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Your grammar is as weak as your manners. It's "same low to zero" intelligence level, as "none intelligence" makes no sense.

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Your manners are worse than your grammar.

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Great - now can we start suing them for our medical bills, lost wages, etc. that came from their GOF illness?

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When did the US Senate last provide truthful information about the Deep State? It was a long time ago, probably being Sen. Frank Church's exposure, limited even then by CIA malfeasance, of the CIA's dirty deeds -- back in the 1970s.

Thus, on the "reasons why the US Senate finally agree [about a lab leak]," I have a minor grammatical disagreement, which is that "US Senate" is singular (in American English), and see a substantively different reason. Namely, the "it's a lab leak" is a sophisticated "fear the virus" psyop, one that the Deep State, including its puppets in the US Senate, is promoting.

Another Deep State middle manager, reincarnated Chicago Boy Jeffrey Sachs, whose neoliberal "shock therapy" ravaged the USSR in the 1990s, is also promoting it.

Color me suspicious.

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Ditto. It might be a way to explain the emergence of a new pandemic as I don't imagine people would just buy a new one after the last, even with the excuse of climate change.

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Leak as in "escape", or leak as in "release"? Words can be funny.

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I don’t think that the distinction matters, because the virus is as fake as the PCR test and the pandemic. But the fear, the real virus, is as real as they can make it.

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Agree on all three. But there definitely is a bioweapon being made use of, and fear is just its amplification.

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If they can sell the lie that a virus can be manipulated in a lab and made much worse then they can simply claim that whoever they wish to demonise has intentionally unleashed a virus.

They can frame this as an act of war/terrorism and use it as an excuse to lock us down, force us to take their injections and perhaps to launch a war against those they accuse.

The fear of a natural virus/gain of function virus offers the globalists a fabulous tool with which to control the gullible people.

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The US Senate?

Read "The Lat Refuge" by Sundance for the scoop on this bunch of criminals.

Me, I would need a careful examination and questioning of one group of people before I made any "determination."

The Uyghurs.

How could an unethical researcher not utilize this group for serial passage of a virus for reasons of gain of function? Sure would explain a lot, wouldn't it?

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See my March 26th post, Newsletter #1.


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is there a link? Thanks.

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click on his icon, it takes you to his substack

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Thanks. It is simply easier and more straightforward to put a link in the comment. It is a deep stack. Scrolling back to March 26 is a workout, lol.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

I believe the tell is the word natural.

Thanks for your articles and insights. You always entertain and inform. Thank you!

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Already being spun as a GOP misinformation campaign. frustrating!

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Time for you to run for President. But what party? Yikes!

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I know. I know. The Anti-Party of Evil Doers.

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My dude...what the Chinese scientist's were attempting was what we call in the Nerd community a "Jedi Mind Trick".

Dr. Pei Hao: This is not the sequence you are looking for (waves hand across the paper)...

Dr. Lyons-Weiler: That only works on the weak minded and unprepared (strokes beard). That IS the sequence I am looking for...

Dr. Pei Hao: Ummm...lets move on to another subject....

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Isn't the Jedi mind trick getting people to believe in viral infection period?

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

the pShuttle-N was "built" in 2005?

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I still think that the whole thing was a psyop.

They rebranded the flu and then created the illusion of a pandemic (a spike in deaths) by killing off lots of the frail elderly with ventilators, highly toxic anti-virals and by denying them access to other basic life extending treatment.

This is an excellent article that shows that sars-cov-1 was a con, 'the science' used to show that a new virus had been identified was a self defeating joke.

Iain Davis is an excellent investigative journalist -


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"I make mistakes, and I’m the first to admit and correct them when I can. I am honest, because science demands integrity first and have no desire or reason to mislead."

Very good, James! You can start by admitting that you erred in saying that the "U.S. Senate" agrees with the lab leak theory. This actually comes from a staff report released by Republicans on a Senate committee (not a consensus or vote of the Senate), and even then the report acknowledges there's no indisputable evidence of a leak. It also doesn't blame Fauci or the NIH, which must intensely disappoint you.


While partisan politicians are pushing the lab leak theory to attack opponents and weaken effective anti-Covid measures, scientists have increasingly pointed to strong evidence of natural origin.


Scientific matters are not settled on the Senate floor or via lawsuits, something antivax mavens and the conspiracy crowd fail to recognize.

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'weaken effective anti-Covid measures'

Like the highly toxic mRNA vaccines and the the toxin remdesivir?

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“built in 2005” oh boy.

Dr. X is right. Jedi Mind Trick: “This is not the sequence you’re looking for…”

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