Don't forget all of the proven, safe, effective and inexpensive chemotherapeutic treatments - like Ivermectin and HCq, Fluvoxamine, NACL, Vitamin D3, Quercetin and Zinc, etc... I'm not interested in being injected with ANY KIND of vaccine, for a totally treatable and survivable BioWeaponized virus - regardless of the scariant letter and/or number code. We need to be supporting protocols like those offered by Dr.s Fareed and Tyson, and the FLCCC.

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That's mentioned in the article, and is why I'm calling out my friend Dr. Nass to redress this Dr. Igyártó's article's flawed interpretation

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Awesome. I just noticed the call for "better vaccines" - which, to me, seems like a strategy inevitably doomed to fail, and cause even greater problems.

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Contacted the NM Dept of Health and stated that the EUA shots are still being used despite the Pfizer trial data dump and injury data. Both state and federal governments held by the Democratic Party are both resorting to bribery to keep themselves as neo liberals and anti Bill of Rights and Constitutions advocates to stay in power. Those viewpoints and out and out grand public fund thefts (illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars, fake plandemics, multiple crime syndicates such as mentioning one, the corrupt nuclear power industry or the climate change industry). Worse yet is the collusion with go along Republicans. A pox on both their houses.

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We took the zelenko protocol when we got COVID. My wife had it like the flu for 3 days, then I caught it from her, went and got tested because it’s a paid vacation from work, tested positive. Everyone said we were going to DIE!!!

I went home and shoveled snow.

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Oh, you mean The Great Barrington Declaration? That one by the "fringe" epidemiologists? Right.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

It takes someone competent to understand the rationale for using antivirals to correct Igyarto. That isn't necessarily a clinician.

The purpose of using antivirals to treat covid is to prevent disease progression and to minimize damage from covid. Using cell culturing in combination with PCR, Didier Raoult was able to show that covid viral load maxxed on day 3 post symptom onset and cleared by day 8 in patients with mild disease. [1] Igyarto references studies of (hydroxy)chloroquine treatment of covid where the disease has already progressed as a measure of the effectiveness of chloroquine in treating covid. This is incorrect since antivirals are of no use once the virus has been cleared. If it makes sense to give chloroquine within 3 days of symptom onset for generally healthy patients with mild covid, how much more sense does it make to give chloroquine within the three day post symptom onset window for patients in generally poor health? Is waiting to give antiviral treatment to covid patients in generally poor health somehow an advantage? Does it make sense to wait and let the virus multiply exponentially, causing massive inflammation and damage as it does so? I think not.

Accinelli [2] showed conclusively that there is no mortality due to covid if treatment with hydroxychloroquine at 200 mg q 8h is initiated within the 72-hour post symptom onset window. (I have sent a question to Dr. Accinelli asking about the loss to followup in this study.)

Igyarto references no studies that show that giving chloroquine within the 72 hour post symptom onset window demonstrate lack of benefit from chloroquine. In fact, Igyarto doesn't reference any studies at all that look at the result of giving chloroquine to covid patients within the 72 hour post symptom onset window. Hence, his analysis of treatment of covid with chloroquine is critically flawed.

[1] "Viral RNA load as determined by cell culture as a management tool for discharge of SARS-CoV-2 patients from infectious disease wards" Raoult, et. al. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10096-020-03913-9

[2] "Hydroxychloroquine / azithromycin in COVID-19: The association between time to treatment and case fatality rate" Accinelli, et. al. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1477893921002040

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Going from memory here.

Actually, 2 mg of HCQ is mildly toxic as a single dose. A woman died from a single 4 mg dose of HCQ once. For a man, a 5 mg dose of HCQ is possibly fatal.

Ok, I'll look it up.

Someone tried to commit suicide by taking over 8 g of HCQ. Still didn't work. High level HCQ overdose can result in hypokalemia, followed by low blood presssure and cardiac arrest.


HCQ builds up in the tissues even as it is cleared from serum by the liver. It looks like HCQ gets locked up in endosomes, locking up any virus there as well, unless proton pumps in the endosomes lower the pH enough to free the contents.

If you check rheumatology.org, you can find a discussion about HCQ toxicity (Plaquenil). "Well tolerated."

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After she contacted those running the trials, they ceased the trial. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/who-and-uk-trials-used-potentially

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It takes a clinician to persuade researchers about toxic dosing. Not some random bozo on the internet like me, no matter how well read.

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Anyone have data in infection fatality rates (IFR) for reinfections only? I have this data, which I presume is first infection:


I am trying to understand how much risk a person has once they have already survived it once. I want to do some sensitivity analyses, and the easiest way to do it is to just assume all risk of death only occurs on the first infection. I need to know how close that is to true.

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The truth will prevail!

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I’m going to print hard copies of this out for the next time people argue with me about being unvaxxed.

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If the spike protein is a US bioweapon, and if the excess all cause mortality explosion after the worldwide “vaccine” rollout is due to this message RNA time bomb, should that not be the real focus of your energy?

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It is good to see mainstream researchers publish opinion pieces. I know we all wish more science papers like Dr. Spiro Pantazatos' (Columbia University) all-case-mortality paper would be accepted (and not retracted) by a suitable journal. He goes into detail in this interview how challenging this process has been.


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