Creating markets with the blood and tears of human being . . . Somehow you gotta create demand for those Test Tube baby services . Uk main export is eugenics after all.

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Shiny Happy People doc outlines Duggars push to procreate+, then ya got Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet's viewpoint about mixed DNA delivered with intent to confuse gender... thru history, so many generations have yearned to cleanse earth's population and whittle it to their desired brand. Humans are this stupid.

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The elite list of this fallen world are bored with their luxurious lifestyles and want something different....they working alongside the media, including the mainstream news and pedophile/satanic Hollywood are sterilizing children and convincing them and lost parents that they can choose their gender when that is an outright lie. God made only 2 genders man and woman. The satanic left made the rest.

They are sexualizing children so the elite can call it love when it is lust of their flesh that is never quenched...and they get more sick and twisted as they go deeper and deeper into the satanic realm until their minds are sealed with a hot iron (a reprobate mind) and they can no longer be brought back to normalcy. All flesh is born into sin and that is what everyone is missing. Even churches nowadays don’t talk about the sun nature we are all born into.

So they accept these deviant lifestyles slowly.

If you look up the word “sodomy” in etymology you will find the origins go back to the most sinful city that ever existed....the city of Sodom in the Bible.

God said if there were even 10 righteous people living there he would NOT destroy it....but there weren’t.

The whole town including adult men and children surrounded Lot’s house and demanded to have sex with the 2 angels that came to get Lot and his family out of town before God destroyed it!!!!

The city of Sodom accepted pedophilia and beastiality....and all of the town except Lot and his family accepted it as normal.

There is a spirit of Anti/Christ pushing an agenda working through the lost slowly slowly slowly getting people to accept this un-natural evil ways.

Remember when bi-sexual Barack Obama (yes Michelle is a man) put the gay rainbow colors on the whitehouse accepting gay marriage?

Then they wanted children.....then they wanted to transgenderism, then they wanted teaching young children homosexual book readings in libraries, now they want to change the name “pedophile” to “minor attracted person” now they want children to decide if they are not a boy or a girl, when children don’t even know what sex is!!!!! Step by step by step and now beastiality is legal in Canada!!!

When will Americans wake up???

It’s happening NOW praise God!!!!

People are finally starting to see the satanic anti-Christ agenda and saying NO!!!

Not the children!!!!

For an adult to do these things is one thing but to push this on children???? Is just plain sick, twisted and evil!!!!

God is exposing the filth!!! And soon Disney will go down forever!!! An earthquake is coming and will expose them for what they have been hiding for years!!! Praise God!!!

In Jesus Holy Name I pray!!


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Do not assume that adults who get gender reassigned are doing it of their “free will”. They are lied to, brainwashed, into a cult, complete with enforcers, a new cult name, and government owned psychologists whose first loyalty is to the government not the patient.

Ecclesiasticus 37:13-16

For a man's mind is sometime wont to tell him more than seven watchmen, that sit above in an high tower.”

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I must add to my post these disturbing facts;

1- The government approved psychologist encourages the separation of the subjects life before and after inclusion in the cult membership by separating them from their previous life with a name change AND A SEX change.

2- The government then requires legal document changes to “legal name”, “legal sex”, “SSN ssn & sex &name”, “International passport”, “driver license ID legal sex & name”, “birth certificate sex & name”.

3- THE greatest corruption is that the Medical industry and doctors are then required to treat males and females as the opposite of their actual sex despite the fact that men and women have a wide difference of attributes both physical, hormonal, innate sexual characteristics, mental sexual attributes.


It is not a surprise that medical doctors and other personal give up caring for the “interests” of their patients. The “first do no harm” maxim no longer applies to “these people”. Furthermore, the real problems resulting from physical castration are ignored, the hormone balance failure, social isolation, family cohesion, bone density and thyroid failure, , weakened immune systems, continuing and recurring physical medical issues resulting from the castration surgery that require follow up surgerys.


Sex exchange IS A LIE!

It is a willful corruption of the ethics of the health care industry and societal foundation’s of cultures throughout western civilization.

