Okay, now I hate the Nobel Prize as an institution generally. Apparently, regardless of field, it's a meretricious reward for furthering the Narrative.

Are these 77 "Nobel Laureates" all whacked out on weed? Recall their prizes, and give them tetrahydrocannabavarin and rimonabant as a consolation!

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These ‘good ole boy’ laureates need more vasoline for their cluster-f*ck

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They may be IQ-enhanced but at least some of them could use testicular implants!

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These people are shameless.

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"... Alfred Nobel had a vision of a better world. He believed that people are capable of helping to improve society through knowledge, science and humanism. "


As they chose to abandon this concept then they also need to follow up that by returning their awards and being struck off the record.

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You could have just as easily named this piece 'The Best Little Whorehouse in Oslo.'

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Modern science begins with a theory and ends with a conspiracy.

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Another trend that's of concern is the ethical concept of nurses advocating for their patients. More and more the system is purging anyone who questions or adheres to established ethical (and even moral) norms dating back decades if not centuries and replacing them with indoctrinated nurses (and doctors for that matter) who are taught to follow orders (ie protocols) in a stratified top-down one-size fits all medical complex.

And it's not just in medicine we see this in other fields, trades and industries where the 'gatekeepers' and 'orders' that govern their 'guilds' so to speak are moving towards a more authoritarian model (laced with appeals to authority and emotions). Hence, we'll get a credentialed person following protocols saying they're the boss and not listening to their orders is tantamount to denying social justice. In other words, an unthinking, unwise dumbass who will follow orders like a good little, well, Nazi collecting a fat pay check.

Terrible development since Covid.

I don't know how this can be stopped and reversed.

All I know is we should do our best to avoid hospitals. Those places are no longer operating in the interest of patients. Look at Canada, we have the added ghastly feature of MAIDS which is expanding and slowly morphing into something beyond 'compassion'. We're long on compassion and short on wisdom and empathy. All functional and secular utility but no humanistic spirituality.

I've seen the mechanical soulless robots and it is us.

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You inappropriate call the gene therapy a vaccine,

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that carries protein information from DNA in the nucleus of a cell to the cytoplasm, where proteins are made. mRNA is a fundamental link between the DNA code and the cell's ability to construct a living organism

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this and the previous essay by James Lyons Weiler summarize sublimely the fact that Crimes Against Humanity have been committed, especially by those in a position of power who knew full well what the public health rules are - the U.N. Charter on Human Rights, the issues of informed consent - all of them were trampled on and the 77 Nobel Prize winners looked the other way. I hope that the Trump Administration will address this and appoint - at minimum - a Truth and Reconciliation Commission empowered to call the Fauci's, the Cuomo's and all the rest to the carpet. There will be no closure until this happens. Meanwhile, thank you, Dr. Weiler, for your excellent essays.

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You inappropriate call the gene therapy a vaccine,

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that carries protein information from DNA in the nucleus of a cell to the cytoplasm, where proteins are made. mRNA is a fundamental link between the DNA code and the cell's ability to construct a living organism

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To whom it may concern,

The following incident (s) took place in between very late in apx February of 2020... I was an employee of the Denver Rescue Mission at this time and personally witnessed the following


On two occasions, with roughly one week separating them, almost 500 men were paid in $5.00 gift cards by an organization called "Denver Health '', if they would be willing to receive vaccinations for a spinal meningitis outbreak, which never happened. As I said, I was an employee of the Denver Rescue Mission at this time, and I can tell you without any question whatsoever, that if such an outbreak occurred, every employee would have been notified via email, as well as through their supervisors and almost assuredly there would have been a mandatory staff meeting etc... None of that ever took place. Because a spinal meningitis outbreak never happened.


As the men arrived via multiple buses at the Denver Rescue Missions 48th Street Shelter (which is actually located on 48th Ave) the process is as follows. They enter the building in single file. Each man stops at the front desk so that his ID (at that time they were using or making the transition to a form of ID called a "clarity card" - which might be worth having an additional conversation about) can be scanned. Then between where all of the beds, showers and access to the smoking area is, they have to pass through an area that is not very large, where they can easily and individually be given some information and or asked a question - such as being told about a fictional spinal meningitis outbreak and offered a $5.00 gift card if they would let themselves be given a vaccination for said fictional outbreak...



Denver Health Medical Center is part of the Denver Health and Hospital Authority, abbreviated to Denver Health, an integrated health care system that consists of a main hospital, 911 response and EMS, poison and toxicology, family health centers, school based clinics, detox services, correctional care, and medical response to terrorism, mass causalities and epidemics.

The Authority is governed by an 11 member board of directors who are appointed for 5 years by the Mayor of Denver and confirmed by the City Council.

The hospital was previously a component of the Denver government under the Denver Dept of Health and Hospitals


Michael Hancock (born July 29th 1969) started his first term as Denver's Mayor in 2011 when he was 42 years old - he's presently in 3rd term as Mayor

In 2014 Hancock was named a Rodel Fellow at the Aspen Institute for reasons that are presently indiscernible and, from what I can tell, clearly “unmerited”... Except for the fact that the Bill and Melinda Gates organization is one of the main financial supporters and donors to The Aspen Institute, see what I’m getting at.

Some of the people on The Aspen Institute's Board of trustees are Henry Louis Gates Jr.

and Leonard A. Lauder

Two lifetime Board Members are'

Henry Kissinger and Leslie Wexner

ALSO: The Bill and Melinda Gates organization is one of the main financial supporters and donors to The Aspen Institute, see what I’m getting at.

Clearly, there are some very interesting dots which easily connect here...

If anyone has any questions about anything I've written, this is my email: wayfaringstranger5967@gmail.com

Phone: 541.252.0335

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