I hope your app doesn't suffer the same fate as childhood breathing monitors. They seem to have been pulled off the market after parents saw that babies were stopping breathing after their vaccinations...I remember when they were pushed, mid to late 1970's, when 'SIDS' was falsly propegated in place of discussing vax injuries to kids. It seems you are employing a 'wake up' type strategy here, so I applaud it anyway. Watch who freaks out, it will be Shizer and Murderna et al.

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The Owlet is still on market to monitor breathing/oxygen levels...someone should collect that data from the mothers using it. Show the changes in oxygen levels post-‘well visits’...Colorful infographics that are easy to understand will reach many mothers. Pinterest is great for sharing images like this.

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I think the money should be spent replicating the results by another independent team. It is too early for an app I think.

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The results are just math - and the spreadsheets are published with the papers.

That's transparency.

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Too early?? More like decades late. We’ve known injected aluminum was neuro-damaging for a LONG time. Look up Chris Shaw’s papers. Been documenting since the Gulf War!

Aluminum adjuvant linked to Gulf War illness induces motor neuron death in mice https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17114826/

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If possible, aluminum toxicity in adults(especially the multi-dose flu vaccine) and leading to AD-should be explored. Am I asking for too much?

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interesting idea!

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yes! Definite link. Good idea!

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I still have all the aluminum toxicity charts from both of my grandchildren dating back 20 year plus.

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Great idea! I pray you get a large investor right away! I also pray this can be replicated with Mercury! OOH RAA, Semper Fi, God Bless, and AMEN!!!

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This is awesome. I want to start at least a proof of concept for a system that would allow people to be able to step through the evolution of vaccine schedules nation by nation year by year and then simply tie reported rates of chronic conditions to it. But it be awesome to drill in and see something like cumulative aluminum

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Like an up to date ‘lifetime burden’ odometer…

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oooh...interesting. I would love to see how nations differ in terms of aluminum, mercury content. The year by year comparisons would also be hugely educational for many. People of the boomer generation have no concept of how much things have changed since they were kids. Might want to separate vets out. They get so many the public doesn’t.

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Then fund another group to repeat the math and also all measurement procedures of Alum in the different vxns...etc, everything. Few studies are not enough.

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By us funding another group to do this, they would not be independent.

Anyone can validate our results by downloading the spreadsheets, based on CDC's schedule and the manufacturers' published aluminum doses per vial.

Remember, in 2018, there was no pediatric dose limit of aluminum in vaccines. Our first study established PDL. That's been cited widely (see Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=4799231877982959601&as_sdt=80000005&sciodt=0,23&hl=en) Meanwhile, CDC does nothing re: the injection of aluminum at doses that exceed the PDL. Let's have conversations between parents and pediatricians about their proposed injections. If there is not enough science for the app, there surely is not enough science to use the vaccine schedule WITHOUT the app!!

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You are right 100%, but still needs replication somehow. Finding a team interested to do it and help them raise the funds. Really, few studied by the same team is not gonna cut it. You will be wasting money now on the app. You need enough science. If they are mistaken, that doesn't mean other should repeat their mistake.

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You do not know that we'll be wasting the money on the app. That's speculation on your part. Also we could have used your help when we were fundraising to get the first studies done calling for more science as you do. The fact is we have performed the analysis and published it three times. It's all open access. There is literally nothing to be replicated. When the CDC updates the schedule by adding or removing an aluminum vaccine then perhaps someone else can take up the charge of redoing the calculations. This apple actually allow our results to be replicated hopefully thousands and thousands of times, ironically.

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Ps, have you read the three studies that we published? Or are you simply saying that something should be replicated because that's what you think should be said at this time? If you have any specific questions about the three studies that we published, please let me know.

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ugh. Don’t listen to this person/stress about their commentary. Their comments make no sense. Math is math.

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Hi James,

I'd prefer it be an app for researchers or activists who want to demonstrate how the vaccine program is poisoning humanity. In my opinion, the only reason to give it to parents is to show that children are being poisoned by vaccines and therefore kids should never be vaccinated (maybe this is the goal?). There's also the mercury component - flu vax has mercury in it. This app - in theory - could also show mercury exposure. Perhaps even show the other chemicals in vaccines and how much are being given to children. And, perhaps a special mention about the HPV vax since it is a different kind of (proprietary) aluminum used as the adjuvant.

Speaking of toxicity, the zeolite based detox spray I've been promoting for nearly three years removes mercury from the body, and aluminum. And other metals. And other poisons. It'd be a great product to offer to your audience. You can take a look right here (science + screen captured testimonials + $5 offer / free shipping on first order):


Happy to explain on the phone if you want to learn more James. It's a great product! That really works. >>> larry@larrydcook.com



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I have read the studies, and they helped me make a very important decision for my little one that caused the pediatrician in an indirect way to ask us in a very nice way not to come back.

Just saying studies should be repeated with totally different researchers.

Thank you for your replies.

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I’d be concerned the app wouldn’t be allowed on the App Store. Great idea though!

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Brilliant. Really. Mothers need to see this.

How much $ do you need to get it off the ground?

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This is a wonderful idea Dr Lyons-Weiler and I really hope it becomes widely used. I just hope it can be promoted amongst parents and not just the ones already sceptical of some vaccines.

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