You guys are the best.
We asked you if we should do coupons, and you said "NO! Your courses are already too inexpensive!"
And we love you for that.
Here's the deal. We have so many new courses that we need to find out what our enrollment is really going to be like. And sometimes coupons lead to early bird enrollees.
So, we made some coupons - you can use any that suits you best - and that will help us get ahead of enrollments and let our instructors know.
PLUS via this notice, we're sending you a link to our DRAFT COURSE CATALOG.
So take a little time, look over the catalog, and use any of the coupons that apply. Coupons are non-transferrable outside of eligibility criteria. SOME OF THESE COUPONS EXPIRE JUNE 30th, 2022 so...
Coupon 1. Customer Feedback Request. Like our courses? Think we can do better? Other thoughts to share? Send us feedback and we'll send you a coupon code for 10% off. Send an email to info@ipak-edu.org, subject line "Feedback". Mention the course, the instructor, what you liked and what we can do better. Offer expires 6/30/2022. Valid where valid, same for all below. (“Meh” does not count as feedback).
Coupon 2. Veterans Discount. If you're a veteran of any armed forces, you've earned 10% off your next - and every - course registration. COUPON CODE AT CHECKOUT: VET10 NEVER EXPIRES. Like our admiration and respect for you.
Coupon 3. Age Wins! So you're no longer 50. or 55. Or even 60. But youth seems like yesterday. Life throws crap at all of us. For all the crap you've endured and stayed loving enough to care enough to learn, take 25% off your next and every course at IPAK-EDU. COUPON CODE AT CHECKOUT: AGEWINS NEVER EXPIRES. Like the warm feelings in our hearts about you.
Coupon 4. Repeat Offender Discount. If you have enrolled in FOUR or more courses at IPAK-EDU in the past, you deserve a break. Have a RepeatOffender discount of 10%. COUPON CODE AT CHECKOUT: GUILTYASCHARGED (PS this one is on the honor system for now... don't make us come back there!) Never Expires. A lifetime of good stuff at a discount. BONUS!
COUPON 5. IPAKEDU INSTRUCTOR. If you currently teach or have taught a course at IPAK-EDU, or if you are 1st degree blood relative (or adopter/adoptee) of any IPAK-EDU Instructor, you just might need a break, so use this code for access to any and all courses. (Proof of purchase of an IPAK-EDU Instructor not required. However, we might just ask your "relative" so please be certain about who you are related to and how. (We have a course on that: Genetics!). COUPON CODE AT CHECKOUT: BAILMONEY Never Expires. Like we said, you'll probably need it.
Coupon 6. I'll Stand on My Head at the Mall and Bark for IPAK-EDU for 1 hour. Send us a video of you lauding the virtues of IPAK-EDU as wildly superior to every other form of higher learning... free courses for life. Yes, you can also extol our virtues. Yes, you have to stand on your head. No, we're not liable for any medical or legal expenses you might incur. Yes, you may improvise, but self-immolation voids the offer.
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IPAK-EDU (Education) -