Another incredible post, thank you for sharing your particular in-depth knowledge about vaccines. I share your articles. πŸ™πŸ’•

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Thanks again Dr. Jack. This information is critical to the current dynamic within the United States. I'm not endorsing a complete isolationist agenda but if we are to earn respect and lead the "free world" then we need to clean our house first (so to speak). Only from that position can we truly resume a role that inspires other nations to do the same. Please Keep Going and Continue Asking Reasonable and Rational Questions. Truth will out. See you on the barricades!

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Some of the recent studies on an omicron specific booster are showing they are not effective against omicron as it appears they are unable to retrain the immune system. If true then variant specific boosters will prove to be failures as well.

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Interesting. Yet I suspect they'll be pushed on the public anyway.

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No doubt. They will continue to push this as long as the general public remains passive. Too many still believe the vaccines were created simply to reduce severity even when confronted with the evidence from the EUAs that had showed no reduction.

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You had a vaccine article pulled on Medium prior to 2020?

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Goes to show how deep faith in vaccines run. It's dogmatic in nature. How vaccines became the leitmotif (safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and....) and singular representation of science is quite the plot.

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The unrelenting pushing of a failed vaccine will be their undoing.

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Feb 19, 2022

I really appreciated your article. Lots of great points being made with many more questions being raised. I have spent countless hours reading all sorts of data and commentary on Covid. When it fist hit the media I googled pubmed articles on Covid and realized there were literally hundreds and hundreds dating back decades. How could this be such a confusingly new problem I thought? I realized early on that I had to dig deeper to get more clarity because it all just didn’t make sense. I have been seeing patients for over 35 years. Every day I wake up hungry to learn more about how I can get and keep myself, family and friends healthier. I chose Chiropractic because it was based on wellness and natural healing principals. We were taught that there is an inate life force flowing through all of life that is capable of unimaginable resiliency and wisdom. I realized early in my career that our bodies are literally a miracle. To complex to fully grasp and to magical to predict. It is times like these that humanity gets stretched and cracks open. We have known for decades that big Pharma is not to be trusted and it is time to tame the beast and return to credible science. We need to move all society’s into wellness care. We need to rise up and promote natural healing and the countless inexpensive things anyone can do to get and stay healthy. Diet, Fasting, nutrients, herbs, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Homeopathic's, Trauma Resolution, Cold immersion, Mind/ body stress reducing practices, Breath work & transient hypoxic training all have volumes of supportive data to demonstrate efficacy. Let’s be the change, let’s breathe the change. Dr Dean Sanna DC

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Dating back decades? For covid? Do you mean coronavirus or am I not understanding something?

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Science is not what you find in a textbook. Science is not about suppressing what you think is misinformation. Science is not relying on "experts." Science is a conversation about data and ideas.

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Old ideas are still so timely. "Fear is the mind-killer." by Herbert "Science in a Free Society" by Paul Feyerabend

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Thank you! Excellent article!

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Amazing article... I find this information interesting but it is also pretty terrifying. I remember a talk from Dr. Horowitz where he predicted a coming storm of plagues that would be biblical in severity.

My only question is whether the elites are doing this on purpose. Either they don't know, in which case they shouldn't be in positions of power. Or they do know and don't care because money or another reason, in which case they shouldn't be in positions of power.

I also don't know what is worse. That they are causing all this suffering on purpose because they are greedy and evil. Or they are so incompetent and idiotic that they don't even see the suffering

"Well, I just checked this report which says the health of the people has never been better! We are doing such a good job! Back to sleep!"

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This is the Great Reset. Everything we see has been war gamed by the elites. They are a few steps ahead at every turn. Buckle up! It will be a wild ride as we enter into totalitarianism. But at least totalitarianism destroys itself from inside out. It will be, if you can survive it, what’s on the other side that will matter the most.

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