“Don’t Look Up” Your Science—Herd Immunity or Herd Mentality? A Call to Action for Dr. Meryl Nass
Published in Microorganism by Botond Z. Igyártó
With mainstream academics publishing articles like this, “Public Health” will never be able to repeat what they tried from 2020-2022. Of course, many will disagree with Dr. Igyártó re: the call for vaccines, and a few other clearly obtuse points. The full article is open access. I’m calling on Dr. Meryl Nass to correct Dr. Igyártó on his interpretation of the hydroxychloroquine studies, but I’m sure she’s a bit too busy to educate someone who should know better.
“The virus fatality rate did not support lockdowns, blanket restrictive measures, and non-selective mass vaccinations. There was no solid scientific rationale to adopt the untested mRNA-LNP platform over other well-established vaccine formulations to fight COVID. Scientists, experts, government officials, the media, and scientific journals, all contributed to suppressing alternative ideas on how to manage the pandemic. Some of these groups are still promoting the scientifically debunked idea that the present vaccines protect you from catching COVID and becoming sick [116], and that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated [117]. Unfortunately, the virus is likely here to stay in one form or another, and we must learn to live with it. How effective the lockdowns and other restrictive measures were in reducing COVID deaths are still a matter of debate [118,119,120,121], but we likely lost, or we will lose a lot more people, from the direct and indirect effects of these measures. The excess of global deaths is often exclusively attributed to COVID [122]. However, these reports fail to factor in the direct and indirect effects of COVID-related restrictions. Many people died because they did not have access to healthcare during this period (they were afraid of going to the hospitals, or the hospitals did not accept them). Furthermore, a significant increase in suicide rates, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, obesity, economic hardships, vaccination-related events, etc., likely contributed to excess deaths. If the vaccines do not prevent infections and spread, it is time to stop coercing people to get vaccinated, vilifying unvaccinated people, and giving extra perks to the vaccinated. It is neither feasible nor economically sustainable to ‘vaccinate’ everyone every few months or perform continuous testing, and more importantly, there is no scientific rationale for doing so. We must focus our resources on the vulnerable population and provide them with efficient treatment options and possible preventative steps in the form of lifestyle changes, supplements, and effective, long-lasting, safe, and affordable vaccines.”
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Don't forget all of the proven, safe, effective and inexpensive chemotherapeutic treatments - like Ivermectin and HCq, Fluvoxamine, NACL, Vitamin D3, Quercetin and Zinc, etc... I'm not interested in being injected with ANY KIND of vaccine, for a totally treatable and survivable BioWeaponized virus - regardless of the scariant letter and/or number code. We need to be supporting protocols like those offered by Dr.s Fareed and Tyson, and the FLCCC.
Contacted the NM Dept of Health and stated that the EUA shots are still being used despite the Pfizer trial data dump and injury data. Both state and federal governments held by the Democratic Party are both resorting to bribery to keep themselves as neo liberals and anti Bill of Rights and Constitutions advocates to stay in power. Those viewpoints and out and out grand public fund thefts (illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars, fake plandemics, multiple crime syndicates such as mentioning one, the corrupt nuclear power industry or the climate change industry). Worse yet is the collusion with go along Republicans. A pox on both their houses.