Do not assume that adults who get gender reassigned are doing it of their “free will”. They are lied to, brainwashed, into a cult, complete with enforcers, a new cult name, and government owned psychologists whose first loyalty is to the government not the patient.
Ecclesiasticus 37:13-16
For a man's mind is sometime wont to tell him more than seven watchmen, that sit above in an high tower.”
Do not assume that adults who get gender reassigned are doing it of their “free will”. They are lied to, brainwashed, into a cult, complete with enforcers, a new cult name, and government owned psychologists whose first loyalty is to the government not the patient.
Ecclesiasticus 37:13-16
For a man's mind is sometime wont to tell him more than seven watchmen, that sit above in an high tower.”
1- The government approved psychologist encourages the separation of the subjects life before and after inclusion in the cult membership by separating them from their previous life with a name change AND A SEX change.
2- The government then requires legal document changes to “legal name”, “legal sex”, “SSN ssn & sex &name”, “International passport”, “driver license ID legal sex & name”, “birth certificate sex & name”.
3- THE greatest corruption is that the Medical industry and doctors are then required to treat males and females as the opposite of their actual sex despite the fact that men and women have a wide difference of attributes both physical, hormonal, innate sexual characteristics, mental sexual attributes.
It is not a surprise that medical doctors and other personal give up caring for the “interests” of their patients. The “first do no harm” maxim no longer applies to “these people”. Furthermore, the real problems resulting from physical castration are ignored, the hormone balance failure, social isolation, family cohesion, bone density and thyroid failure, , weakened immune systems, continuing and recurring physical medical issues resulting from the castration surgery that require follow up surgerys.
Sex exchange IS A LIE!
It is a willful corruption of the ethics of the health care industry and societal foundation’s of cultures throughout western civilization.
The Metamorphoses of Ovid were meant to give audiences entertainment and imagination into the minds and motivations of the gods. They were always fantasy story telling, no one has ever grown roots and become a “tree”.
Men being made EUNUCHS is a very real EPIDEMIC and growing health problem in America, Canada, England. We need to stop the practice before more lives of innocent men are sacrificed and martyred on the pyre of tyranny.
I apologize for not mentioning the butchery of women here as well at the hands of these “doctors”. Crimes worthy of Josef Mengele the “Angel of Death” and his ilk.
I am saddened, and angry that these atrocities are being done to us.
Do not assume that adults who get gender reassigned are doing it of their “free will”. They are lied to, brainwashed, into a cult, complete with enforcers, a new cult name, and government owned psychologists whose first loyalty is to the government not the patient.
Ecclesiasticus 37:13-16
For a man's mind is sometime wont to tell him more than seven watchmen, that sit above in an high tower.”
I must add to my post these disturbing facts;
1- The government approved psychologist encourages the separation of the subjects life before and after inclusion in the cult membership by separating them from their previous life with a name change AND A SEX change.
2- The government then requires legal document changes to “legal name”, “legal sex”, “SSN ssn & sex &name”, “International passport”, “driver license ID legal sex & name”, “birth certificate sex & name”.
3- THE greatest corruption is that the Medical industry and doctors are then required to treat males and females as the opposite of their actual sex despite the fact that men and women have a wide difference of attributes both physical, hormonal, innate sexual characteristics, mental sexual attributes.
It is not a surprise that medical doctors and other personal give up caring for the “interests” of their patients. The “first do no harm” maxim no longer applies to “these people”. Furthermore, the real problems resulting from physical castration are ignored, the hormone balance failure, social isolation, family cohesion, bone density and thyroid failure, , weakened immune systems, continuing and recurring physical medical issues resulting from the castration surgery that require follow up surgerys.
Sex exchange IS A LIE!
It is a willful corruption of the ethics of the health care industry and societal foundation’s of cultures throughout western civilization.
The Metamorphoses of Ovid were meant to give audiences entertainment and imagination into the minds and motivations of the gods. They were always fantasy story telling, no one has ever grown roots and become a “tree”.
Men being made EUNUCHS is a very real EPIDEMIC and growing health problem in America, Canada, England. We need to stop the practice before more lives of innocent men are sacrificed and martyred on the pyre of tyranny.
I apologize for not mentioning the butchery of women here as well at the hands of these “doctors”. Crimes worthy of Josef Mengele the “Angel of Death” and his ilk.
I am saddened, and angry that these atrocities are being done to us.