I didn’t think much about vaccines until I was asked by my family to investigate which ones were recommended for our upcoming trip to four countries in Southern Africa. The list I found of vaccines this industry was trying to get included with the childhood vaccine schedule was so large I was taken aback. The Vaccine Industry needs a thorough vetting if we want our children to be healthy again.

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Unfortunately 2 of my grandsons have been damaged by vaccines

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May God bless and protect them.

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They don't even need to concede. There is a ton of evidence. People like Karen Kingston, Michael Yeadon, 17,000 Frontline Doctors and a LOT of very PISSED OFF American People will make sure every corrupt captured agency behind open borders and Crimes Against Humanity are held to account. #MAGA2MEGA #CloseTheFuckingBorder #ProsecuteTyrannicalSelfServantsInUSgivernment #FreedomIsNotFree

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I fear that the programming which has gone on for decades is complete. All media is an arm of the agenda.

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Hence the importance of removing their lollipop... All those dollars from drug ads have to wither up and be gone. That angle of the thought control juggernaut must be eliminated.

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just last night, I happened upon CNN with Wolf Blitzer (my dad had it on - I don't intentionally watch the garbage), talking to someone who said 'controversial appointment of RFK jr...' , and literally at the same moment, an ad scrolled across the bottom: 'ask your doctor if Ozempic is for you'. you can't make this shit up! so obvious that it slaps you in the face. yet some remain (willfully) blind to it. so frustrating.

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It's not just the media, either. Pharmaceutical companies, hospital systems, medical schools, licensing entities, medical insurance companies, medical journals, and professional medical associations have all shaped public opinion about illness and health and treatments, making the medical industry out to be filled with super heroes who only want to save mankind from suffering, and who are beyond reproach in their ethics, and who are far more intelligent than the common man can even fathom. It's a cult. It's not going to be easy to take it down.

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I see big change ahead for MSM. Extinction perhaps.

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The CDC will only concede at the point of a gun, a gun loaded with multi-billion-dollar lawsuit bullets.

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Yes Sir..! Line them up... Fauci the first.. His sentence must of course be appropriate to his degree of Criminality... being a multi decade, global assassin of millions... deserves life in prison without the possibility of parole., And a complete stripping of his every asset, today as well as all future earnings... the entire proceeds to be distributed to the covid vaccine injured...

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"How many other studies have omitted or manipulated data to achieve desired outcomes?"

All of them.

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I’m a bit confused, did the study show that black people were more susceptible to adverse events? Is that why they scrambled to rearrange the results presented?

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quite a lot has been written about this specific 'fudge' in numbers. the original study found the rate of autism HIGHER in Black boys, depending on age of receiving MMR. it was glaringly statistically significant and its documented that the deliberately hid this data.

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Yet the left always pretends to care so deeply about minorities! They will happily throw them under the bus in their quest for more power.

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One other thing, thank you very much for your response!

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you are so very welcome. the first VAXXED movie is about this topic (the CDC whistleblower, Dr William Thompson). I am pretty sure that you can still watch it on Andy Wakefield's new video streaming platform (the name of which escapes me at the moment but it shouldn't be too difficult to find.) it might also be available on CHD-TV (not sure)

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yay! thank you, Tonya!

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What a great article, thank you James Lyons-Weiler.

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Will the CDC Now Concede to Falsifying Nearly All of Vaccine Safety Science Results?

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I am not holding my breath. I remember all the autism community fist-pumping back in '14 (I believe) when Dr Hooker announced the whistleblower, thinking the truth was FINALLY coming to light. at the Autism One conference, even moms who were strangers, were hugging and crying, the feeling of vindication was massive but... I was then and still am, skeptical of it EVER really happening.

