The claim that covid vaccines saved millions of lives is so ridiculous! People would have had to have been dying at a rate much higher than they were at the beginning of covid (and when no vaccines were available) for their number of lives saved (I think they say 3 million in the U.S.) to be plausible. Their model is based on numerous false premeses.

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Jan 6, 2024
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You aren't intellectually equipped to do so, or you'd do it on your own Substack.

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Indeed. And compelling evidence now shows upwards of 17 million people DIED as a result of the vaccine. It's almost unfathomable and unconscionable.

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& counting!

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They can't point to any verifiable success factors (most importantly a true, effective "vaccine" bt definition is supposed to prevent infection) so they have no option other than to resort to counterfactual arguments and cling onto them despite evidence to the contrary, using the "Safe and Effective" mantra as their campaign branding slogan.

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Are vaccine evangelists like Bourla, Fauci, and Hotez willfully ignorant, frauds, or insane?

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Don’t forget they’re heavily invested. Not only financially.

Apparently my priminister made money off each dose until he sold his shares for $500 million. And since it was done through his trust, no tax. He made $60 million on cryptocurrency. That’s possibly laundered direct commission money from big pharma.

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ALL of the above.

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They are morally corrupt psychopaths. They know the "vaccines" have not been adequately tested, know the number of deaths and disabilities that have been caused, but suffer no guilt or regrets. Their lust for power and wealth reigns supreme.

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well said

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IMO, not claimed fact - 2 and 3.

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Their statements aren't coming from incompetence. They're coming from corruption and criminality.

By now, all doctors with any integrity know that these mRNA products haven't saved a single life, but have killed more people under 60 than covid has.

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Just because they have negative efficacy doesn't mean they weren't successful. Remember, it's the thought that counts, not the efficacy. LOL. Plus they were successful at reducing the population. So, that got to count for something.

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Tone deaf and out dated ... cats out of the bag.

They can’t kill us all !!!

The fda we have lost complete respect for most so badged authority upon high the mad men towers

It’s all downhill for these fuckers

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Their plan is to bankrupt your country. Bail you out with world bank digital currency. Put a ten minute boundary around you where your money doesn’t work past. Limit your food and financial intake. Sterilizing you and your family is next. And since they don’t and can’t have a financial plan for an economic flow that works, then kill you.

Remember they’re psychopaths not world leaders. Smoking rich elitists that believe their world is being used up by the masses. So praise God and love yourself and all your people and community as psychos hate hate hate love because they can’t understand nor control it/you. And they hate families.

And don’t forget that if we’re all using a digital currency that they program, do you think they’ll let you trade it for fiat or other digital currencies? Psycho’s can’t love. Especially love thy neighbour as thyself. They’re always working for and about power and control. Regardless of how they frame it.

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Well said!

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Don’t forget there are no natural variants. All were produced in a lab according to the genetic biologists that sequenced them. So all were disseminated.

Isn’t that creepy…

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I prefer calling it a bio weapon

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It breaks my heart to see my older friends faithfully taking whatever new booster is out there and then coming down with COVID almost every other month now. I know one person, completely vaccinated, who has had COVID 8 times. How do they not question that something is wrong with the injections (not vaccines)?

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Questioning requires thought.

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Not questioning requires faith. This is more the problem. These people are not stupid. But, they drank the coolaid and now anyone who offers another opinion has to be censored because they are seen as mis-information agents.

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Yes, exactly as Mattias Desmet describes when he talks about those who have been captured by Mass Formation.

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Headwinds :-) Love that series.

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'but it would have been so much WORSE', don't ya know... hell's bells! which time? worse than which variant? the data is where, exactly?

I actually asked a friend who said that to me: how do you know that? she had no answer (don't think she wanted to say 'because they said so', lol) and changed the subject.

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A virus 8 times. Stop calling it please what they call it. Let's not give them more credit to use false names. It's all a designed made-up virus to make the bodies immunity go into an autoimmune response, therefore being in an irritated stance. In turn, the DNA is no longer human. Critical Thinking is no longer present, and spacial recognition, drive and understanding, focus on topics is lessened. I've seen what it does to people I love and others I know of. Gene Therapy modification to decrease the people on the earth. Owners of the beings is now governments and tech. They can be turned off at whim. Aka BIO WEAPONS shot/pills/bandages they are making with really small needles on them/in them. What is and what is not. Why or why not.

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Those seeking the idols of money, power, control, fame, and possessions, will be sorely disappointed. https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=love+of+money&version=ESV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A22-23&version=ESV

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I think it is also a sign of their attempt to mask the new drugs as 'vaccines'. Remember how the needed to change the definition of what a vaccines is? When do you need to do that? Exactly, when a new thing does NOT fit the definition. That is when you broaden or change a definition to allow for the new thing to be lumped it in with other stuff. In this particular case it was gene therapies. At first they did this so they would not have to call gene therapies gene therapies. Now they take the abysmal safety issues of the new drugs and try and shield it by the 'virtue' of old-technology vaccines. And when you compare the VAERS data in terms of SAE, the old stuff really does look a hell of a lot better. So what do you do? You keep on talking about how vaccines are so good... remember you have to not let gene therapies fall out of the definition, so now you have to reverse it a little. Defend vaccines by keeping up the lie that gene therapies are totally safe and effective. It is a mindboggling switcheroo!

