This is important to know but it's not at the core of the problem which is genetic, epigentic, and mineral imbalances resulting in endocrine issues which leads to many migraines. I know from personal experience. Hormonal fluctuations play a huge role in migraines due to copper toxicity and mineral imbalances. Copper toxicity is a huge part of this and 80% of the population has this problem. PMS in women is due to copper toxicity because estrogen and copper work together and when there is unbound copper (not bound to ceruloplasmin - a protein) in the tissues of the body including the brain you end up with MANY different symptoms including migraines. The main reason one doesn't have enough ceruloplasmin (made in the liver) in the body to attach to the copper so that it works properly, is due to stress which causes adrenal and liver issues.

I get very concerned when these studies and scientists don't look at the full picture and resort to the most popular trending option. The body is a whole piece that needs multiple parts [minerals, hormones, neurotransmitters, microbiome (not only in the gut) etc] to be functioning in sync. Unfortunately, when scientists and studies just focus on one piece it, once again, doesn't help the women who suffer the most from these maladies. You can't just fix the microbiome which is complex in itself. Often the reason the microbiome is out of balance is because the minerals (which need to be balanced in order to survive) are out of balance.

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Can you link to some resources that will help someone follow this reasoning?

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Sorry for the delay. To detox copper, you really need the help of someone who understands copper toxicity and other factors that your body might be going through. I've been searching for that person (might have finally found a couple) but it's hard and that's why I ended up researching a lot for myself. I would suggest doing that. It's also good to have insight and to be able to ask questions. That way you can tell if the person who says they know what to do actually knows what to do.

Here's a video that shows basically how and why copper excess (toxicity) can cause migraines.


Here are some articles on copper toxicity that might help to understand it better.

https://www.htmaexperts.com/copper-toxicity-and-health-issues/ (there's a lot of helpful info on this website)

https://flowsurgehealing.com/coppertoxicity/ (She's done a fabulous job and has a lot of great info. She was able to detox copper herself.)



https://coppertoxic.com (He's got a ton of info on copper toxicity because he became an expert due to his partner ending up committing suicide. Not one "professional" understood that copper toxicity could cause depression and just spending time detoxing copper out of the body - which is a long process - can stop the depression)

Also, I just found this person but I don't know anything about her: https://mineralsformigraines.com/

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Thanks Debra, for the info

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I get them intensely and a lot. I didn’t understand really any of the article. I hope you have success getting ppl like me help.

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Have you ever tried spraying magnesium oil on the painful area? A couple of weeks ago I had the most painful migraine I've ever had that lasted for 3 days. It was the worst I've ever had and I've had them for decades thanks to imbalanced hormones. My husband tried to find info on what might stop the excruciating pain. We tried a few things: caster oil was one but didn't help. I use heat, cold, Flexall (menthol), and sometimes essential oils depending on the type of pain. I absolutely do not use drugs. The one thing that finally worked for me was magnesium oil. It was like a light switch. I've NEVER experienced anything like it before. He sprayed it on the painful areas (neck, shoulders, scalp, and temples). The pain seemed to get worse at first but then POOF it was literally gone. I couldn't believe it because absolutely nothing has ever worked. Of course, it's just a band-aid (so to speak) because it doesn't get to the root cause which in my case is what I mentioned above but it gets rid of the pain so you can function. So, every time I get any pain in those regions I spray the magnesium oil and within minutes the pain in gone. I'm now spraying it on those regions every night before bed.

It's worth a try.

Some links I found:

How to Use Magnesium Oil + Magnesium Oil Benefits



2. Migraine Relief

Migraine sufferers have lower levels of intracellular magnesium during acute migraine attacks, according to research. Low levels of magnesium affect a number of related receptors and neurotransmitters that cause migraine headaches. Studies also show that regular magnesium supplementation can reduce the frequency of migraines.

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Thank you. I have taken regular magnesium but not the spray. I didn’t know there was a spray.

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You're so welcome. The relief from the pain was so incredible, I just have to share it with anyone who needs it. Magnesium oil is actually magnesium chloride in water but it feels oily to the touch. It's weird. It also is chalky when it's on your skin.

I've taken magnesium orally and it didn't help any migraine pain. The thing is you have to get to the root cause of your specific migraine issue. It's taken me over a decade of research to finally learn what the root cause of my issues are. If you take a look at the comments I made above you'll see where you can start looking for root causes. Basically, you need to learn about your minerals levels through hair testing. Hair testing is an easy way to measure minerals and toxins (not all) in your tissues. When your minerals are out of balance (most people have this issues) you end up with health issues because minerals are so important to the basic function of the body. You need them to make neurotransmitters and to perform hundreds of functions in the body. Depending on what minerals are out of balance, you can then figure out what your health issues are. You also need to do other functional tests but if money is an issue, hair testing is very inexpensive and a great start and sometimes that all one needs. For me, I have genetic issues too that play into my migraines. So, the combination of minerals, epigentics, and genetics being imbalanced has caused hormonal issues which has lead to the migraines I've been getting since my 20s.

I hope you can find out what's causing the migraines you get. I know the pain very well and the waste of time all too well. There is hope.

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Please take a look at my other comments above. You might find answers that correlate with what you're going through. Wishing you the best.

Also, one must really test through functional tests (not those from a doctors office which often aren't helpful) what's really going on inside your individual body). You've got to get to the root cause and that can go down to the genetics level but if not most likely goes to the mineral imbalance level.

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Where do you go for hair testing?

