I would say that when they claim it's impossible (or "unethical") to use true controls in a toxicity study, that's not the "scientific method" but rather, scientific fraud. When they categorically refuse to study true controls for comparison of health outcomes, this is an extremely obtuse form of scientific fraud, a species of fraud that makes it laughable they would continue using the word "scientific" to describe any of their work.

When the VAERS numbers are the only support for their claims that the injuries and deaths from vaccination are "rare", this is pure scientific fraud. They ALL know better than to use THOSE numbers as a baseline for any sort of risk/benefit equation. We all know the VAERS reports "less than 1%" of the short-term injuries, and there's no system even pretending to track any long-term health injuries.

There are a great many sticks and carrots to enforce these endless frauds, all of which are engineered to mortally wound and murder as much of humanity as they possibly can. The amount of corruption required to maintain this level of fraud is beyond astonishing.

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There is no trusting, following or believing in science. Those are belief based words used by cults and religions. None of those words are in the scientific method. The words in it are "falsifiability and repeatability".

Anyone telling you to follow, trust or believe in science is a idiot and can be ignored.

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Kamala Harris has "plans". Sure, where have these plans been the last 4 years? And Trump has threats and a dangerous record? Specifics, please! The only threats he has is threats to him and those who want to make America great again, and those come from Biden/Harris and their weaponized "justice" department. And the only dangerous record he has is getting shot at by brainwashed people inspired by Biden/Harris and their buddies in MSM. What a pathetic thing for SA to put in their periodical. Politics has no place in true science, and political comments have no place in a "scientific" journal.

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Perhaps it’s just me, but this post, while spot on, and important, comes across as wordy, and very repetitive / redundant.

I can accept the old saw “tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em - tell ‘em - then tell ‘m what you told ‘em, but, I think, this piece was 2-3x as long as it should have been.

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Thank you for the feedback; we're considering publishing a Reader's Digest of all of our articles for busy readers.

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Thank you for the work you do.

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Wow! Whereever do you find time to do this.? An amazing article. Heartbreaking at the same time. I recommend a new name for Scientific American--"Unscientific American-the magazine of lies, distortians that panders to the uninformed, misinformed and managed by Big Pharma, wealthy medical personnel and the ghost of Dr. Zeuss.

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Thank you, Maurine!

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Where will we find the philosopher-kings willing to administer the funding without being influenced by self-interest and "settled science"? (Other than yourself, of course...)

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You guys should really perform steps 1 thru 6 to notify our congress they are committing treason for joining the United Nations. Also share this. Dr Lima is the best I just spoke with her


The children need warriors to email Houchel copy anyone of your choosing 😈 at constructioncodes@buildings.nyc.gov & say their NYC 2020 Energy code, covid bioweapon mNRA injections are treason 🏴‍☠️ 💀💉 reference broken NYS Ed Law part 29.1.b.2 and 29.1.b.1 treason! exercising undue influence on the patient or client, including the promotion of the sale of services, goods, appliances or drugs in such manner as to exploit the patient or client for the financial gain of the practitioner or of a third party;🫡🇺🇸❤️

Everyone in the USA needs to do this stop all the communists in their tracks and make the force injected police to wake up and arrest the people that force injected them with mRNA death https://www.nyc.gov/site/doi/report/report-corruption.page

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How do you think Scientific American's jumping into politics of choosing one candidate helps? In my opinion it makes anything they publish suspect as having a bias. I guess they do and just proved it. As a neophyte isn't science just an observation of a set of conditions to discover the yet unknown? Otherwise a great article that tries to expand beyond the biomedical field. Full disclosure, I was involved in a research project many years ago that failed for many of the reasons you address in your extensively written tome.

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I wrote (phrowt1) this and it seems to have been published under "Later than you think". What's up with that? It seems Unpopular Rationalism..

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