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US government admissions that vaccines cause autism from my 2019 article ‘The Echo-Chambers of Public Health’:-


…Again, this is a loosely couched statement:

“(vaccines) do not cause autism - studies have found no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism”

On the one hand the apparent elision of vaccines as a class with MMR is misleading, while the fact that some studies may not have found something is insufficient grounds for saying it does not happen. When, last year, I queried the evidence base for general MMR safety the CMO cited only the review by Taylor (2014) which was restricted to the issue of autism, MMR and thimerosal – there were just six MMR studies, the first of which was published a full fourteen years after MMR was first introduced the British schedule (when the issue was already highly contentious) and which perhaps only closed the door after the horse had bolted. It does not answer the ethical problem of what evidence health officials had that the products were safe at the time of introduction. Indeed we know that the most favoured MMR product in 1988, SKB’s Pluserix, was already withdrawn in Canada at the time [25, 26].

While our health officials have succeeded in not finding a connection between the vaccine programme they promote and autism they also have no explanation for the rise of autism from 0.2% for those born 1984-8 and the 3.3% rate recorded in Northern Ireland schools earlier this year [27,28]: they have neither predicted it, nor can they explain it while every day the reports of chaos pile up [29]. The United States government in its Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, however, have acknowledged the connection between vaccines and autism on a number of occasions.

The HHS HRSA told journalists Sharyl Attkisson and David Kirby on separate occasions [30,31]:

"The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case based on a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures."

And CDC director Julie Gerberding admitted to CNN following the Hannah Poling settlement [32]:

"Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism…"

An investigation into US vaccine injury court in 2011 found 83 cases of compensated vaccine injury in which autism is mentioned, but which because they are sealed cannot be used as precedents [33]. In an unsealed ruling relating to autism it is stated [34]:

“The Court found, supra, that Bailey’s ADEM was both caused-in-fact and proximately caused by his vaccination. It is well-understood that the vaccination at issue can cause ADEM, and the Court found, based upon a full reading and hearing of the pertinent facts in this case, that it did actually cause the ADEM. Furthermore, Bailey’s ADEM was severe enough to cause lasting, residual damage, and retarded his developmental progress, which fits under the generalized heading of Pervasive Developmental Delay, or PDD. The Court found that Bailey would not have suffered this delay but for the administration of the MMR vaccine, and that this chain of causation was not too remote, but was rather a proximate sequence of cause and effect leading inexorably from vaccination to Pervasive Developmental Delay.”…

[25] John Stone/CMO correspondence, https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/536265/response/1323604/attach/2/Redacted%20correspondence%20CMO%20and%20John%20Stone%20003.pdf?cookie_passthrough=1

[26] Canada Diseases Weekly Report, 15 December 1990, https://gsg.uottawa.ca/gov/Docs/CDWR%20RHMC%20Vol.16-50.pdf

[27] Metzler et al, 'The mental health of children and adolescents in Great Britain' National Statistics 1999, p.33 Table 4.1 'Prevalence of Mental Disorders', Pervasive development disorder is listed under 'less common disorders', http://www.dawba.com/abstracts/B-CAMHS99_original_survey_report.pdf

[28] Ian Waugh, The Prevalence of Autism (including Asperger Syndrome) in School Age Children in Northern Ireland 2019', Information Analysis Directorate May 2019, https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/health/asd-children-ni-2019.pdf

[29] Chaminda Jayanetti, ‘Special educational needs crisis deepens as councils bust their budgets…Observer investigation reveals 30% rise in overspending against backdrop of a failure to meet demand for services’, Observer 18 August 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/education/2019/aug/18/special-educational-needs-councils-in-crisis-budget-overspends-rocket

[30] Sharyl Attkisson, ‘Vaccines, Autism and Brain Damage: What's in a Name?’, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vaccines-autism-and-brain-damage-whats-in-a-name/ (Downloaded 28 August 2018)

[31] David Kirby ‘A new theory of autism causation’, Huffington Post 29 March 2009, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/vaccine-court-autism-deba_b_169673

[32] House Call with Dr Sanjay Gupta, 29 March 2009, http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0803/29/hcsg.01.html

[33] Mary Holland, Louis Conte, Robert Krakow and Lisa Colin, ‘Unanswered Questions: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury’, Pace Environmental Law Review, vol. 28, no. 2, 2011, https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/pelr/vol28/iss2/6/

[34] http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/BANKS_CASE.pdf

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Ahh, THAT Brian Deer. Interesting that he has crawled out of the woodwork with an opinion.

