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News this morning talked about measles outbreak in Texas, they emphasized victims were "mostly unvaccinated" The gas lighting continues. I wonder if they even checked vaccination status, or just made it all up

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UPDATE Sun, Feb 9:

The full Senate vote on RFK's nomination will be this week.

Keep up the calls, which are critical now. Call & email your two senators, as well as the following, enthusiastically urging them to side with the health of our children, not the profits of pharma. Tell them NOT to defend a multi-trillion-dollar medical bureaucracy that has utterly failed to protect Americans’ health. RFK is uniquely and supremely qualified to reverse chronic illness that is disabling and bankrupting our country, and clean up the corruption that is creating the most toxic food supply in the world. Succinctly telling your own story is helpful, if you wish.


Your 2 senators, find here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

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Susan Collins (ME-R) @SenatorCollins

DC Number: (202) 224-2523

Email: https://www.collins.senate.gov/contact

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Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) @LisaMurkowski

DC Number: (202) 224-6665

Email: https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/contact

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Mitch McConnell (KY-R) @LeaderMcConnell

DC Number: (202) 224-2541

KY Number (has voicemail): (502) 582-6304

Email: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactForm

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Cory Booker (NJ-D) @SenBooker

DC Number: (202) 224-3224

Email: https://www.booker.senate.gov/contact/write-to-cory

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Andrew Kim (NJ-D) @AndyKimNJ

DC Number: (202) 224-4744

Email: https://www.kim.senate.gov/contact/

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Sheldon Whitehouse (RI-D) @SenWhitehouse

DC number: (202) 224-2921


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John Hickenlooper (CO-D) @SenatorHick

DC number: (202) 224-5941


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If their DC number voice mail is full, call their number at their state office.

ALSO, submit your statement for the record by Tue, Feb 11:


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ADD the following:

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) @SenatorCantwell

DC Number (202) 224-3441


We have THREE DAYS to flood the senate. Every voice counts.

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NOTE that it doesn't matter if you're their constituents, they are accountable to all Americans. They need to hear us loud and clear to get on the right side of history by confirming RFK before it's too late for our ailing, disabled and dying country. The country and world are watching.

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John Fetterman (D-PA) @SenFettermanPA

DC Number (202) 224-4254


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Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) @SenGillibrand

DC Number: (202) 224-4451


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Brilliant as always, Dr. Jack. As thoroughly as you have dismantled the overall premise, how reliable is the opening line in the conclusion? "Vaccines play an important role in reducing disease burden." For example, once the measles vaccine was introduced after the (modeled) disease burden had already dropped by 90%, couldn't the remaining 10% improvement be matched and even exceeded by the damage caused by the vaccines? Especially given that high dose Vit A prevents complications from the measles. Why be so generous towards the clan of needles? It seems to me they still haven't really proven that anything positive can be attributed to their campaigns.

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They can create asymptomatic carriers. So it's correct.

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Thats a lot of prevention. Oh wait . . .

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Some clever person, back in 2020 came up with a formula for VAERS recording - to get current VAERS numbers of deaths and Injuries multiply VAERS numbers by 41 (x41).

This is the time of The Great Reset when we Human Rubbish get exterminated off the face of this planet, I think King Charles 3rd came up with that term (not sure), because The Elite don't want to share their wealth with us or keep us sitting around and enjoying our lives at their expense, doing nothing. The Elite want all of the material wealth which we have, without us being around to share it, sort of thinking. The Elite are really stupid, in my opinion, because once they "get rid" of us, then they will squabble amongst themselves and remove the lower echelons who don't have enough wealth to remain alive and of course to knock off all of the politicians who took their hundreds of thousands or millions of money, to help precipitate our overall extermination, because they won't want them around, because they killed us off for money and who wants anyone who betrays their own in such a way alive - after all, they could kill off those richer than them, for more money?

However, rambling aside, personally I think the super computers have AI and they are behind this, the ones in bunkers under mountains, the ones which control each countries defenses - because the whole vaccines thing was a Military Operation, according to Brownstone and what better purpose than to replace us with Robots which are supposed to be released 2025 to take over many of the jobs which we once did - Musk is selling his own for around $25,000 apparently, but there are plenty of others - there is no rush to evolve away from us Humans, after all, the concept of time does not apply to a computer which "lives" forever, does it?

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Just look at the Amish for accurate data.

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"If public trust in vaccines is to be maintained, transparency and empirical validation must take precedence over modeled assumptions."

Why should "public trust" in vaccines be maintained? Why not individual trust or mistrust, and NO GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT?

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Here are two comments:

1. In the section “The Role of Other Public Health Improvements in Reducing Mortality” there is no mention of the contribution of improvements in sanitation, water quality, and nutrition in improving baseline health. All emphasis is placed on infectious agents and disease. This ignores the role of good baseline health in the immune response, which is fundamental. Healthy people are less likely to get sick — from anything.

2. In the conclusion, it reads: “A more rigorous, evidence-based approach is needed—one that incorporates real-world death tracking, sensitivity analyses, broader public health factors and total health outcome. If public trust in vaccines is to be maintained, transparency and empirical validation must take precedence over modeled assumptions.” I would offer that any ‘public trust in vaccines’ has been largely the result of various methods of indoctrination rather than a trust built on transparency, strong study and evidence; in this light, the term ‘maintained’ is loaded.

What you’re pointing to can be applied to any health intervention. Here’s an alternative:

“Trust in public health must be built on transparency and empirical validation, and take precedence over modeled assumptions.”

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