Dr: “Vaccines are safe”

Pt: “How do you know?”

Dr: “There are no reported injuries”

Pt: “I have a vaccine injury”

Dr: “No you don’t, vaccines are safe”

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The Asch's conformity experiment!

The experiment concluded that people conform for two main reasons: they want to fit in with the group (normative influence) and because they believe the group is more informed than they are (informational influence). Asch, S. E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgmen! I.e. groupethink! (I.e. where no one thinks at all!)

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Great read. At age 57 and my dad dying from Prostate Cancer Metastasis after 10 years, I was flagged for a UK NHS PSA screening test. 7.2 so next step MRI. I refused Galidium contrast "dye", but they found a dark patch anomaly. Next step biopsy they said. No Thanks. Paid £415 for a private Stockholm 3 test yesterday, results due 2-3 weeks. If anything risky shows, will go down the Tippens Fenbendazole and Ivermectin route. No slash and burn oncology for me.

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Dandelion root infusion; if I were in your shoes I should start digging now - it is the right season. Years ago I read how it was a gift from heaven, literally, to a guy in his seventies who allegedly had only a few months to live. At 80+, he was still writing his blog.


Good luck!

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Thank you so much. The toxins now are worse but same principles apply

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I don't understand why people don't take FenBen prophylactiely, considering it’s cheap & has no bad side effects! As opposed to modern “medicine” that has killed *12.5 to 40 million in the USA in just the last 50 years, [not counting 50 million aborted babies, or the millions of Pharma’s Gain of function Co-V 19 & Jab deaths!] (*The Johns Hopkins iatrojenic study has it at "only" 12.5 million, or 684+ a day, but the well documented book Death By Medicine has it at 40 million, or 2191+ per day) It’s all to teach us, “Death is the wages of sin.” [See Romans 6:23]

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I will be planning my next steps once my Stockholm 3 results are back. I have researched FenBen and IVM alongside naturopathics so my death will not be compounded or confounded by allopathic psychos.

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Very good and informative article. However, we are focusing again on the “symptoms” and not the “causes.”

Until we get good non-modified wholesome food into people’s diets and remove all, or most of the toxins from our air, water and soil and stop exposing ourselves to harmful radiation we are going to need, otherwise unnecessary, “health care providers.”

It is far overdue for individuals to take care of their health themselves and not to turn it over to someone else.

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I don't understand why people don't take FenBen prophylactiely, considering it’s cheap & has no bad side effects! As opposed to modern “medicine” that has killed *12.5 to 40 million just in the USA in just the last 50 year, not counting 50 million aborted babies, or the millions of Pharma’s Gain of function Co-V 19 & Jab deaths! (*The Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study has it at 12.5 million but the well documented book Death By Medicine has it at 40 million!) It’s all to teach us, “Death is the wages of sin.” [See Romans 6:23]

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Thank you for this excellent, comprehensive, bird’s eye view of the medical iatrogenic landscape. How can we turn this titanic of a medical system around? A peaceful, benevolent revolution is needed.

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