Help Us Build the Aluminum App! AlumTox App Drive
We're building an App that will calculate the number of days, weeks and months that children will be in aluminum toxicity on their doctor's recommended vaccine schedules
We have three peer-reviewed publications showing 1) the FDA never published a pediatric dose limit for aluminum in vaccines; 2) that in the first year of life, children on the CDC vaccine schedule spend 100% of their days in whole-body aluminum toxicity; 3) that using non-aluminum options reduces whole-body toxicity; 4) that spacing aluminum-containing vaccines reduces whole-body toxicity; 5) that Dr. Paul Thomas’ Vaccine Friendly Plan reduces the % of days in aluminum toxicity in the first year of life to <5% of days.
These remarkable research studies were truly well-received by the anonymous peer reviewers, one of whom congratulated us for having the “audacity to take on the FDA”.
We have FINALLY found a professional software development team willing to develop an app that will allow parents to plug in the doctor’s recommended next well-child visit vaccines and determine, for an individual child, the statistic %AlumTox under the CDC’s recommended schedule, and any alternative schedule they would like to simulate.
The App will provide %AlumTox for specified time periods for the alternative schedules.
I’m investing $9,000 of IPAK-EDU’s hard-earned funding in this venture, and I think it’s a good idea to ask if people want to help kickstart this with a gift to IPAK-EDU.
People who pitch in will be able to test-drive the app at no cost.
Imagine the conversations that will take place between well-informed parents and their doctors - all backed by peer-reviewed studies conducted by IPAK!
Lyons-Weiler, J, G McFarland, E La Joie. 2020. Impact of catch-up vaccination on aluminum exposure due to new laws and post social distancing. J Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 62:126649. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126649.
McFarland, G, E La Joie, P Thomas and J Lyons-Weiler. 2020. Acute Exposure and Chronic Retention of Aluminum in Three Vaccine Schedules and Effects of Genetic and Environmental Variation. J Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 58:126444.
Lyons-Weiler, J and R. Ricketson. 2018. Reconsideration of the Immunotherapeutic Pediatric Safe Dose Levels of Aluminum. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 48:67-73.
If possible, aluminum toxicity in adults(especially the multi-dose flu vaccine) and leading to AD-should be explored. Am I asking for too much?
I hope your app doesn't suffer the same fate as childhood breathing monitors. They seem to have been pulled off the market after parents saw that babies were stopping breathing after their vaccinations...I remember when they were pushed, mid to late 1970's, when 'SIDS' was falsly propegated in place of discussing vax injuries to kids. It seems you are employing a 'wake up' type strategy here, so I applaud it anyway. Watch who freaks out, it will be Shizer and Murderna et al.