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This revised 'vaccine' definition is so broad that anything can be considered 'vaccine'.

I was stung by a bee other day.

I had swelling (immune reaction) and antibodies.

Therefore that bee had vaccinated me.

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Yes. It's called evil psychopathic lying. Criminal propaganda.

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So... the question now becomes.. since we know the Covid shots are dangerous, what about the yearly flu shot, the RSV shot and the pneumonia shot?

Are they safe?

Any answers out there

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No, they are not safe. The industry long ago captured the regulators and together they have been gaming the system, falsifying data, corrupting vaccine trials, and censoring any information that reveals the truth. The book Turtles All the Way Down does a good job documenting the fraud. It's comprehensive and well-sourced.

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😂😂😂 you ARE joking, right????

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I had a bad booster in 2001. Applied for disability in 2003. ( had Lyme too) so it wasn’t safe for me. Ironically it was to work in an autistic kindergarten class.

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wow, now that IS some serious irony. so sorry.

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Thankful for my integrative medicine doctor since Dec 2016. What a world of difference.

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flu shot has always been a gigantic scam. more you get, the more flu you get. same load of bullshit you'll hear too: if you get the flu right after getting the jab, it means its 'working'. wtf... so the thing that's supposed to keep you from getting sick, makes you sick and that means its working?? I think it actually means you were poisoned. (never had any of those jabs, not once in my life - soon to be 63. yet I'm very rarely sick. most I know who DO get them, well they seem to be sick all the freaking time.)

both viral pneumonia and RSV are pretty specific to vulnerable populations (like nursing homes and NICU premies). those are same populations who will be most harmed by jabs.

and correct me if I'm wrong but the big advertising push for RSV jabs is for a monoclonal antibody, and not a true 'vaccine'.

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It's pretty simple. The more you get sick, the more money Big Pharma makes. Do they care about good health? Not at all.

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Their (Marks et al) reports are understood best if read under gas light. The screen on my computer is far too bright. Lets face it. the public trust in pHarma, the FDA, and CDC is BROKEN. The points written in this article won't earn it back. Now it has become: Just follow the science into the grave.

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I agree, public trust in our institutions has plummeted. Of course it has. Right from the beginning they lied with their safe and effective follow the science narrative. They didn’t have any evidence to support that claim but spewed it anyway. And because we used to have faith many of us believed them. They abused our trust. They hid the vaccine injuries from public view. Didn’t even acknowledge them let alone offer help. Doctors weren’t given the heads up ergo all kinds of abusive behaviour to the suffering ensued. They censored support groups who were /are looking for support and help. Ethical non establishment scientists, researchers and doctors had their reputations slandered, smeared and in some cases loss of employment. The very people who were addressing this atrocity were excoriated. Now, they are concerned by the low vaccination rate? They’ll come out no holds barred not realizing that doing the same thing will not accomplish different results.

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Non Vaccinated people stick together. So does the Vaccinated especially at Xmas. Vaccinated people talk. After 3 years of conversation they figured out the vaccines kills and they spread the news amongst themselves. Consequently the intake is now very low. There was never a need for Truth Tellers or COVID Superhero Doctors ... But the next step to obtain 0% Intake : TELL THE TRUTH about the complete content of the vials and what it is meant to do in the human body ... Any other "Thuth Discovery" is simply BS ...

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“There was never a need for Truth Tellers or COVID Superhero Doctors…” WHAT IF IT TAKES TWO TO FIVE YEARS FOR EVEN ONE SHOT TO KILL YOU???

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Decrease and even better yet the total destruction of all vaccines is the best thing people could do for their overall health. When you don't use a muscle it atrophies. When you pump synthetic poisons into a new born baby and all through childhood (while their natural immune system is supposed to be developing) to enhance immune reactions you are circumventing the natural immune system and in time it atrophies to the point the body can no longer fight off other assailants. This is why we such an uptick in allergies, asthma, IBS, arthritis, alzheimers, cancer, anxiety and so many more ailments that we did not see in such high numbers before the assault of vaccines. I pray we see an even steeper decline in people taking "vaccines" and especially in our children in order to let them build a strong natural immune system.

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This information is so long coming and so appreciated. Bless you and keep you safe during this time of disclosure and bringing those responsible to trial.

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It's hard to convince people of "safe and effective" when they see all the dead, sick, maimed, cancer-ridden, and repeatedly COVID infected, among the people they know personally.

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plenty of people just looking the other way, with their hands over their ears, going 'lalalalalalala'.

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