This guy has been saying this since the beginning.... they hate this guy for his progress because he has been trying to educate as many people as possible... meddlers stand in his way..... If you want the truth ..... Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief twitch.tv/videos/2175381494 #truthovertribe

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Important video. Skip amusing intro and jump into the lecture. Raises many questions and illustrates years of machinations to induce our current situation. Getting that 1938 War of the Worlds radio broadcast vibe.

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Yes, important indeed....pls, share if you are able..... :)

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The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war.

The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally🤫

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Central bankers control all of those.

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https://healthfreedominstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Ingredient-List-for-Vaccines.pdf WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Such insanity as it is completely unnatural to inject all of these toxins into the human body. Viruses (and our bacteria, etc.) are not the bad guys. They are the non-living back up mechanism to the living bacteria, parasites, etc. for ridding us of whatever level of toxin buildup we have in our bodies. Not to fear, not to be guinea pigs of big pharma/medical/gov’t etc. who all line their pocket$ at the expense of your health…

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Modern western medicine has a bad habit of mass-producing health problems by trying to prevent rare "tragic cases."

One good example is: Metabolic toxemia of pregnancy was virtually nonexistent in middle class women (though common in impoverished U.S. women) until doctors started trying to prevent it in middle class women by restricting their weight gain and salt intake during pregnancy. This bad medical fad started in the late 1950's. It produced an epidemic of prematurity, low birth weight babies, stillborn babies, difficult births, brain-injured babies (learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, etc.), and breastfeeding failures.

Doctors eventually backed off the worst, most damaging dietary restrictions; but they seem to have no clue now what causes metabolic toxemia, which they are now calling "preeclampsia." They treat "preeclampsia" ineffectively and after their treatments fail, they induce labor or do C-sections. They think it's no big deal for a baby to be born 4 or 5 weeks early and sent home immediately; and babies more premature than that -- well, the that's what the NICU is for.

Dr. Tom Brewer's excellent approach to preventing toxemia, and treating it effectively in impoverished women, never "caught on" in the medical world. You can find information on the Brewer diet for pregnancy on the web. (But a few changes have been made, which I disagree with. The original diet called for 100 grams of high-quality animal protein per day; and a serving of liver at least once a week...)

A more recent bad medical fad is giving newborns IV antibiotics for three days after birth if they passed meconium during a difficult birth *even if* scope and x-ray show no meconium in the lungs. By doing this, doctors are producing kids with seriously "wrong" intestinal microbiomes dominated by candida and clostridia. Those kids will be more vulnerable to vaccine injury, according to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, who developed the GAPS Diet for autism and other health and developmental issues. A psychiatrist specializing in treating autism told me, "MANY babies who are given IV antibiotics at birth become autistic."

Another example is all the vaccines for what used to be common childhood illnesses, such as measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, RSV, and HIB. To prevent the rare "tragic cases" of these illnesses, doctors have mass-produced children with dysregulated immune systems (which means allergies, autoimmune disorders, and weak immunity to pathogens and cancers).

Western MDs are herd animals prone to fads, and these days, with so many doctors employed by corporations and so many hospitals run by businessmen (instead of doctors), bad medical fads quickly become profitable and entrenched.

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'keep injecting them'


'because it's standard procedure'


'because it's what we've always done'

but why?

'don't question me, I'm an expert!!'

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Turtles in all directions.

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Bitter chuckle in response to your comment. Too dang true.

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The incidence of "common" infectious diseases began to dramatically decline in the 19th century in Europe and North America as communities installed reticulated safe water supplies, sewerage and sanitary systems, improved housing and living conditions, adopted personal hygiene standards and were not reliant on hyper-processed food. (Admittedly the industrial work place environment remained hazardous for decades before reforms occurred.) This was happening before mass vaccinations and antibiotic availability were introduced. I know there is conclusive data to support this fact - I just wish an analyst with credibility would research and publish a report on this topic to allay the fear that the pharmaceutical industry instills to maintain its' nefarious commercial activities.

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See Roman Bystrianyk's substack: https://substack.com/@romanbystrianyk

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Well this stopped my day in its tracks for four hours. Questions/comments for JWL or the authors:

1) This paper would see to suggest that people who do case-control and cohort studies should try and match background vaccine exposure according to some metric of "simultaneousness".

2) Otitis externa pops in this study, but otitis media does not. Other studies (i.e. Mawson) popped for otitis media. Any thoughts?

3) Autism is absent. Is this expected given the time it takes for signs to become apparent?

4) I do not see a reported count of the number of diagnosed conditions for the base cohort. This is essential to put the supposed exponential increase into context. What's the average number?

