From the detailed analysis of just the known and declared lab issues seems to me the Deep State just work around all obstacles that common sense reveals is required with regard to safety measures. There should be no allowance for sloppy lab procedures and using less bio-secure classified labs for maximum safety requirements. Why not have max security health and security for all bio work labs anywhere in the world. NWO seems to now run the world so should not be an issue now in demanding a mass world wide upgrade in each and every bio-lab in the world...unless of course deep state wants a leak for whatever purpose their political masters require. Unfortunately even audits seem to have their own agendas when it comes to politics, strict safety and commercial persuasion.

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Yep, ‘the intentional misuse of these organisms by terrorists’ would be Big Pharma use in their injections (vaccines)!!! There is no way to ‘release’ a virus as they do not fly. They are not alive to know to do anything. But man-made versions can certainly be injected...

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The ‘releases’ listed were all for the purpose of fear-mongering. Period. GOF does need to stop as we do not need to fund their (big pharma/medicine) research and their $ubsequent jabs...

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Hhs needs to be split up decentralized distributed accross states and shrunk to less than 1 quarter of what they are now.

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Sounds like #PlanB to me :)

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A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. Edward R. Murrow

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Personally I’m not concerned about terrorists releasing organisms into the public, First we have the Plandemic and you can look up event 201 that suspiciously talks about a pandemic right before it happens? And then we get the ocean containers that can’t get offloaded in California? Driver shortages? And right now in America all kinds of accidental spills and explosions are happening in the same time frame and nobody seems to be making a connection.....is it ALL just a big coincidence that food processing plants have caught on fire? Train derailments of harmful chemicals burning? Manufacturing plants all of a sudden exploding at the same time??? In January of 2023 all of a sudden nobody’s chickens are hatching eggs? People have found they are putting hormones like birth control in the chicken feed. Thank God some people are realizing there is an agenda going on.

5G = penta gram


They put all the wiring and components in schools, hospitals and airports while the SHUT down was going on!!!!! It has not been turned on yet!!!

The CIA is the one that coined the term CONSPIRACY THEORY so nobody would question the Kennedy assassination.

Isn’t that interesting?

No folks it’s NOT a coincidence. Or maybe you are a coincidence theorist? LOL

Is it a coincidence that Joe Biden signed a bill for crypto currency recently? Artificial intelligence going up in grocery stores?

And before that Bill Gates (former computer nerd) turned vaccine pusher (and no he does not have a medical degree folks) to largest farmland owner in America????

Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab wants everyone to eat ze bugs?

Monsanto the chemical company that makes terminator seeds and puts insecticide inside the seeds so the bugs don’t eat it but it’s ok for human consumption????

And Microsoft comes out with a patent to make cryptocurrency off of human body movement called 666 right before the plandemic???


NO!!! It’s NOT a coincidence folks!! These people are evil!!!

And it’s spoken about in the Bible!!!!!

Read it!!!!

Revelation 13:16-17

King James Version

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Seek Jesus Christ NOW before it’s too late!!!


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Let's talk more about the idea of an Independent Citizen’s Commission. We need to tend in that direction to create a true, just democracy. How is the first commission selected/elected? From a pool, as with jury selection? (I've always felt that I would be better off with any one of my redneck neighbors as my representative than with most of the cretans who seek office. As long as he can't sell the power of his vote/decision.... ) One more thought: if medical patents were not offered for vaccines, Big Pharma would want to develop new vaccines and therefore would not want to fund GoF research. Do we also want a moratorium (or rather a cessation) on issuing patents for vaccines?

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