What we are dealing with is the greatest betrayal of trust that has ever happened in human history. Short overview of what happened, how it happened, and possible directions where things might progress into.


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You are right. I'm not sure where it leaves anyone who's aware of what's gone on.

My doctor is clueless, or must pretend to be, and that's indicative of the local healthcare landscape as far as I can see. As a retired ICU RN, I find that frightening.

If they can/must all be/act clueless over a subject this important, I'm guessing they don't look very critically at most of their recommendations.

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All the docs are inDOCtrinated by the Rockefeller medical mafia to be pill-pushing paid schills for Big Pharma. Trust God and heal thyself.

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Excellent essay. Thank you!

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Beautifully and thoughtfully written, as well as stating the facts as they are. Thank you for this today. Let’s move forward in optimism and create the change that is needed. Karma will take care of the rest.

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Thank you Dr. Cameron!

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This is such a great piece. I particularly like the point about how environmentalism needs to shift from climate change to reduction in environmental toxins.

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Please know the censors and consent makers are a few steps ahead trying to avoid that shift. Specifically the tracking of pollution was curbed by Dubbya Bush who ended TRI- toxic release inventory data collection in 2002 along with closing EPA libraries.

In 2020 Scorecard, the global authority on chemical safety w database run by UC Davis was taken offline. It was a huge red flag for those of us who track toxic pollution and worth noting what is erased from public reference. Note these figures were last updated twenty years ago.

"Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens. Scorecard can give you a detailed report on chemicals being released from any of 20,000 industrial facilities, or a summary report for any area in the country. "


"Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true."


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This was my favorite point, too...but one of many!

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JLW, I am having trouble finding the evidence that herd immunity is a valid thing. I learned about the concept in school and frankly, just accepted it. Is it theoretical or can you point me to studies that validate it? Thanks for all you do!

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Herd immunity was a fantasy created to justify the 1967 measles eradication campaign. The meaning was litigated in 1971 by Fox et al., https://academic.oup.com/aje/article-abstract/94/3/179/192686 - summarized by Paul Fine in 1995 - https://academic.oup.com/aje/article-abstract/141/3/185/62435 - there is no magic percentage to stop viral spread as there will always be pockets of communities that are out of reach of public health (or today we could say pockets of immunocrompromised). Fine was reacting to the revival of believe in eradication spurred by the fever for a vaccine for everything.

This was probably the most prescient thing said about herd immunity, by C E Gordon Smith in 1970 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC1811055/

"However, if virtual absence of the disease is to be maintained, the proportion of susceptibles must then be kept below the critical level until there is no risk of reintroduction of the infection which, in these days of intensive travel, may well be until world eradication has been achieved - and this may be for ever in some cases. If therefor the requirement is to maintain immunity throughout life, and unless very long-acting vaccines are available, consideration must be given to the possible hazards of many repeated doses of a vaccine which although quite acceptable for use in a few doses, may not be suitable for many. […]

Complete eradication of all (and perhaps of any) infectious diseases in the foreseeable future is probably impracticable or too expensive either in money or resources, or in environmental devastation."

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Thank you, Brian! Excellent quote.

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This is excellent, thank you!

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Excellent essay and I found Plan B to be very specific. My hope is, once term limits are enacted and our elections are secured, that your plan can be implemented. Thank you.

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Excellent piece. What to do about media, how to get rid of fact checkers, how to prevent future attempts (assuming this one truly fails) of a great reset -type takeover? And how to help the gullible majority see what was done to them?

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The legacy media is diminished, fact checkers are now seen as opinion blog websites. On question #3, woo-boy that's a huge question - Education to me is the key (thus http://ipak-edu.org) - re: #4, education also.

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I agree that education is key and these look like fantastic educational resources! Unfortunately I’m not as optimistic (yet) about people’s awareness of “fact checkers” etc, but this probably varies among populations, and I’m judging primarily based on my mid-western patient population which seems fairly naive. Your optimism is inspiring, though!

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Thank you!

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Plan B is excellent! And if we can ever regain control of the federal government, this is but one of many arenas where unelected/corrupt bureaucrats have merged with corporations to "rule" this Republic. We need to rid the federal government of useless departments/bureaucracies and decentralize the remainder in the manner you have proposed in order to stop funding our own demise. Unfortunately, at this juncture, we control nothing.

BTW, why was Spontaneous Abortions and Policy on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines — Nov. 2021 withdrawn?

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It's good to see somebody making a constructive proposal. I'd be happier if somehow a jury -- a random selection of citizens -- could be involved in funding decisions.

Typos: You reference "Shaw and Oller, 2020" but I do not see them in the listed references.

"over 54% of children have a chronic illness" I could believe it but a citation would be helpful.

"United State of America" probably should be plural.

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Thanks for the excellent description of where we stand, in your Plan B article. I do wonder why you chose to suggest direct funding from the Senate, as (1) constitutionally they do not have control over the national budget at all; but perhaps you meant to say that decisions about funding would be made by the Senate, and (2) to me, because of the disastrous 17th Amendment passed in the regressive "Progressive" Era about 100 years ago, Senators are more captured by large donors, due to the expense of gaining a majority of votes over a whole state, than are, say, the House of Representatives (though since the number of Representatives has remained static for too long they too represent too many people and are more distant than originally conceived by the Framers) or state legislatures (which are much closer to the people). All that would have to be accomplished in your plan as written is to capture a majority of Senators, and that wouldn't be hard at all, I'm sad to say. If you want true independence and redundancy, that's what states and state-level self-governance are for. There's no power delegated to the federal government by the states in the Constitution to do anything about public health, or health at all, and if anything we should be trying to get back to the original design of limited federal powers, and those directed to externals, such as international relations/trade and war.

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" if anything we should be trying to get back to the original design" Yes, God, yes!

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Excellent!!! Thank you!!!

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Exactly, no peer review of the fact checkers or transparency.

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Thank you! 💜

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The Ontario vaccination data is even worse than it seems: there is an additional category titled “vaccine unknown” where the person is vaccinated but due to the database missing the name of the product used, they are not counted in the vaccinated group. Instead they are simply left out of the pie charts you use in the article.

This category exists in positive cases, hospital admissions, icu admissions, and likely in other categories.

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We will need a Great Reset of the MEDIA, and that might be very tricky to accomplish.

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That's underway as well - did you see CNN lost >90% of its viewers? The legacy media is all but dead.

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Death couldn't happen to a more deserving patient!

A little change here in France too,

"The edifice is cracking. Today, for the first time on French National TV - TF1 - the lead report was on yesterday's anti- "passport-vaccinale" demonstrations. The number of demonstrators seen on the street was under-reported, as always, but there were interviews with "real" intelligent citizens expressing quite cogent and well thought out objections to the proposed vaccine passport. No "balance" was shown - by interviewing crazed "antivaxxers" or showing masked youth throwing chairs through restaurant windows"


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