
This Has Been A 100 Year War

On Natural Immunity.

It Is High Time Someone Declare Victory

For Natural Immunity

And End This War.


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A War I can understand. But I don't this is primarily that. I think this more equates to commercial enterprises competing for market share, at least in the short run. Although there likely exists a fringe minority in the top 0.01% who believe in a mandate to make the world in their image. Ugh! As if life wasn't hard enough.

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I agree!!!

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check out a petition at citizengo.org..defend your freedom NOW stop the uns pandemic treaty before its signed..read it carefullt to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signedand reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours..that said dont waste your time resharing it on you tube/twitter/facebook/. who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..however there are many alternatives that can be used..it currently has over 226000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it also by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked you in this post..in closing for the news that msm wont tell you check out the expose

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the Senate approval process if going to be one heck of a shit show. you know the captured pols and their pharma lobbyists will be pulling out all the stops to block this appointment!

every one needs to start writing to their senators NOW.

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you mean 4 yrs ago

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These are all very bad ideas. Too centralized. Too much single sourced control. All throughout covid nonsense, state board of health and local boards would not comment, look at (even their own state’s) data, read submitted research nor even entertain any discussion or review of pertinent materials. All they would do is robotically respond ‘we follow cdc’. For one example, the situation in NYC was absolutely different from thousands of other cities, far, far more deaths and hardship, thus policy should be localized, not centralized. WHO wants central control and these policies will just help it along.

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I practiced chiropractic for 30 years in a small (~250K) city. When I started in the 1980s, the local health department was largely autonomous and provided a fairly good safety net of volunteer and some subsidized medical services for poor patients who “fell through the cracks.”

Over the years, the Federal government became more involved using a rabbit-trap tactic of federal grants, which came with escalating requirements for federal certifications and inspections, until eventually almost the entire budget of the local agency came from the federal government, but the amount of administrative work required to maintain the funding consumed all the funding received. In the meantime, providers who’d long provided services on an ad-hoc basis at the request of the health department were no longer considered acceptable, as they were not certified for participation and balked at the paperwork and training requirements. Who wants to spend hours on meaningless paperwork and content-free training in order to qualify to give one’s services away?

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I absolutely oppose centralized public health. Federal level activity in the realm of public health should focus on protecting our God-given right to make our own informed decisions and serving as a watchdog over scientific activity, ensuring the highest level of integrity, transparency, and ethical process. The Constitution did not give health care to the federal government, therefore it is a matter in the jurisdiction of the states or the people. But the massive mess made by the captured federal agencies requires a massive cleanup. I support a phased approach that includes federal employees educated in MAHA principles providing guidance at the state level for a limited period. The entire public health system has been taught to blindly obey federal guidance. This has to be undone. A system based on our republic foundation of checks and balances must replace this blind obedience. This will keep public health guidance honest, ethical, in control of the people in each state, as it should be.

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You read my mind... :)

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