I have been anticipating this upcoming propaganda campaign given the low uptake on all vaccines, so *thank* you for arming us in advance, James! We definitely need to start working proactively instead of reactively.

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Physicians for Informed Consent has excellent info sheets:


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Thank you for the link.

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Yes, I have seen three or four articles in the UK MSM complaining about children not getting their MMR. Me being cynical then thinks this is probably the next 'pandemic'.

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"Schools should be required to inform parents of exemption options to vaccines where they exist."

This is a big one. How many parents just go along because they don't know they have any other options? I was one of those parents.

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One school district board in PA has passed a motioned requiring the notification of exemptions!

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That's great! Starting at the local level is probably our best bet.

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Are there any other viruses that are treatable with a high dose of vitamin A?

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I only started reading the above. Looking forward to it. But I had to quickly search if Forest Maraedy was in this post. He had a 5-10 minute clip on YouTube that friggin destroyed the measles vaccine. I think its been taken down. But he used an episode of the Brady Bunch a year before the vaccine was available to show just how much of a threat the disease was to suburban life. It wasn't. It was a sub-plot on an episode where the focus was on the fact women can be Doctors too. Nobody was clamoring for a measles vaccine. They just pushed it onto the population.

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The measles 'vaccines' did not work and cannot work because there is no measles 'virus'. If there is no virus, how can you possibly expect a vaccine to work against it? It's illogical.



Also, how can you expect to get healthier by injecting a coctail of toxic chemicals into the bloodstream? It makes no sense, whatsoever.

Do you want to be healthier, and your children to be healthier? Stop injecting toxic chemicals into your/their bloodstream. It's that simple.


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Janine Roberts describes how vaccines are made in her brilliant investigative book “Fear of the invisible”. The book clearly shows why all vaccines are dirty. A must read. It is available only in print on amazon.

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Thank you for the recommendation, I will check it out!

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Wow! Firehose of information. Great stuff which deserves a second read. Thank you! Is the 200k IU of A treatment generally known by our current crop of physicians? As an aside: Born in 1953. Had measles by preschool age. Seems like everyone did. Have memories of the rash and a high fever. Later, chicken pox & mumps also.

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I doubt it, but Popular Rationalists can share this article w/physicians - or better yet, send them a gift subscription!

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congratulations on surviving measles! :)

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

- We are just going to end up redistributing measles from children to adults where it is 4 times as fatal. And also to pregnant (high rate of fetal death or damage) and infants.

- Letting measles roam free would have prepped us for covid pandemic. We could have allowed it to teach us to live with covid rather than lockdown and fail at acute treatments. Huge lost opportunity cost. I predicted this very thing around 2017.

- The other thing the promoters will say is measles vaccine has beneficial nonspecific effects. Possible, but not proven, and probably, at minimum, greatly exaggerated. The confounding in those studies is absurd.

- What they also don't acknowledge is natural measles infection also has some beneficial nonspecific benefits.

- Here is my hypothesis that is the real kicker: Possibly ALL measles vaccine studies that show beneficial NSEs are done on children which got DTP months earlier. DTP kills children. Well-published fact. And it kills one sex more than the other. Lo and behold, measles vaccine, saves that same sex more than the other through so-called NSE's. What I think is happening is kids injured by DTP were skipping measles vaccine, and end up dying in the control group, creating fake benefit. Confounding by contraindication at work. If the glove fits, you cannot acquit. I have a lot of research on these types of confounding I hope to get published someday. Ironically, the more dangerous vaccines are, the more effective they can appear. People wouldn't imagine.

- measles may also prevent cancer in ways vaccine strains do not

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You keep on knocking out of the park, Jack! As much as I appreciate Jay Bhattacharya's stance on the COVID jabs and lockdowns (we are on the same page), his blanket support of vaccines (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmWJTXaDc88&t=2302s) is disconcerting. Given his background as a health economist, it may be time to debate the Jay on the economics of reviewing the pros' and cons' of mass vaccination programs under the risk/benefit ratio analysis.

Thanks for the measles round-up and the review on the reality of vaccine pressure for new variants. Timely, sobering and alarming. Hopefully the US government won't start spraying Bordatella pertussis any time soon ( https://www.businessinsider.com/military-government-secret-experiments-biological-chemical-weapons-2016-9?op=1). God-knows how many will become asymptomatic carriers.

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Thank you, Dr. X!

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Thank you. Lots of meat here.

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All vaccines are toxic and unnecessary --period!

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