No ways! Never ever

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exactly my reaction and words!

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Absolutely not, I can’t imagine one reason!

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Not one? I would love to see my the family I created grow for multiple generations. Play with my child child child. Watch sunsets for the next 200 years with my wife, while we sip a warm beverage. Now, this all depends on how healthy I was. If I am just being fed through a tube and not mobile, then no. But if my healthspan is excellent. I would be glad to enjoy it all.

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If I can hang around long enough to see the Knicks, Rangers, Mets and Giants each win one more championship, I'm good. However, I'm concerned that the Knicks will force me to face immortality.

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Globalist propaganda to make us want their nano technology/vaccines/etc inside our bodies.

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Exactly. I read his Singularity when I was asleep and was wowed by the promise. Similar with Harare’s Sapiens books, all wild insights and great futurism. Remember the urban myth that used to go around? “The world’s first 200 year old has already been born!”

Now I just consider these all transhumanist, eugenicist and depop mad scientist propaganda, purveyed by psychopathic corruptocrats, criminals and charlatans.

Any notion that the profane masses will be routinely given access to any actual life-saving or life-extending tech, especially tech that costs exorbitant sums to procure and administer or even better, has been commoditised through economies of scale like a visit to the dentist - medbeds, anyone? - is hilariously absurd.

We are at war with a psychopathic power grid that wants most of us dead. Big food, big pharma and the medical science industrial complex are where most of the dying takes place.

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There's a real indecency to the idea.

While I wouldn't adopt the cultural perspective of, say, the Inuit, I do feel that each oldest generation must make room for the youngest, to ensure a refreshed world without end, amen. I don't particularly want to leave, but I hope to do so at the proper time and with dignity and acceptance, and to have my grandma there to greet me and bring me over.

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Max Planck said that science advances one funeral at a time. Or more precisely: “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

The "swamp" would never drain!

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No way. Nada. Playing with the natural rhythm of life , playing God is the transhumanist's dream.... technology gone way too far, without limits....... without morals!

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Not a chance! 100% I have a home in Heaven prepared for me by the God who is infinitely greater than anyone or anything on earth. The ironic thing is: we were created as eternal beings, and all of us will spend eternity in one of two places!

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Amén, very well said.

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Stuck in this shitshow of a world for eternity, nope, not interested! Especially if the clowns pushing this shit are in charge! Yikes!

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Our souls are immortal, stick the synthetic kind up the AI bots chat window. If you think it's a yes from you, try some funky mushrooms and check your egoic realms.

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Never mind that the immune system will trip out and kill you. Oh yea, that’s the point. I have to remember to think psychopathicly!

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It will be expensive and only the ultra-rich multi-billionaires will be able to afford it.

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Yes, thus keeping the biggest psychos on the planet in power forever.

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Certifiable insanity of the part of these techno biology idiots.

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I have no desire to replace God by playing God. The creator of the universe and all within it put me here for a time determined by Him. And I am merely a pilgrim clumsily stumbling through this earthly life to eternity spent with my maker. Why would I want to slow or even halt my journey to the eternal?

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Our imperfection, and the preciousness o four lives in the light of Death is what makes our humanity, our poetry. Immortality is madness. Is possession by the light of an idea of perfection, instead of surrender to, the humility of limits. Both not popular ideas in this day and age.

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Agree with above--what a farce. As though we will achieve immortality by acquiescing to that garbage and the criminals behind it. We ARE immortal spirits, and what they really want is to avoid the inevitable accountability to the God who’s truly in charge by trying to escape the end of life on earth. News, AI dudes--you are not that powerful.

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