There is no possible way that this combination of treatments could possibly be of benefit, as the profit margins are just too low. I mean, all these products can be purchased readily off the shelf.

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Or...you can be vitamin D replete and control excessive cytokine reactions that constitute the “severe reactions” to not just covid but most infectious diseases😉

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I’ve noticed that studies showing dewormers’ efficacy seem to come from regions where helminth infection is endemic. I’d speculate that the effect would be stronger when prevalent parasites have a lung-based phase of their life cycle.

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SSRIs are not safe. Other than that, i agree. We have many anecdotes that a zpack plus hcq or ivermectin knocked out cv19 for those who could procure them....

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"Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. David Brownstein, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marek, Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko" - I would add a lot of others but in the early treatment section one really stands out. Dr Borody out of Australia. In August of 2020 he was using a IVM, Doxy, Zinc protocol and said:

"We know it's curable", "We can probably eradicate this" and "this is easier than treating the flu now".

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And the 2 physicians from Bakersfield.

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Wow--an SSRI. Amazing.

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How do we even know what Con-vid is??? So how can people say they have a treatment for Con-vid??? Aren’t they just treating combinations of symptoms that have always been around?

PCR tests are unreliable and according to Kerry Mullis does not diagnosis any one thing is what I understand. Weren’t the symptoms originally to diagnose Con-vid so many different symptoms that are the same for colds, flu? If diagnosing with PCR tests, are we suppose to be running out and testing ourselves anytime we have a cold or flu symptoms? I AM NOT DOING THAT!!! I’ve had a long lasting (8week) sinus cold recently. My husband has had a nasty cold in ‘22 & another nasty cold just recently. We did not test ourselves. I refuse to contribute to the profits of this scamdemic!

I understand doctors are treating something, but how do we really know it is this new virus marketed as Con-vid?

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