Is this why we don't see Covid-19 positive cases/deaths or vax adverse events data by race and Hispanic-origin, even when vital statistics of births and deaths, disability and census data are commonly provided by race and ethnicity?

Do I hear FOIA?

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I can't believe it's taken this long (4+ yrs) for this to get mentioned publically🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I appreciate that you are a scientist. But perhaps you have not been following political news of the Middle East. The U.S. has been funding research into bioweapons in Israel for many years, dating back (at least, and probably further) to the first Gulf War of 1991. They're not seeing much success since through the millenia humans have traveled and shared cultures throughout the globe; in doing so, they also have shared their genes. The Israelis are clearly not immune. Their excessive death rate is so high (because of their greed to buy 4-5 shots for every Jewish man, woman, and child in a special agreement with Pfizer turning their population into a horrifying test case) that they don't even report their excessive death rate. But it is high. Pre-pandemic their population was 9 million; it is now down to 6.8 million. Some of that is due to Israelis giving up and emigrating elsewhere. The population may be lower, given the hidden death rate.

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I sent alarms out over the people of Israel being sold out the Pfizer in real time, as it was happening. I was "Fact-Checked" over it, as per usual: when you're ahead of the pack, you sound looney.

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Had this argument just this Sunday at a gathering of friends and of course politics came up and I suggested only person I know that I would support and was Robert F Kennedy Jr and they all started laughing and one guy next to me said no I can’t what he said about the Jews I asked him what did he say about the Jews then spouted the article in the ny post said I said it’s false absolutely false I told him what he really did say and can send them the literature and thePubMed citation article on the genetics ofthe Covid to19 virus this is why this is important I’m bringing this up because Robert F Kennedy Dr Was on top of this smear campaign came right out and I got an email about it and I looked into it and I posted it on my Facebook but if I didn’t I don’t read the NY post I wouldn’t have any argument ammunition to counter what was said because I wouldn’t know anything about the statement that is why it’s key that NOT only Kennedy has great information but know what your opposition is saying so you can refute it in the timing proper manner Destruct their argument so we are going to be the soldiers on the front line because you’re not gonna hear much of it in the mass media except for smearing him a and vilifying him so kudos to John F. Kennedy Jr to be on top of it and posting it to his followers

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You can give your friends gift subscriptions to Popular Rationalism - remember, access to the articles is and will remain free!

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Will absolutely do that Dr Jack will be careful to pick those that would take the time to read your and others informative articles 👍

PS Im reading more now than I ever did in school 😊

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RFK Jr has back peddled on all issues after being confronted by the far left/media!!!

He can’t even battle the media and acts like a coward when confronted. If he can’t handle and maintain his positions with the media proves he will be a coward in the government.

I’m done with him as he’s just another Marxist now!!!

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RU- Please give 2-3 examples on the back peddled issues.

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I have been following RFK jr since 2014 and 'coward' is the one thing he is DEFINITELY NOT! Marxist? seriously? it must be 'opposites day'.

are you actually listening/reading what HE says, or just what OTHERS are saying ABOUT him? your comment is literally the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he says & is!

so how about YOU back up your claims with primary source documentation because the only opinion/position changes I have heard from him in nearly a decade are very subtle ones, as newer data/info has come in.

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You misspelled "back-pedaled." Also, "the media" is actually "CIA-influenced corporate media." RFK Jr. is no coward, and definitely no Marxist, and today's news reporters are mostly propagandists.

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People give themselves away as emotional leftists/sociopath bullies when they worry about spelling and can’t generalize. People are busy working and ain’t wasting time pondering generalized comments spelling and punctuation. Waste of time engaging in rigid personalities.

RFK Jr has changed and softened his stances on anything against Marxist ideology. It’s all in his tweets if you read them and are objective.

He can’t stand up for his own stances to the people /media= coward!!!!

He’s not a blue-dog old democrat anymore. He’s just another weak democrat politician!!!

Anyone who has not seen that is not paying attention or blinded with their subjective feelings.

Many are one issue voters over the vax and you will regret your vote later.

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Sorry. Didn't mean to post that last bit. Race doesn't exist biologically. It's a social concept. The brouhaha about Kennedy's comments is a warning by the DNC for him not to criticize Israel in his anti-war stance and to continue our genocidal support of Israel's policies breaking international law to take possession of all of Palestine. The state of Israel is not sustainable. But again, our whole species doesn't appear to be sustainable either. Israel won't release their current excessive death rate. Most Israelis are European so this whole business is absurd. But the COVID Pandemic was political, not biological. FYI, China is multi-ethnic. It's not a monolith. And neither is Israel. I haven't read the above story in detail yet, so forgive me if I'm totally off-the-wall. But this criticism of Kennedy is politics, the same politics that destroyed Bernie Sanders' run...twice.

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You deny existence of the 50 yard dash, the Marathon, and genetic variation within "our species" (or dogs, cats, horses, etc.)?

And Israeli population has really dropped that much during the covid era?

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Blood type has been a key from the beginning… I’m O+…Never got the gene therapy shots or Covid-19.

Faith over fear. If you choose to live in the spiritual paradigm frequencies, you awaken to your true authentic self.