The Metamorphoses of Ovid were meant to give audiences entertainment and imagination into the minds and motivations of the gods. They were always fantasy story telling, no one has ever grown roots and become a “tree”.

Men being made EUNUCHS is a very real EPIDEMIC and growing health problem in America, Canada, England. We need to stop the practice before more lives of innocent men are sacrificed and martyred on the pyre of tyranny.

I apologize for not mentioning the butchery of women here as well at the hands of these “doctors”. Crimes worthy of Josef Mengele the “Angel of Death” and his ilk.

I am saddened, and angry that these atrocities are being done to us.

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Thank you for this thought provoking essay.

People of faith (Jewish, Muslim, Christian, etc) understand exactly what is going on. Evil has always gone after the children. Throughout the Bible.

Re arranged marriages - I think mostly that is to ensure the survival of the tribe. I used to think the custom of elders choosing appropriate mates for their young was horrifying (our culture teaches that it is wrong), but not as much in my old age as I witness the marriage rate plummeting and the rate of divorce skyrocketing.

Re the autistic tendency to gender dysphoria, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet was murdered in 2015 just before he was intending to present the results of his research that showed foreign DNA in his autistic patients, DNA that he thought was from vaccination, but he was murdered in 2015.

What scientists followed up on Bradstreet's research? That was 8 years ago.

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See stopworldcontrol.com to learn about the worldwide push by the UN and the WHO to “educate” babies about sexual pleasure. Agenda 2030 is being carried out in the Netherlands and is to spread worldwide in just a few years. Please view this website and share.

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What an excellent overview and analysis.

I've been pretty bemused lately by the, as I've called it, enthusiastic push by a strangely-growing number of families to self-eugenicize their children via--shall we be blunt--sex-mutilating and negating procedures. To me it's incomprehensible that some parents apparently cannot know, without the intervention of idiot therapists and the healthcare professionals panting after new markets, who their own children really are.

When Heather, now Gavin Grimm's story first made it into the news, it was rather clear to me that her extremely conservative Christian parents were more comfortable with the idea of an artificial son rather than a lesbian daughter. (How they got past the usual conservative Christian confidence that "God doesn't make mistakes" must be one of those minor miracles one hears about from time to time.)

Anyway--well done here. I hope many other readers will share this as widely as they can.

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Brilliant, much-needed analysis!

Only one apparent oversight: "This is because no one would want to spread the evil ideas of racial superiority and genocide." Sadly, I've seen a glaring counter-example to this otherwise generally true assertion. Read further only if you dare violate the most viciously enforced taboos in the world today. Consider yourself forewarned.

Counter-example: There are countless video clips of supremacists promoting the story that their god wants them to make war on an outgroup they call "Amalek". "In every generation". They say their god wants them to "erase even the memory of Amalek", as best I recall. Adam Green, for example, has assembled dozens of clips of alleged "religious" (ethnic supremacist?) "leaders" promulgating such genocidal notions as "divine" prophecy. A search such as https://search.brave.com/search?q=adam+green+amalek may still turn up such evidence.

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Anything that interferes with. or proposes to replace heterosexual sex, is anti-life, and contrary to nature. Throughout the entire natural world i.e., plants, birds, fish, animals etc., heterosexual sex is the means by which life is transmitted from one generation to the next, enabling the continuation of life. Asexual reproduction is a rarity in the natural world. Without heterosexual sex, earth would be a lifeless rock in one generation. There is nothing more evil than this.

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Well, not REALLY - there ARE a significant number of asexual species (yes, MOSTLY less sophisticated) David - but, NO question there's also an UNnatural forcing of lifestyle changes by HEAVILY-vested interests with an EXPRESS goal of DRASTICALLY reducing the population.....

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Jeff Bozo doesn't care how the useless eaters die, just as long as they do.

His new yacht has a 100,000 gallon gas tank.

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Two Canadian provinces had sterilization laws into the 1970s.

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The 20th century eugenicists were not confined to California. As documented painstakingly by Edwin Black in his book, War Against the Weak https://www.amazon.com/War-Against-Weak-Eugenics-Americas/dp/0914153293/,

The Progressive eugenics movement undertook widespread forced sterilization programs throughout the country in the first three decades of the 20th century.

