I have already seen articles claiming that it's the "anti-vaxxers" who are saying the vaccines are causing sudden deaths, and that it's because they are unwilling to admit that sudden death could strike anyone at any time, so saying it's the vaccinated dying from the vaccine makes them feel better.

The problem is, if it's almost 50% of Americans who think the vaccine is killing people, it can't be just anti-vaxxers because well over half the population is vaccinated.

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The logo is a bit VW - with all those historical negative connotations probably not

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I like the logo, as a graphic. It's almost an inverted anarchist A. But then I also think the National Socialist German Workers' Party graphics were some of the most striking and memorable in history, so you probably shouldn't pay any attention to me. Mostly, as a contrarian individualist misanthrope, I'm leery of getting behind any kind of organisation that can be usurped. Which, as Bill Hicks observed, makes it so hard to get our people together.

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I also like the catchphrase MORTI DI VAX

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See comments for more living memorial ideas to honor and remember the injured and deaths caused by the "vaccine" - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/a-living-memorial-to-honor-the-vaccine

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Time to rewatch the movie, “V is for Vendetta”: a dystopian future ruled by ex pharma execs who seize political power following a viral plandemic.

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I also recommend the perfectly topical Italian "Todo modo" (Petri; 1976); it starts with a virus - epidemic - vaxxing tents - cases (How many dead today?), and ends with a fair number of murdered politicians. Nothing new under the sun.

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I can name 6 people. Works for me too.

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Adopted - Three fingers up to the NWO or more apropos OWN

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