It was obvious from the get-go because they were testing asymptomatic people for an acute respiratory infection, contra every other case definition for ARIs, which always start with compatible signs and symptoms that are confirmed by testing. Bayes' Theorem, anyone? Thought experiment using an extreme example to illustrate Bayes' Theorem: If you test biological males for pregnancy, and any turn up positive, are they more likely to be true or false positives? Now the reverse: If you test biological women who appear to be in the end-stages of normal pregnancy, and any turn up positive, are they more likely to be true or false positives?

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The question of "false positive" is ambiguous. Does it mean "detected viral RNA when none existed in the sample" or did it mean "reported viral infection when all that was detected was viral RNA?"

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Please read the full-length report linked to in the article.

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So it's the first case.

Tangent: The estimate of prevalence is a possible source of systematic error. Basically a SWAG when there's no necessary linkage between symptoms and cases and mild covid is indistinguishable from flu and other ILIs.

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The EUA application for the CDC pcr stated the CDC did not have SARS sequences to use for testing (strange, as there was the bullshit RatG one Shi put out, the sequence the Indian lab had, Montagnier, others, the one from King County, etc.) and using evasive language the CDC they used -something. I do not have the EUA application at hand, sorry. So while FDA said the CDC pcr was no longer EUA, the myriad pcr tests the CDC licensed all had to be based on the CDC's pcr. Those have not been withdrawn, of course. They should be. So, the 90+% false + continues. Back in late June 2021 when the CDC announced their pcr was useless, they revealed the test used influenza A&B, strep, misc. plant virus and adeno virus. No, I don't have that at hand, either, those are on a laptop that the hard drive went corrupted during a Windows 10 update.

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Sidenote: Get Linux for your laptop. It takes a little effort, but you will be glad you did. You have already paid a steep price for "convenience".

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The emergency room at a local hospital takes a temperature test, if no fever no VOVID! My mom was diagnosed wit bacterial pneumonia, given ZPak and what was funny the COVID 19 seating section was empty, and while waiting 6 hours for her release, not 1 case was diagnosed! Looks like the funds ran out for false positives!

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Any idea how likely it is that one of the Rapid Antigen colloidal gold chromatography tests has a false _negative_ at the peak of a cold with plenty symptoms?

(a doctor wanted to talk me into taking RTPCR after a bunch of neg. rapid tests within diff. parts of symptomatic phase of a (short as usual) cold with runny nose and a bit of cough. Since 40 cycles are pretty common here and I didn't feel like quaratining, I declined)

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

James, super excellent summary. So critically important to get this out there. This is THE foundation stone for all the very bad that had happened to the human race since the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped or was released. All at the top of WHO, FDA, NIH knew the reality of PCR-RT testing with cranked CT from the get-go. How could they not have? Those below the power mongers who knew the truth have had to stay silent or be cancelled, fired, or worse. Deaths and permanent severe injury from the "vaccines" will easily exceed true COVID deaths. We unfortunately ain't see nothin' yet. Now that concrete truth emerges, many will still stay in denial. Carl Sagan said it well:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

Jim Jones comes to mind…

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Fauci literally stated "the chances of a sample

that tested positive at 37,36 even 35, being replication positive are miniscule". They knew it was fraud from planned beginning. But more importantly the assays are NOT SPECIFIC to whatever CoV2 is or isn't because they never isolated it. PERIOD. The assays were (and remain) CONTRIVED per the FDA.

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Mark Twain observed over 100 years ago that “its easier to fool people than it is to convince them theyve been fooled!”

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What do you make of Chris Masterjohn PhD finding that the jabs' effect is nothing but artificial suppression of positive test results (i.e. creating false negatives) in people who ARE actually sick with Covid but have a temporary surge of jab-induced IgG that masks it? He thinks these negative test results in sick people, both those who get to hospital and those whose symptoms are very mild, skew the data to say that jabs prevent Covid illness when in fact they may increase both Covid illness and Covid-like illness. Something to ponder with the high false positives. In his latest Substack.

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Thanks for this report. You mentioned that the restaurant lost the case. Did the judge accept your testimony, or the testimony from the other side claimimg there are no false positives?

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Last spring, I calculated that on any given day, if the false positive rate were even as low as 1%, there were tens of thousands of people in Michigan alone being unjustly excluded from work, school, and public life in general because of reliance on faulty tests to inform public health isolation and quarantine policies.

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In my state, currently deemed “Low-Risk” by the CDC, the Dept of Health has issued guidance to K-12 schools to either: 1) continue PCR testing, contact tracing, and ‘quarantining of positive cases’ or 2) continue universal indoor masking of students and staff. This, all with very low prevalence in the community.

It’s a ridiculous choice of two ‘evils’, both measures unsupported by evidence and scientific study. Extremely frustrating that our so-called State Epidemiologist cannot apparently read or comprehend the relevant science.

It’s incredible, but the idea of false positives is still bouncing off of people’s cognitive dissonance force fields.

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Closed loop logic has set in across the board. All the bad ideas from the onset are the only ideas in the loop. Breaking out of it will be a terrible process.

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Mayo Clinic uses the Panther PCR system for testing. They made me take a swab for testing prior to a scheduled procedure, even though they have it on file that I've had Covid19 at the end of September 2020. I had them do a serology test for Covid antibodies in September of 2021, that was positive. This swab they just tested here in March 2022 they claimed tested positive. I had no symptoms of any kind. I didn't feel ill at all. I also requested a serology test for Covid antibodies again the same day they swabbed my nose and that was positive for Covid antibodies. A nurse from Mayo called me to offer "an antibody infusion", I said no thanks, but I'd take a prescription for Ivermectin, he said, sorry I can't offer you that and hung up. They canceled my scheduled "urgent" colonoscopy for rectal bleeding, and were originally going to move it all the way into the middle of May. They now have it scheduled for the end of April. The rectal bleeding only happens a day or 2 after riding in a car with a vaccinated person or now sleeping next to my vaccinated wife. I'm only 34 years old, the Dr doesn't believe me when I tell him that this only happens when I'm exposed to vaccinated people, a different Dr. confirmed no hemorrhoids inside or out. I'm not vaccinated myself. I don't know who to talk to about this health issue.

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022

Dr Reiner Fuellmich JD with the help of Dr Michael Yeadon, former Senior VP in charge of Worldwide vaccine production at Pfizer for 23 years and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg MD PhD, the worlds formost expert on corona viruses along with a panel of 20 experts in PCR determined in November, 2020 that the Drosten PCR “covid test” was worthless with 97% FALSE POSITIVES when run above 35 cycles of amplification and FDA was “recommending” 40 to 45 cycles throughout 2020, 2021 and God knows what today! Dr Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winner for his invention of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) vehemently maintained until his death in 2019 that his PCR could NEVER BE USED TO DIAGNOSE ANY DISEASE ….AND ALL Covid “tests” EVEN NOW come with a disclaimer stating “This test cannot be used to diagnose any disease”!! Yet our medical geniuses have gone thru Billions of them and kept the Covid Carnival running for 2 LONG TIRING INFURIATING YEARS misusing them! Dr Fuellmich calls it a “Pandemic of Bad Tests”!

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Go here and open the Englisch tab at the upper top of the page… EVERYTHING we have been talking about and MUCH MUCH MORE has been documented and revealed by the over 200 experts Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his Corona Investigative Committee


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Do any of the companies that manufacture these tests do double blind tests? How many of them still maintain that these tests are not designed for diagnosing anything?

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