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And imagine how this plays out in work life: managing a million things, and typing in documentation to the computer is the loathed task - it's an administrative requirement that takes time away from caring for the patients. There are hundreds of codes. People are not going to thumb through the encyclopedia of codes to consider which minutia might be the best. Each practitioner has a handful of generic codes memorized, that they know will pass through the insurance and the administrative organization at the hospital.

Then we have the amusing circumstance of "conditions most commonly affecting patients" statistics... and the diagnostic algorithms based on what is 'most likely', thus amplifying the feedback loop...

And for all those patients whose biomarkers are not yet on the standard lab checklist (including those injured as Dr. Lyons-Weiler discusses here), they can eventually be coded as 'believes they have something wrong with them but really it's just in their head'. Thus the incompetence of the medical system in helping a large subset of patients is swept under the rug, the patient is stigmatized, with psychiatric medication on the menu.

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Strange how none of the vaccine safety studies ever uses a clean neutral saline placebo, but instead spike it with something toxic? Only a crazy person would suspect an attempt to hide any safety signal.

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The corrupt nature of big pharma has no bottom floor...just an endless pit of evil.

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oh, hey, novel heat-resistant bacteria down here!

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