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Usually you work with a holistic practitioner but just recently I found a company that you can buy the hair test from without a practitioner and if you want you can also work with their practitioners. It might be helpful to call them. I'll be working with one of their practitioners since I did the hair test through them but I've done several hair tests and have an understanding of what my issues are. https://www.evenbetternow.com/proddetail.asp?prod=Hair-Analysis-Basic-Report

Also, I just started working with someone in Australia who feels that the hair tests that I've been doing aren't as accurate (the brand above) as the one that he has his clients do. He stated to me that the original company that started doing hair testing back in the 1980s (I believe) has older equipment making the results not as accurate. Idk but I'm going to try his to compare. This is his company: https://www.naturalhealthgroup.com.au/product/nutritional-balance-program/ (the cost is in Australian dollars, so it's not as costly as it looks).

No matter who you find to work with, you need someone to help interpret the results because it's complicated since minerals work together. For instance, when one has a copper toxicity issue (which often results in a copper deficiency issue) they will have very low potassium. However, potassium and salt are antagonist. And, zinc and copper are antagonists. It gets complicated. I know a little but can't figure it all out myself yet.

Hope that helps.

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Thank you! I saved your comment!

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Covid-19 reduced the diversity of gut bacteria.

Harmful bacteria can then thrive.

And because covid-19 also damages intestinal epithelium, they can enter the bloodstream and cause infections.

Antibiotic resistant bacteria that entered the bloodstream.


Reference: “Gut microbiome dysbiosis in antibiotic-treated COVID-19 patients is associated with microbial translocation and bacteremia”



COVID-19 Virus Disrupts Normal Mix of Gut Bacteria, Increasing Risk for Other Infections


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Are you aware of the generous dose Vitamin-D3 protocol that places most cluster headache sufferers into partial or total remission? Other doctors are of the opinion that Vitamin-D3 is critical to the healthy function of the gut microbiome so this seems to be a practical step to take to assist the gut.

I quote from a group dedicated to this regime:

"Cluster headache and migraine are debilitating disorders that greatly effect the quality of life for sufferers.

This group is a place to discuss and obtain advice specific to using Vitamin D3 and it’s cofactors to treat cluster headache & migraine.

The advice and views expressed here are not intended to replace the advice of your Doctor and the views expressed by members are provided for educational purposes.

The most up to date version of the Vitamin D3 regimen for the treatment of cluster headache and migraine is maintained at the following link.

The regimen is hosted on the Vitamin D Wiki and available at this link: https://bit.ly/3v3Pyxu

Pete has prepared a neurologists handbook reference guide for the Vitamin D3 Anti Inflammatory

Regimen, also hosted at the Vitamin D Wiki: https://bit.ly/3LeVQie See less "

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Jean Michel WENDLING

COVID a digestive disease


Intestinal permeability - COVID and MIS-C: could the role of vitamin D deficiency be central?

Published July 9 2022

Active viral SARS-COV2 persistence in intestinal reservoir was recently shown.

Circulating S1 subunit, or spike protein, or circulating N nucleocapsid is found in approximately 65% of long COVID patients several months.

Yonker LM et al showed that in children with MIS-C, prolonged presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the gastrointestinal tract led to release of zonulin with passage of SARS-CoV-2 antigens into the bloodstream, resulting in


Larazotide, a zonulin inhibitor used in the treatment of celiac disease, according to the authors prevents damage to tight junctions (TJ), limiting the passage of antigens: it is well tolerated and useful as an adjuvant to targeted therapies immune.

Vitamin D levels were also shown to be negatively correlated with symptom score and faecal zonulin .

These data highlight the close relationship between Vitamin D and the intestinal barrier

Vitamine D seems to be a good preventive treatment


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I suspect leakage of E coli Endotoxin into the Bloodstream from the Gut accounts for much of the Migraine because we know it rapidly crosses the so-called Blood-Brain-Barrier and causes Headache using Human volunteers.


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Thinking beyond our bodies: Your #microbiome #cloud help identifying you one day!


Researchers at the University of Oregon have discovered that each person has their own unique "microbial cloud," consisting of millions of #bacteria that surround them!

In this study 11 subjects were were kept in a sealed chamber for four hours with air pumped in through a filter to prevent contamination. Dishes and filters inside the chamber collected samples from the emanating cloud.


> The microbial cloud can be detected up to 4 feet away from a person, and it varies from person to person, based on their age, gender, and even what they eat.

> The study was conducted by sequencing the microbial DNA in the air surrounding individuals, in addition to swabbing their skin and other surfaces.

> The researchers found that people's microbial clouds remained consistent over time and could potentially be used as a way to identify individuals.

> Groups of bacteria in the cloud included #Streptococcus, which is common in the oral microbiome, and the dominant #skin bacteria #Propionibacterium and #Corynebacterium.


Recent studies show that humans shed approximately 106 particles (>0.5 µm diameter) per hour, and many of these likely contain bacteria, which means actively shed #human microbial contribution plays a significant role in seeding the built #environment #microbiome.

The direct emission of bacterial cells from an individual might result in a detectable human microbiome signal that is traceable to a particular individual, which has never been demonstrated before this study.

What does this mean for us? Understanding the role of bioaerosols and other sources in the built environment microbiome could lead to new ways of managing and controlling indoor environments for public health.


What are the implications of our bodies' microbial signature being traced back to us even inside buildings? Could this be useful in #forensic investigations or #medical diagnosis? How can we use this knowledge to manage indoor environments to benefit human #health? Let's challenge our assumptions and think outside the box.

Here is the link to the paper:

Humans differ in their personal microbial cloud


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I cured my migraines by healing my gut. No question in my mind that the migraines I used to get were due to leaky gut, which of course is also associated with dysbiosis.

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