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Yes. The Israeli population has dropped that much. Much of it (I think) is due to Israelis leaving the country to settle elsewhere. But some is death. A lot of it is their very low reproduction rate--it's now 1.8% which is not sustainable. The Palestinian rate is 2.2% which is why the Israelis shoot children in the head with no provocation. For every individual Israeli killed in this conflict, TEN Palestinians are killed. But the Israelis are still very threatened by their birth rate.

Not being an athlete, I don't understand your reference to the 50-yard dash or the Marathon. However, there is plenty of genetic variation in our species, for sure. Short of testing the blood for DNA of every single person on the planet, I prefer looking at history and the mixing of cultures, the transmigration of peoples. So if you look at 23 and Me, you will find some "Caucasians" who have more "African" genetics than their "Black" neighbors. Not that I think those genetic testing services are very accurate. I have read that all goats are related to 5-6 individuals. If you look at the movement of goats, you can put a goat on a small raft at one part of the year off the coast of Madagascar and the currents will carry it all the way to Micronesia. Put it on that raft six months later and it'll end back up in Madagascar. If you look at the history of the Middle East, Europeans and Middle Easterners have been moving back and forth for centuries. The Scots include in their genetic heritage the genes of a Syrian princess. The Brits have loads of Roman genetics, as well as Scandinavian, and Picts, et al. My British heritage started out in France. Genghis Khan's military actually ruled and intermarried with Persians for 300 years. And if you look at cultural artifacts from 1200 A.D. you will find startling similarities in architecture, design, rugs, etc. Look at the languages and you can find evidence of all the cultural mixing that has gone on. Tsai in Chinese is Chai in Persia and The in France and Tea in England. People intermarry (or not) and have children together. I have read that blue eyes come from one person's genes mutating. How you could possibly think one group is distinct from another genetically, if you know history, is beyond me. You can see the intermixing in Arab music which started in India, moved through the Middle East to Spain. From Spain it traveled to South and Central America. Same thing with poetry. Look at the movement of the tomato or the potato or horses. Or, for that matter, the movement of East Asians to the Western United States and throughout the Plains to the East Coast. We call these people Native Americans.

Of course there is genetic variation. Without it you end up with all kinds of problems and eventually die out. That's why we're sexually dimorphic. Cloned individuals' genes will not be biologically sustainable for very many generations. Not proven but look at the result of the intermarrying of the Amish. It's really problematic and that's only a few centuries.

I am mixed-race so I have watched this issue for many decades now. I don't deny genetic variation. I celebrate it. Between my four siblings and I, there are very noticeable variations in our genes. Our kids look nothing like each other at all. We do have "hybrid vigor". My experience of COVID was actually a welcome few days in bed. And then I killed off the pneumonia with colloidal silver, kyolic garlic, and Vitamin C in 36 hours. One branch of my family may have been Chinese 1300 years ago, but it's pretty watered down at this point. My genetics come from every continent so how are you going to create a bioweapon to kill me? Officially I'm Eurasian but if you look at my genealogy you will find connections throughout the world, except maybe Australia/New Zealand because of the way peoples before me intermarried and traveled the world. And I don't think I'm unique. I think this is true of most people alive today. I don't care what "color" their skin is. Iranians have quite a lot of East Asian genes thanks to Genghis Khan's men, but they were ravaged by COVID. I think that had more to do with the intention of the people who spread the vaccine around and their adoption of 5G which seriously weakens your immune system.

And, yes. Before the Pandemic Israel supposedly had a population of 9 million. The government still claims many of the people who have left. But the last official count I have seen was 6.8 million; the same number as Palestinians still on Palestinian land (in which I include all of Israel). I have no idea if I have the genes that would protect me from COVID but I don't think it worth my time to be tested and find out. Also, I don't want to share that information, given the direction this world is rotating.

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Was great to find this just now! Thank you! I wonder if there is any research available listing the affinity of various different ethnic groups in more detailed way...

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This analysis applies to the pre-Omcron strains of SARS Cov-2, which did firmly bind the human ACE-2 receptors, a completely new trick for any virus ever.

It does not apply to Omicron and subsequent strains.

It does apply to the spike-protein created after accepting gene-therapy mRNA and viral-vector DNA "vaccine products".

Agreed "race" is a "construct", especially "Caucasian", which was created to include hispanics with "white" people, so as to implement desegregation by putting blacks and Mexicans together in certain Texas schools.

Genetic heritage is genetic heritage, though.

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Zuess wants Kucinich to dump RFK over what RFK said. So interesting to see this and that at the same time. I've been less than impressed by Zuess' work of late.


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"Just in case anyone like CNN was wondering..."

No, they are not. They are intellectually dishonest and scientifically ignorant fasco-Marxist idiots, just like the a-holes at Rolling Stone mag that are dissing those who are against child trafficking (nice you work, RS a-holes; just like your article on that sports team sexually assaulting women (fake news) or the even better one on people lined up in Tulsa OK for ivermectin overdoses... only they were too STUPID to know that the people were lined up in winter parkas IN TULSA IN AUGUST. Worse Dr. Chris Martenson, PhD in pathology, Duke Univ. looked at ALL the literature on ivermectin, and found ZERO deaths, incl one woman who took 100x the dose trying to kill herself.

I normally don't use curse words, but my a$$hole literally has more dignity than they do.

Next question.

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Great find! How can i get my own ACE2 content catalogued?

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