This Course Changed My Life - Register Now!
Understanding Genetics is key to understanding biology and health. The details of genetics are truly worth knowing!
Hey, Popular Rationalists and IPAK-EDU Students!
When I was an undergraduate student, I was destined to become a high school biology teacher. The first two years of my training were spent preparing for this career. Then I took a course on Genetics. In the same semester, I took a course on Human Evolution. These two courses changed my life forever.
Genetics galvanized my interest in the questions of how cellular and molecular processes influence how life works, it helped spark my career in research. Once I learned Genetics, I knew I could start to understand biology at a more fine-grained level than I had previously anticipated. The continuum of inheritance of the instructions for life I was so inspired, I changed my career focus from high school biology teacher to research scientist.
We are very pleased to announce that Biology students at IPAK-EDU can now attend and learn Genetics in great detail in our 300-level course. Part 1 of the course will start in late August and will run until December. Part 2 will run from January until June 2024. Don’t be daunted… the details of genetics are truly worth knowing!
-Dr James Lyons-Weiler
PS Your instructor is Dr. Dean Croshaw, who will help bring the science of Genetics alive for you.
Time: Mondays @ 1 pm ET, Start date late August 2023. Hit the button to register today - monthly options are available. AS FOR ALL OF OUR COURSES, VIDEOS OF EACH LECTURE WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER THE LIVE CLASS MEETING!
Sorry for venting, but no one is talking about the maiming mental health care. And those of us experiencing the horrors along with family members are losing our minds at watching the destruction of their minds and bodies. And it is so challenging to figure out what the cause of our family members mental challenges are. Is it trauma? Is it nutrient difficiencies? Heavy metal toxicity? Brain injuries from TBI? Where does one begin to figure it out? How to get them stable to get their cooperation/ assistance in figuring it out, because there are no doctors & facilities to house them in trying to figure out the root causes.
I need a course that will change my son’s life. Exactly how to heal bipolar 1/schizoaffective disorder (supposedly). Diagnosed by the psychiatry mafia. Prescribing neuro toxic medicines that people cannot stand to be on. So then they drop them cold Turkey and suffer withdrawals. Then they go around in a circle of torturous hospitalization with multi medication cocktails, treatment facilities that does nothing for them, stay in meds a little while, turn to substances to quiet their irritated state, drop the meds again, then back into the hospital. On and on for years. And they call this “getting the help they need” compassionately and caringly. God our Heavenly Father, please make it stop!🙏