I always worried about Brian Deer. I recall looking at his website some years ago, and especially at his picture gallery which was full of portraits of - Brian Deer. Nothing, but Brian Deer.

Now, narcissism is not a crime and it certainly shouldn’t disqualify anyone from having an opinion or writing professionally about it, but in the context of the disquieting ‘facts’ of the Andrew Wakefield saga I did find myself wondering at the time whether a distorted sense of self worth and self regard could sway a journalist to sell his Soul to the Establishment (as some have subsequently accused Brian Deer of doing), and concoct a plausible story which could be brought before the British Medical Council to disqualify Wakefield, and avert the existential challenge he allegedly posed to the vaccine industry. I decided that in the absence of corroboration that would have to remain a conspiracy fantasy v

On the plus side Deer is an excellent journalist and a brilliant wordsmith. Just read the linked article about Kennedy’s potential Trump appointment to admire his slippy-slidey-crab-wise-half-said-accusation-by-allusion style of writing to get a flavour of what this man’s mind is capable of.

Ultimately ‘facts’ will out, and no matter how much spin journalists such as Deer put on them to confuse and obfuscate the Truth will be known.

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Hi Henry,

If you want to know some facts about the fake journalist Barry Stoat [aka Brian Deer] and his industrial scale fabrications against Andrew Wakefield published by the BMJ then take a look here:

"Video & Audio Index: How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed - In Eight Steps"

"A 21st Century Medical Controversy"


And for a summary see my comment here:


I was a member of legal team in Andy Wakefield’s Austin Texas legal proceedings for defamation against the BMJ and Barry Stoat. I was the first to unravel the BMJ's and Barry Stoat's fabricated claims.

Wakefield's case is strong, was not 'thrown out' but the Court refused to accept jurisdiction to hear it in a highly questionable decision with political undertones [in my view based on evidence].

So the case has never been heard in any Court. Barry Stoat made provably false allegations on an industrial scale against Wakefield. And the BMJ published them.

Instead of threatening legal proceedings for defamation against me when warned of impending publication and challenged to answer, the BMJ issued a weak damning and damaging statement: “We stand by the publications concerned and the processes by which they were produced”.

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Brian Deer is an “owned” piece of shit. There is no plus with him.

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End of Story

they can bash him until it bites their butt

they can disgrace him until it destroys their gut

both in the papers and on mainstream news

as they try to manipulate everyone’s views

but their lies will soon open like a bottle of juice

until their voices become harnessed in a noose.

Maurine Meleck 11/16/24

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Didn't Stanley Plotkin, The Godfather of Modern Vaccination, recently admit that vaccines are not studied adequately?

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1. Plotkin - https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/physician-and-vaccine-consultant

2. Mendelsohn - check out Mendelsohn on Phil Donahue in 1985. (ignore 2ndSmartest Med Sales. see the content/vid) https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/brave-doctors-were-warning-us-decades

edit. add link

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Is this the same Brian Deer who relentlessly and single-handedly railroaded Andy Wakefield out of the medical profession, depriving untold children of the benefits of his compassion, skill, and wisdom? Check out Deer's connections. Seems I recall there were threads to Reuters and Pharma, but I've slept since then.

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Yes, it's the same Brian Deer.

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Yes, that would be him, though not quite single handedly as you suggest.

He had help from a willing and compliant BMA, a slavering Press, a rapacious pharmaceutical industry, and a cowardly Health and political establishment.

Unfortunately Wakefield had to be sacrificed to send the message to everybody else that honesty and integrity are an insufficient defence against being pilloried for rocking the vaccine boat and threatening revenue streams and reputations.

Luckily he has survived and thrived, and it seems the inexorable hands of Fate are gradually pulling him out of the abyss and back into the light.

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We need accountability… too many have died and are maimed from this Bioweapon….. and the ACOG still recommends the jab in every pregnant woman’s arm . STOP this ASAP

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