at least they dont need these vaxx to do tracking

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...what about Canada......

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Yes....but we were tracked, as well.....same script.....different dictator.......

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In other Babylon News:

* N ATO chief Stoltenberg now warns UKR may spiral out of control

* Russia says it is fighting N ato+USA

* Pen tagon tacitly approves UKR escalation via strikes deep into russian territory

* US support of Putschist Kie v's war against Ru ssia now exceeds yearly Rus sian military budget.

* Isra el attacks Syr ia again. (An act of war. For some strange reason, no international outcry)

* Action4assange.com has ways to stop the end of journalism -- if they can 'prosecute' this journalist outside of US jurisdiction, all opinion and reporting, including Substack, will be over.

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I have a friend that lives in Beijing. I think people here are still confused . Similar to many nations the national powers have their domain and orientation and then the regions have their own. China has months ago changed its position of covid restrictions. It’s the municipalities that are maintaining the restrictions. It’s why people feel empowered to protest. And, protests are permitted by law unless there is violence or it impedes economic life. Sure, I don’t like centralized government . But let’s admit it the Chinese are proud and seek to re vitalize their nation. They want to return the greatness of China! Unlike countries like the US the nation is primarily from one heritage. So the vast majority of Chinese support Chinese policies.

Now it’s true perhaps my friend lives in the ivory tower. But consider the rate of growth and wealth creation in the last 20 years. The majority of Chinese are realizing a higher standard of living and far greater opportunities then their parents.

However one looks at it , China is strong snd refuses to play along with other nations plans. If the US released a lethal infectious pathogen in their nation what should they do? Well, likely

Be very cautious and find ways to protect their population from the threat snd further threats . Notice they were not injecting their people with experimental Mrna shots!  one might consider that the threats they consider may be greater then covid alone . If one type of sars2 virus can be developed who knows how many are ready to go or still being developed . And if it’s a depopulation plan a nation with the biggest population in the world is likely a priority .

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Since China earlier this year relaxed their child-bearing policy to three per family, something is afoot.

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I’m sure all our countries are tracking us on our cellphones, it’s why the Obama administration started handing cellphones out for free?!

They can probably hack into our phones & listen to us & look at all our data anytime they want to?

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An original Nokia 3310 beats a lot of the snooping; I have two. Smartphones are, by definition, for dummies.

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a way to get folks to continue with their phones business as usual. Dump. Cellphones. Now.

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People need to get a faraday bag for their phone when they travel. It's also helpful to get used to leaving your phone at home when you go out aroynd town.

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my teen thinks I am nuts because I NEVER take my phone into stores with me, or even with me at all sometimes, if I'm not gonna be gone long.

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As long as it fits, the bag need not be Louis Vuitton exactly. https://physicsforme.com/2011/12/27/mobile-phone-faraday-cage/

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Cool 😎

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I live in NW Indiana and my family has a small summer cottage in SW Michigan. last summer ('21) I got a couple of text messages very similar to what you are describing here, after crossing into Michigan. they were 100% unsolicited, on my personal cell phone, which I do very little with in the way of apps & online stuff and I rarely give out my number (even when asked to, on forms, etc). I immediately blocked the number yet got a second one, a few weeks later, but none since. yes, I agree, it was definitely 'creepy'.

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