That redaction certainly jumped off that page at me when I browsed those pages, though you are the first analyst who I've seen point it out. Thank you.

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The Peter Marks remarks about their "thorough evaluation" refers to the Comirnaty version of the Pfizer vax. Which is not the Pfizer vax that everybody around the world received. They gave regular approval (not just an EUA) to the Comirnaty version. So they did all their lab inspections, and manufacturing checks of Comirnaty, gave it the seal of approval of a regular approval, all at the same time that they were vaxxing with the version that never had a "thorough evaluation".

You can be sure that Comirnaty version that they did test, was minus the additional undisclosed nanocrap.

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"Nothing new under the sun"! Switching ingredients [brewed in murdered baby tissue,] from safer to toxic, is fair play for the *leading cause of Death medical/ sickness industrial cabal! *see the Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study & Dr. Null’s [well documented] book, “Death by Medicine.” This evil psyops war on us is nothing more than Satan’s Evil vs “Our Creators” Good! I.E. “Nothing new under the sun! It’s either God help us! (Or Satan will)

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Ardern Archipelago got comirnaty.

We have a state run accident compensation committee, ACC, if having chosen to have a "vaccine" is an accident, then there's compensation for the injured, if proven.

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The non fiction book, "A Civil Action" by Jonathan Harr explains what it takes to sue big cartells! Also consider dirty/ corrupted Big Pharma's have already paid out over 5 billion in fines just on stuff they got cough for! "Stuff" that cost thousands of lives! AND no jail time for the crooks! God help us!

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Well, their not using Comirnaty aka Comorbity, now are they.

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That’s his point. They did all of their approvals on a product that is unobtainable, yet presented it as identical as the EUA we can all get. People still argue that the clause pointing out these are “legally distinct separate products” is just conspiracy bunk.

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So will our discovery even hold water than? Or is this just part of "their" plan and we're wasting our time aka a time consuming intentional distraction, while "they" continue on with their death crusade. I know they originally EUA'd Pfizer B162 whatever, and then pulled a fast one 10 months later, Aug 2021, when they deceptively announced to the Public and Medical that the Pfizer vaccine had been given full FDA approval but it was Pfizer's sister company BioNtech Cominarty, Legally Distinct Footnote, not in use, that was approved. Intentionally NEFERIOUS and misleading. So do we now know that the Legally Distinct means we're wasting our time analysing these foia'd documents. Thus "Their" Legal Loophole and Our wasting Precious time chasing the Alice in Wonderland white Rabbit?

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Not with Satan in control!

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The whole bait & switch strategy sounds so preposterous at first. Esp for Normies... they refuse to believe our govt could ever stoop so low.

This fact check was not very persuasive, in my opinion:

Researcher Distorts Facts on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval, Liability - FactCheck.org


But the FDA said that “the licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.”

Pfizer’s representative told us the “legally distinct” reference relates to differences in manufacturing — for example, the licensed product may be made at different sites or use materials from different approved suppliers. [Sorry, not satisfying answer for me.]

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Remember [acting as god] Bill Gate's abortifacient laced vaccines, to help/ depopulate kill black African babies?

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FDA was paid 2.875 million for Comminarity "blessing" ! We dont need anymore than the trust of a greenback! Call Hunter to the rescue!~

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Huh. Criminal behavior by a known criminal. Who woulda thought?

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Just because Big Pharma's have paid out over 5 BILLION in fraud & corruption fines, (I.E. crimes that cost lives, with no jail time) Doesn't mean things will change!

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I guess cashed up shareholders are laughing, as no liability for them.

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I assume you meant "call out Peter Mark's" not "our".

DrBeen, Mobeen Syed, MD, has also covered this and it seems the hounds have now been released on him. Syed lives in the US so may be more vulnerable than Campbell is in the UK.

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Really? Haven't Prasad and Oufitt voice concern as well?

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In his Mar 9 "Let's Talk" video he mentions complaints to the college as well as currently going through two audits. By whom and for what he does not say. These are among 10 of so things he lists.

The attacks not going after every enemy simultaneously could be strategy, lack of resources, or the natural behaviour of Karen herds. Any guesses?

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Reminiscent of Nazi Germany's & commie nation's [cough] "free speech" polices!

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Just because Godless suckers & fools can call boys Girls, is that the foundation suckers & fools can call never before tried/ Experimental m-RMA therapy's [cough] Vaccine? Considering the main inventor of said it's dangerous! (I.E. not for Big Government & Big Pharma)

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Well, the market doesn't seem to be too concerned about Pfizer. It's still holding at $48. I'm seeing no signal or a hint things are shifting regarding the vaccines. Apparently the experimental products are set to expire on March 31, 2022. Can anyone confirm this and what does it mean exactly?

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James, are we wasting our time analyzing the Cominarty documents? Is this Pfizers Legally Distinct Loophole? PS Naomi Wolf and peeps and lawyers on, I'm not a fan, bannon war room rumble.com are analysing it. So are the peeps on the Truth Seekers Tavern channel on Clubhouse.com . Del Bigtree and thehighwire.com peeps are too.

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Well 40m pfizer doses were given in the US up to feb 28 2021. 30m in EU. So the denominator should be under 100m I guess. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccine-doses-by-manufacturer

I don't see how this is different from just looking at VAERS tho.

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Thank you!

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Comirnaty is the BioNTech version of the vax and is used in the EU. Pfizer's version is used in the USA and everywhere else as far as I know

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There is an army of people following these truths, we must stick together. Stay safe world. 🙏

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Dr Campbell seems genuinely surprised about the redaction .. and that the media did not cover this ... Like Dr Been was surprised about threatening letters sent to doctors prescribing Ivermectin ... In a normal world where regulators regulate and pharma isn't run by psychopaths, and public health response is about public health, these are surprising things ... But by now, could anyone still believe this has been about health?

This from Naomi Wolf says it well, why good people can't grasp the level of evil that's going on ... "Something that is slowing down many people from fully grasping what is upon us, is that they are making mistakes in their reasoning about events, because they are engaged, naturally enough, in what intelligence analysts call “mirror imaging.” That is, because most of us are decent people with basic compassion at our cores, and are not sociopaths or psychopaths, we tend to “mirror image” in assuming that others are also driven by basic human motivations such as empathy, altruism, and kindness — or even just by the basic notion that other human beings are also deserving of life, self-determination and dignity. How can such brutality be imposed on us? How could others be at the helm of such vicious policies?

But this assumption, that those currently influencing events and making certain key decisions, are “like us” — is a fatal error."


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That's spot on I think. I recommend you this article too...


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Many of these same "decent people" did not have any scruples about hating on the uninjected.

So no moral high ground for them, if they did not protest against the mandates.

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I had read a review of 5.3.6, but went and downloaded the file last weekend to take a look myself. I read the pdf late Saturday night because I couldn't sleep due to the fact that a very good friend of mine recently had some sort of heart event and died and I was completely pissed off.

After reading that part of the report, I cannot believe the FDA allowed the vaccine to be approved. I cannot believe most of Congress isn't calling for the FDA, NIH, and CDC to be abolished. I cannot believe the press refuses to cover the story of vaxx adverse events.

I don't know where the earth's population is headed in the near future, but US citizens have been abandoned by our "health" agencies and elected officials. I doubt we will have real elections here in the States anymore, but, regardless, I encourage everyone to vote out every incumbent, dog catcher, flood control district board member, library trustee, doesn't matter, remove everyone. They've all turned their backs on us, turnabout is fair play.

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Could someone pease explain how a Post Authorization Report happens before the product is approved by governments? I need some terms clarified.

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