FYI ! the ivmeta.com in your email looks like it's leading to Fuckerbergville.

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LOL right you are. https://ivmmeta.com/

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I agree. Early aggressive treatment is a lifesaver. Everyone should know about it and doctors need to stop circling. Please note, MATH+ is the FLCCC’s hospitalization protocol, not Dr Brownstein’s. Also, I think you meant to recommend the I-MASK+ Prevention and Early Treatment protocol found here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/

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Thanks - I published Dr. Browstein's protocol in my journal. Both MATH+ and Brownstein's keep Vitamin D up, which was the point. One is in-hospital. One is outpatient (Brownstein's).

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You are so right it hurts. Once again I'm waiting on a good (old) friend who is hanging on, at the edge of hospitalization. He got mAb ten days after exposure and nothing of substance since. The MDs dismiss nutraceuticals and claim IVM is dangerous so, even when you try and help, people are often afraid to go behind their doctor's back.

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If only someone could show those quacks https://ivmmeta.com/

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I did. At my physical after my doctor told me there were no early treatment protocols (and I handed her Dr Peter McCollough's) and then said Ivermectin doesn't work. She started to hand them back to me and I told her she could keep them if she wanted. She did and did look interested, but I'm not optimistic.

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Well done!!!

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Did you ask her to prove her claim that ivermectin does not work, and ask her to refute those RCTs. Get a real doctor, if you can. Unless you current doctor is hot....

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She's uninformed and I hope to plant a seed of awakening. If there's other doctors to go to here, I don't know where. That's a big problem everywhere. If she goes to ivmmeta.com or Dr McCullough's site, maybe she'll see there's another way.

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Excellent. Thank you.

For people needing to know what meds to take and find doctors in USA, the following sites are sufficient




The other sites you mentioned are refute and repel "their" lies.

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Let's call what it is: most of the doctors don't make sense. Even before the pandemic, the medical system didn't work. It's time to change it for the better.

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In the UK most people are unable to go to see their family Doctor.

Under the NHS each family Docotr is paid a flat fee for each person they have on their patient list whether they see them or not.

Now the UK government is paying these Docotrs a £15 fee for each covid shot they administer, so most family Doctors are now full time vaccinators.

For some reason these vaccinators are not keen on reporting adverse events, they wouldn't want to lose that £15 a shot bonus would they.

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How do you know that cv-19 isn't just rebranded flu with a higher death rate because the medics are killing a large portion of their patients with Remdesivir and ventilators?

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The Most Shocking Document Release Of The Last 100 years

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release


Most smoking guns are not really smoking guns, but this one is.

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If interested...

"Fired for Freedom: Doctors, nurses, and attorneys expose civil rights abuses"

Livestream will be available here on Tuesday, December 7 at 12pm (noon) ET.


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