Brilliant as always, Dr. Jack. As thoroughly as you have dismantled the overall premise, how reliable is the opening line in the conclusion? "Vaccines play an important role in reducing disease burden." For example, once the measles vaccine was introduced after the (modeled) disease burden had already dropped by 90%, couldn't the remaini…
Brilliant as always, Dr. Jack. As thoroughly as you have dismantled the overall premise, how reliable is the opening line in the conclusion? "Vaccines play an important role in reducing disease burden." For example, once the measles vaccine was introduced after the (modeled) disease burden had already dropped by 90%, couldn't the remaining 10% improvement be matched and even exceeded by the damage caused by the vaccines? Especially given that high dose Vit A prevents complications from the measles. Why be so generous towards the clan of needles? It seems to me they still haven't really proven that anything positive can be attributed to their campaigns.
Brilliant as always, Dr. Jack. As thoroughly as you have dismantled the overall premise, how reliable is the opening line in the conclusion? "Vaccines play an important role in reducing disease burden." For example, once the measles vaccine was introduced after the (modeled) disease burden had already dropped by 90%, couldn't the remaining 10% improvement be matched and even exceeded by the damage caused by the vaccines? Especially given that high dose Vit A prevents complications from the measles. Why be so generous towards the clan of needles? It seems to me they still haven't really proven that anything positive can be attributed to their campaigns.
They can create asymptomatic carriers. So it's correct.