This sound like an interesting course. Have you reached a sufficient number? Have you started? I just saw this post and am considering attempting to join. I just worry about time, but I could possibly swing this during the 11:00 time slot. I don't want to come in late though. I really enjoyed, as a former student, your great informed consent course, but sadly had a botched attempt at your Biology of Cancer course given my inability to participate at the given time).
Are you supplying the coffee?
Dear Dr. Jack,
This sound like an interesting course. Have you reached a sufficient number? Have you started? I just saw this post and am considering attempting to join. I just worry about time, but I could possibly swing this during the 11:00 time slot. I don't want to come in late though. I really enjoyed, as a former student, your great informed consent course, but sadly had a botched attempt at your Biology of Cancer course given my inability to participate at the given time).
I hope things are well.
Thanks, Mark