Corruption continues!

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I cannot stand all these communist people oh mannnnn 🤬🤬

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By any name it's the same-totalitarianism, autocrat,autocracy, QAnon, corprotocracy.

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To me, the act of censorship just exposes them, shows us what kind of people they are. Gutless liars. No good will ever come of that.

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Standards? I didnt know supporting murderous lies was the Standard. Ive been boycotting YT since the Dr Peterson caper back in 2017

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To say nothing of the "community standards" broken when a lunatic runs outside trying to wave down a car.

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Couldn't have said it better!

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I hope O’Keefe has proper security else he might Foster’d.

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We need to contact our representatives and senators and demand action.

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Don't buy anything advertised on YouTube, and tell them why, but not in YouTube comments. Perhaps should add to that paid ads on parent company Google. Very strange, since they're not nearly as maliciously -misleading- _nuclear warmongering_ as Edge (which even lies about the weather and whether the sun be up) regarding Russia and the Ukraine. Froggy is reasonably accurate.

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Guess they are f'n Nazis over there at useless tube.

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They're Neo Bolsheviks. Marxists to be more accurate.

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Nice of Elon to free up Twitter so James can post today's comments about U(seless) tube

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I pray this is enough legal fodder for CHD or some other entity to run with. #DirectedEvilution

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"YouTube doesn’t allow claims about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO)”

Ummm, you vile fasco-Marxists at Youtube, the consensus from the freaking CREATOR of the mRNA platform Robert Malone, MD THE most heavily published cardiologist in HISTORY, Peter McCullough, MD, the former head of the AAPS Lee Merrit MD, or perhaps THE TOP doctor in the UK, Aseem Malhotra.

Tell us, Youtube and Google, exactly HOW stupid, arrogant and corrupt ARE you?

Oh. *That* much. Thought so.

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Mes amis... you are, today, right now, Jan. 28th witnessing a Star Wars episode style suppresion of the rebels as the media expunges any and all mention of the Pfizer fraud Project Veritas just exposed. As I have repeatedly said, for those that think they can "sit this one out" they can't, they won't... and they never INTENDED FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TO. They EVEN went back to the internet archives (the so-called "internet wayback machine" and removed references to this Jordon Walker dude... that is a LOT of work.

What can you do? Simple. There are more of us than them, and they still fear us. All we have to do is a.) always verify what you get (leave the fake news to CNN, PBS, NYT) then pass this on. Yes, I know a lot of people simply don't want to hear, but do what you can...

“The last remnants of the old republic have been swept away…. then how will the emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy? FEAR will keep the local systems in line.”

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