"Current vaccines work well and should still be taken up by people, but our research suggests vaccines may need altering as we learn more about the virus."
Yup. Let's keep altering the "vaccine" and jabbing: wash, rinse and repeat.
Nearly all vaccines in use today have caused an increase in infections in the fully vaccinated as well as the too-young-to-be-vaccinated, by variants that cannot be stopped by prior vaccine-induced immunity. Nature always bats last.
Aliss - I agree, and this point should be made across social media. Please consider sharing this article everywhere and share your point out across SM.
"Current vaccines work well and should still be taken up by people, but our research suggests vaccines may need altering as we learn more about the virus."
Why is the above statement in the article in support of the current vaccines ??? The vaccines have not only failed, the vaccines are rushed, inadequately tested, dangerous, and driving the pandemic!
That's of course the question and why I highlighted the article so everyone can go to Twitter and elsewhere, and state that the results do not warrant the conclusion.
"Vaccine antibodies change the virus away from the extant strain. The virus then interacts with the unvaccinated, most of whom likely have antibodies to a prior strain."
[One could argue that the vaccinated thus pose a threat to the unvaccinated, jeopardizing their immunity. Or no? Immune escape would happen in any case?]
That is a perfectly reasonable conclusion. No, escape would not happen anyway, at least not as quickly; widespread multi-epitope immunity from natural immunity would prevent it. Fauci said it himself, before the vaccine: "We don't want too many people getting this, then we won't need a vaccine".
Billy: Yes, nothing can be done about it, not even by us, which is why we have to go along with it. It is clear to me that I am in hot water and have to fear that I will be shot out of my life because we speak the truth in our conversations. It has been tried 24 times so far, and FIGU core group members have been there several times and were even in danger of being shot, but fortunately they missed, but it may be that once … well, it doesn’t matter. But something else: What about the fact that the Corona epidemic is on the rise again?
Ptaah: That is an inevitable consequence of the wrong action taken with regard to the perverse orders of the state leaders who removed the compulsory requirement of wearing respirators and keeping their distance.
Billy: So mask wearing and spacing should continue to be observed.
Ptaah: That is and will continue to be required for some time, and that is that the FFP2 respirator is required to be used. So act as I have advised you, because the Corona plague is ….
Billy: … not yet over, I know that, also that the epidemic will never disappear again in such a way that it cannot claim victims again even after 1000 years, because it can just die down and suddenly come back unexpectedly, but again in a new form, because it mutates inexorably over and over again, as it could be practised artificially and will therefore continue to happen in this way. But let’s leave that alone, because the question still arises as to whether one day the truth will come out in the open as to how and why this epidemic came about artificially, precisely through laboratory work in China, whereby Mao and … were the two decisive people that the epidemic could come about on their behalf? In this regard, I don’t know what the distant future holds, because Sfath and I have not fully explored everything far enough.
Ptaah: Yes, all this is correct, but the truth will be stopped with many lies, consequently this will be covered up for a very long time and disclosure will be questionable. We do not know either, for we too have not gone far enough in this matter. For the time being, however, it should not be made known that an American and Mao are the culprits who caused the Corona plague to be produced by laboratory work, that is what I can say. However, it was not intended that this disease should spread into a pandemic, because the intention of … was to cause an epidemic in the USA as an act of revenge for … A ‘research group’ was founded some time ago to cover up the fact, insisting that bats were the original carriers of the Corona virus and had transmitted it to human beings and various animals. But this is not true, as we know very well, because this lie does not correspond to the fact. However, they do not want this to become public, so they are using all kinds of lies and means to try to pin the cause of the Corona epidemic on bats. It is convenient for the liars that flying creatures infected with the disease pathogens were released by the accident in Wuhan and have since spread the disease, not only to human beings, but also to their own kind and to various other genera and species of living beings. However, to fathom these genera and species is a very lengthy matter, so we refrain from doing further research on this.
Billy: Then it is just not determined if at all or when the whole thing will be uncovered. However, for us at FIGU, it is certain that we will abide by your advice and continue to wear the respirators and keep the distance when we meet with foreign people, like visitors.
Ptaah: That is correct, and with foreign visitors you must ensure that proof of non-infection is produced, with no more than 24 hours ago. That should continue to be the case until the Corona epidemic is very low risk of infection.
Billy: But that is still some time away, as I know from my time with Sfath.
Ptaah: About which, however, you are not to divulge any further information.
Billy: I don’t have that in mind, but I can say that at least in the early days of the epidemic, the vaccine thing was a hoax and countless human beings fell for it and also died because of it. As I know, it is also still the case today that the immune system is largely, not solely, the factor that determines whether the human being falls ill or dies from the epidemic. If you, as a doctor, can say something about the immune system for once, I am sure it would be instructive for all those who read our talk reports?
... What follows is a detailed explanation of the immune system together with necessary vitamins and precautionary behavior to prevent infection.
"Current vaccines work well and should still be taken up by people, but our research suggests vaccines may need altering as we learn more about the virus."
