I need a course that will change my son’s life. Exactly how to heal bipolar 1/schizoaffective disorder (supposedly). Diagnosed by the psychiatry mafia. Prescribing neuro toxic medicines that people cannot stand to be on. So then they drop them cold Turkey and suffer withdrawals. Then they go around in a circle of torturous hospitalization with multi medication cocktails, treatment facilities that does nothing for them, stay in meds a little while, turn to substances to quiet their irritated state, drop the meds again, then back into the hospital. On and on for years. And they call this “getting the help they need” compassionately and caringly. God our Heavenly Father, please make it stop!🙏
Sorry for venting, but no one is talking about the maiming mental health care. And those of us experiencing the horrors along with family members are losing our minds at watching the destruction of their minds and bodies. And it is so challenging to figure out what the cause of our family members mental challenges are. Is it trauma? Is it nutrient difficiencies? Heavy metal toxicity? Brain injuries from TBI? Where does one begin to figure it out? How to get them stable to get their cooperation/ assistance in figuring it out, because there are no doctors & facilities to house them in trying to figure out the root causes.
The Holocaust survivor Vera (i can't remember her last name) she published the Nuremberg Code and created a non profit, because her son suffered mental illness and the drugs they put him on caused him to commit suicide and she figured out they were experimenting on these people with mental illness. I'm sorry for your challenges with your son. It IS something we need better resources for. I like your suggestion for a class or research for Dr. Jack to pursue. Have you heard of Dr. Kelly Brogan? She is a psychiatrist who will only treat patients holistically now unless it is an emergency. And then she won't leave her patients on drugs for any long amount of time. She has some books and a blog and support group.
I need a course that will change my son’s life. Exactly how to heal bipolar 1/schizoaffective disorder (supposedly). Diagnosed by the psychiatry mafia. Prescribing neuro toxic medicines that people cannot stand to be on. So then they drop them cold Turkey and suffer withdrawals. Then they go around in a circle of torturous hospitalization with multi medication cocktails, treatment facilities that does nothing for them, stay in meds a little while, turn to substances to quiet their irritated state, drop the meds again, then back into the hospital. On and on for years. And they call this “getting the help they need” compassionately and caringly. God our Heavenly Father, please make it stop!🙏
Sorry for venting, but no one is talking about the maiming mental health care. And those of us experiencing the horrors along with family members are losing our minds at watching the destruction of their minds and bodies. And it is so challenging to figure out what the cause of our family members mental challenges are. Is it trauma? Is it nutrient difficiencies? Heavy metal toxicity? Brain injuries from TBI? Where does one begin to figure it out? How to get them stable to get their cooperation/ assistance in figuring it out, because there are no doctors & facilities to house them in trying to figure out the root causes.
The Holocaust survivor Vera (i can't remember her last name) she published the Nuremberg Code and created a non profit, because her son suffered mental illness and the drugs they put him on caused him to commit suicide and she figured out they were experimenting on these people with mental illness. I'm sorry for your challenges with your son. It IS something we need better resources for. I like your suggestion for a class or research for Dr. Jack to pursue. Have you heard of Dr. Kelly Brogan? She is a psychiatrist who will only treat patients holistically now unless it is an emergency. And then she won't leave her patients on drugs for any long amount of time. She has some books and a blog and support group.
going to do Evolution first and then genetics.