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JLW - The 1st Amendment is a threat to government. Their only interest is to maintain and expand their power whenever and wherever at the expense of John Q. Government doesn't give a fuck about John Q, and never has. Until John Q. wakes up to this fact, business as usual... https://youtu.be/Jyz8PTWReWo?t=9

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kinda helps when the globalist agenda is the GOAL of our own leaders, who seem to be gleefully throwing the Constitution under the bus in pursuit of it. F them! FIGHT!

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As Nancy said... JUST SAY NO!!!!

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The fix is in. , I guess you can break the law and get away with it especially if it’s the law establishment that’s breaking the law of your individual rights …..

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"Shall not be abridged..." That's clear and about as absolute as can be.

Sophistry, essentially lawfare. This is how Roberts is going to pretend 1st Amendment not affected.

The Deep State got to him.

We're in the midst of the FedSurrection. Well, maybe the consolidation phase.

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The entire reason for the constitution is to place limits on government. If a person in government has a position of authority, and uses that authority to coerce someone, that is government coercion. Why are justices at the very pinnacle of the court system incapable of this simple exercise of logic?

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the technocrats love thjs, and according to one preeminent researcher, their algorithmic manipulations can sway as many as 25 MILLION votes... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/technocracy-takeover-googles-ephemeral

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Blackmail or bribery but not logic or justice.

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RIP 1st Amendment

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Once a robber (ts), always a thief.

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WTF is up with the supposedly conservative justices???

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There is another angle in this case not being considered: Freedom o Speech implies freedom to hear.

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