Excellent article. I sent your article around to various contacts. A couple of the Democrats that I sent it to will lose their minds because they are completely blind to left wing authoritarianism. They only see Trump authoritarianism and regard themselves as the great defenders of freedom. They have zero ability to see what their own party is doing unfortunately.

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Same. It's try mind boggling how blinded.

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Hotez's own daughter has autism. He has dedicated a whole book to denying it was caused by childhood vaccination.

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Can't make it up🤮

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Poignant comparison

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Thank you so much for highlighting lessons from history, James. Yes, it is happening here. You might appreciate my recent blog post on this subject where I reflect on this situation as a college professor (albeit on her way out, it looks like) and ex-pat from Austria: "Not in my Name: I am leaving my shoes at the door."https://babsislivingsystemsexplorations.substack.com/p/not-in-my-name-i-am-leaving-my-shoes"

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John Howard, the PM who took the guns of Australians, was in Washington DC the night of 9/11 for those of a conspirational bent.

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off not of, although both sort of apply.

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