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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

Since i didn’t sign-up it was hard to see much of the article , but it looks as though it was written in 2020. Those protocols continued into at least the fall of 2021, if not later.

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Sounds like the WSJ is helping the ‘criminals’ get off the hook, they just didn’t know back then sort of thing. Still disgusting and plainly nefarious...doing the government’s dirty work/bidding..

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As I recall, the original ventilation advisory goes back to the WHO citing unnamed Chinese doctors. However, the use of midazolam (powerful sedative to finish off patients respiration) in UK came straight from the government treatment protocols. Also, the advice to NOT using antibiotics in viral pneumonia was pushed in 2019 by non-profit groups-- prior to the 'pandemic.'

Add to these the sandbagging of HCQ and ivermectin. The pandemic death toll was truly manmade whether we count the origins of the virus or not. Whenever we hear some absurdly inflated number for how many people were saved by the covid injections, just think about what they really needed to be saved from: hospital iatrogenocide.

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My husband and I were nurses through the pandemic in NYC. My husband got an assignment in the ICU and not only were they ventilating everyone but the COVID protocol was NOT to suction these patients or give them nebulizers treatments which is deadly.

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Yes absolutely. #NursesAgainstRemdesivir

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It's a cartel....even in little ole NH. So many people have stories of medical kidnapping and the hospitals killing their loved ones! It's NO JOKE.

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Additional damning information...

Financial Incentives: The Use of "Covered Countermeasures"


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My sister got covid prior to the vaccine. Who knew at the time(Sept.2020) how poorly the hospital would treat her. My guilt for letting her go into the hospital will never cease. HCQ was used on Trump, but the Jax hospital refused it for her when I asked. I didn't know that much about Ivermectin at the time, which they weren't allowed to give anyway. On day 4, she got so sick that the hospital asked me if I wanted her on a ventilator. I refused. She died on Day 5 in the hospital-all alone. I dream about her every single night. Unable to control it. And cry as much still.

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"We did it to save other patients" is their cover story and it isn't remotely true, because they were intentionally exposing non-covid patients to covid patients. I wish everyone had seen this whistle-blower, the interview was so important:


It's very simple. Doctors do what they're told by hospital administrators, and the administrators did it for the money. They were given money for covid patients and for ventilation and for remdesivir, and they killed their patients for the money.

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This was all obvious, and known, at the time it was happening, to anyone paying attention

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Check out Dennis Rancourt’s interview with Bobby. Rancourt pretty much confirmed that it wasn’t COVID killing people because they all cause mortality numbers did not follow the exponential death curve that was touted in the papers. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2aiCk9AZMbA2sesumg2M20?si=foEAufBYRw2hBup8ldfOZg

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OMG. Just the thought of that possibility is chilling.

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I want to focus on the idea of "protecting hospital staff from Covid-19." From the very beginning, I could sense by reading between the lines that people were being deliberately harmed in pursuit of this goal. They kept talking about how they had to not overwhelm the hospitals, which included "protecting hospital staff from Covid-19." It felt to me like they were justifying letting people die in order to save the hospital staff from a predicted future wave that never came.

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I have always maintained this theory and now there is proof.

It is a travesty!

Unnecessary ventilation. Like asking for a glass of water and instead, they shove a firehose down your throat.

They should all be tried and hung.


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