5) Confounding by preterm birth could go either direction. I have not yet found clear literature that establishes either increased or decreased vaccination rates in preterm children. Also, the increased risks associated with preterm birth are almost certainly sometimes due to interactions with vaccines. So it's complicated.

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Are pediatricians going along with the vax program because it is lucrative for them to do so? We know they receive little education on vaccines in medical training, so is the problem willful ignorance, by not further educating themselves? Or maybe they don't have the backbone Dr. Paul Thomas has, and don't lose sleep despite the fact, all those early shots harm infants.

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Pediatricians largely believe and do what they are told. That is the only possible outcome of such a system of centralized control where going against the grain causes you to lose your livelihood.

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Many doctors are leaving and going into private practice, that only the rich can afford.

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Pediatricians’ incomes depend upon “well child visits.” A check-up and an inoculation or two. Incentivized by volume.

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Our pediatrician was not pro shots. However, he charged an annual fee of $600 on top of insurance, I guess to cover what he lost by not promoting shots. I am only assuming that I don't know his motivation. But, I gladly paid the annual fee he asked, knowing his approach was holistic. He prescribed sambucas, some homeopathic remedies, some herbs etc....Once, I asked for an antibiotic as I felt my child had strep, he didn't think so, but in the clinic the test was positive for strep. A friend lost her nephew, in his early twenties from heart damage from strep. Perhaps, I should have gone with a homeopathic strep remedy looking back.

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My daughter, born 1995, who recieved all but one set of her childhood injections in Florida between 1999 and 2000, should be included, and while she only recieved the mandated shots, she got four sets in those 2 calendar years as I had only let her have one set post birth, until she was enrolled in K-4.

At that time, and despite her being in a private Christian School, I was told that if she didn't receive the full CDC reccommended & Florida mandated schedule, she'd never go to school in Florida and I didn't know they were in error, or lying.

So despite my deep misgivings I took her to a pediatrician who, over the next year & 4 months gave her 4 more sets of shots.

Every set made her severely ill, the first putting her in the hospital with pneumonia.

The shots trashed her immune system & the kids at school exposed her to every pathogen on Earth, it seemed.

The doctor was clueless, I was desperate & my daughter harmed for life, I fear. Her immune system has been weak since & all the endless rounds of antibiotics did tremendous damage too.

And then there is the brain damage from all the heavy metals & other awful toxins in these injections. We all have some of it is my guess! Today she is much better off than many of her generation but not the person she could have been if she had been spared thus toxic, immune system destroying attack.

But, I'm comforted that at least someone is looking at the data and caring what happens to our children.

God Bless CHD & everyone working on this topic.

I pray we save the next generations from the "Poison Needles."

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Interesting that preterm infants "might skew the results because they might receive additional vaccines."

The authors link a study by Arnaud Gagneur, Didier Pinquuier, and Caroline Quach, ALL of whom had previously received funding from vaccine manufacturers. The study, not surprisingly, recommends vaccinating preterm infants bang on schedule (e.g. hepatitis B vaccine within hours of birth), as well as giving preterm infants under 2000 g (4.4 pounds) an additional dose of hepatitis B vaccine.

So.... FULL-TERM infants are at elevated risk of adverse events when given multiple vaccinations per the CDC-recommended schedule.

And premature infants are at even higher risk, as they are chronologically younger, than AND weigh less than full-term infants. Remember, vaccine doses are not adjusted per weight of the infant.

So, yes, premature infants likely"skew the results," which, as I see it, is another way of saying, "preterm infants are at even higher risk of problems from multiple simultaneous vaccinations."

But Gagneur et al blithely recommend not delaying, for any vaccine, and even giving an additional dose of hepatitis B vaccine, REGARDLESS OF THE FACT THAT MOST INFANTS HAVE ZERO LIKELIHOOD OF BEING EXPOSED TO HEPATITIS B..

What does it take to get Gagneur et al and similar researchers to see that the risk/benefit analysis shows higher likelihood of harm from hepatitis B vaccine --especially for premies -- than likelihood of exposure to hepatitis B for most infants?

For heaven's sake, we even know which infants' mothers HAVE hepatitis B, as hospitals routinely test pregnant women during pregnancy and again during labor. So we can reasonably guess which infants are NOT at risk. What is the justification for vaccinating those infants for hepatitis B?

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ijvtpr.com appears to be down with a 403 error. I'm willing to help with system administration and web hosting things if that's an issue.

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Big Pharma and the Medical Cartel set about to make life a Disease Process that must be controlled and helped by these agencies… maki,g them all wealthy at the expense of your health and quality of life. Never about actual health-care, rather it’s all a health-scare system. Soon there will be a new dx, The Pre-Dead, and they will have a magic pill to sell all takers!

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