Yup. Let's keep altering the "vaccine" and jabbing: wash, rinse and repeat.
vaccine...vaccine escape...ka-ching!
rinse and repeat
Drug dealers in lab coats. 🤔
Nearly all vaccines in use today have caused an increase in infections in the fully vaccinated as well as the too-young-to-be-vaccinated, by variants that cannot be stopped by prior vaccine-induced immunity. Nature always bats last.
Aliss - I agree, and this point should be made across social media. Please consider sharing this article everywhere and share your point out across SM.
"Current vaccines work well and should still be taken up by people, but our research suggests vaccines may need altering as we learn more about the virus."
Why is the above statement in the article in support of the current vaccines ??? The vaccines have not only failed, the vaccines are rushed, inadequately tested, dangerous, and driving the pandemic!
That's of course the question and why I highlighted the article so everyone can go to Twitter and elsewhere, and state that the results do not warrant the conclusion.
"Vaccine antibodies change the virus away from the extant strain. The virus then interacts with the unvaccinated, most of whom likely have antibodies to a prior strain."
[One could argue that the vaccinated thus pose a threat to the unvaccinated, jeopardizing their immunity. Or no? Immune escape would happen in any case?]
That is a perfectly reasonable conclusion. No, escape would not happen anyway, at least not as quickly; widespread multi-epitope immunity from natural immunity would prevent it. Fauci said it himself, before the vaccine: "We don't want too many people getting this, then we won't need a vaccine".
Fron BEAM Contact Report 813 (https://theyflyblog.com/2022/07/american-soldiers-already-fighting-in-ukraine/):
Billy: Yes, nothing can be done about it, not even by us, which is why we have to go along with it. It is clear to me that I am in hot water and have to fear that I will be shot out of my life because we speak the truth in our conversations. It has been tried 24 times so far, and FIGU core group members have been there several times and were even in danger of being shot, but fortunately they missed, but it may be that once … well, it doesn’t matter. But something else: What about the fact that the Corona epidemic is on the rise again?
Ptaah: That is an inevitable consequence of the wrong action taken with regard to the perverse orders of the state leaders who removed the compulsory requirement of wearing respirators and keeping their distance.
Billy: So mask wearing and spacing should continue to be observed.
Ptaah: That is and will continue to be required for some time, and that is that the FFP2 respirator is required to be used. So act as I have advised you, because the Corona plague is ….
Billy: … not yet over, I know that, also that the epidemic will never disappear again in such a way that it cannot claim victims again even after 1000 years, because it can just die down and suddenly come back unexpectedly, but again in a new form, because it mutates inexorably over and over again, as it could be practised artificially and will therefore continue to happen in this way. But let’s leave that alone, because the question still arises as to whether one day the truth will come out in the open as to how and why this epidemic came about artificially, precisely through laboratory work in China, whereby Mao and … were the two decisive people that the epidemic could come about on their behalf? In this regard, I don’t know what the distant future holds, because Sfath and I have not fully explored everything far enough.
Ptaah: Yes, all this is correct, but the truth will be stopped with many lies, consequently this will be covered up for a very long time and disclosure will be questionable. We do not know either, for we too have not gone far enough in this matter. For the time being, however, it should not be made known that an American and Mao are the culprits who caused the Corona plague to be produced by laboratory work, that is what I can say. However, it was not intended that this disease should spread into a pandemic, because the intention of … was to cause an epidemic in the USA as an act of revenge for … A ‘research group’ was founded some time ago to cover up the fact, insisting that bats were the original carriers of the Corona virus and had transmitted it to human beings and various animals. But this is not true, as we know very well, because this lie does not correspond to the fact. However, they do not want this to become public, so they are using all kinds of lies and means to try to pin the cause of the Corona epidemic on bats. It is convenient for the liars that flying creatures infected with the disease pathogens were released by the accident in Wuhan and have since spread the disease, not only to human beings, but also to their own kind and to various other genera and species of living beings. However, to fathom these genera and species is a very lengthy matter, so we refrain from doing further research on this.
Billy: Then it is just not determined if at all or when the whole thing will be uncovered. However, for us at FIGU, it is certain that we will abide by your advice and continue to wear the respirators and keep the distance when we meet with foreign people, like visitors.
Ptaah: That is correct, and with foreign visitors you must ensure that proof of non-infection is produced, with no more than 24 hours ago. That should continue to be the case until the Corona epidemic is very low risk of infection.
Billy: But that is still some time away, as I know from my time with Sfath.
Ptaah: About which, however, you are not to divulge any further information.
Billy: I don’t have that in mind, but I can say that at least in the early days of the epidemic, the vaccine thing was a hoax and countless human beings fell for it and also died because of it. As I know, it is also still the case today that the immune system is largely, not solely, the factor that determines whether the human being falls ill or dies from the epidemic. If you, as a doctor, can say something about the immune system for once, I am sure it would be instructive for all those who read our talk reports?
... What follows is a detailed explanation of the immune system together with necessary vitamins and precautionary behavior to prevent infection.