These programs were upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1927 case, Buck v Bell. That case involved Carrie Buck, a “poor white trash” housemaid to a wealthy Charlottesville family. Carrie’s mother, Emma, lost or surrendered custody of her at a young age and the family “took her in” as a child servant. As an adolescent, she was impregnated by one of the sons in the family. The family cast her aside as morally unfit and she was sent to an institution for the “Insane and Feeble-minded,” where she gave birth and was forcibly sterilized. The family then took in her infant daughter, Vivian, to raise as a servant, but she died of illness as a young child.

Carrie reportedly read three newspapers every day until her death in 1983, putting the lie to her description as “feeble-minded.”

Her sister went to the hospital for an appendectomy. The sister later married and didn’t know why she was unable to have children until it was revealed years later that she was one of many “unfit” people sterilized during unrelated surgeries.

Local health authorities used to travel the countryside in poor, “backward” areas and take young people in for “examination” and “treatment” of health conditions. Sometimes the people went willingly, but other times law enforcement accompanied them and people were forcibly detained for no other reason than lack of education, lack of shoes or “proper” clothing, and lack of frequent bathing. Many of these people were sterilized against their wills, often without their knowledge.

This gives a whole new perspective on the long-standing stereotype of the hillbilly sitting on his front porch with a shotgun to run off strangers. It wasn’t just moonshine stills they were protecting; it was their family lineage.

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Trans Agenda: Technique used by the Elders of Zion working in league with the Angel of Death. Too scary for ya? Then how bout the inevitable evolution of Homo sapiens into non-existence. Sorry, this is existential, life and death subject matter.

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.....what's RARELY discussed within the context of a genuinely-legitimate concern, Jamie is a fundamentally-FASCIST economic model that was always CONSTRUCTED to BE unsustainable and disingenuous which can no longer ALLOW [literally?] for RESPONSIBLE - yet FAIR (i.e., NOT contributing to unhealthy existential imbalances due to a truly-PATHOLOGICAL obsession with self-sacrifice, perpetuated ONLY by the societal failure of providing REAL opportunities for a SANE existence) propagation; there are a LOT of variables associated with becoming a parent (I could go into GREAT detail about that personally but, WON'T) and BAFFLINGLY, despite SO much revealed of late concerning institutional (MOST of all, RELIGIOUS) duplicity there's still a DISGUSTING contempt, disdain for those who make INFORMED choices to remain single / childless......

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"...no one would want to spread the evil ideas of racial superiority and genocide..."

Really? Exactly what is the Wash DC crusade against Russians? And that's just to pick a single example from countless others. Tell me this is just some strange editorial slip.

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Interesting article, and I agree that children should not be making permanent decisions about changes to their bodies. Clothes, hair, name, pronouns: do what you want. Surgery: wait until you're an adult, which is typically the case. It is usually difficult for trans people to find doctors. Although it's not the same for everyone. There are many things we can improve as a society to reduce the reproductive spite discussed above, such as improve healthcare access for people in poverty, make obstetrics evidence based instead of tradition and doctor convenience based, improve maternity leave policies, make daycare affordable, stop ridiculous gender stereotypes and generally trying to shove people in boxes that they're going to reject, stop using aluminum adjuvants, and stop putting neurotoxins in the water. It sounds like you're saying that pressure to transition is part of a larger rich vs poor reproductive spite. If we can talk about that pressure we can talk about the larger harms to the poor and middle class. The conservative side of anti-trans stuff needs to talk to trans people, and not only cherry picked people who choose to detransition. Talk to people who are happy with their choice. And get rid of the pressure for women to be extra feminine and dependant on a man. If conservatives insist on increasing those stereotypes, they should also expect more people to reject them and say if a woman or man has to be x then, fine, I'm not a woman or man. Being trans and deciding to transition in a way that affects reproduction are not the same. But society likes it's pressure to transition, to pass, to conform. Giving people more time to think about it also means accepting people who don't pass.

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All these idiot wokesters studying 18th C Belgian Lesbian Musicology at Podunk U and taking 6 yr and 100k to graduate are just that: idiots

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