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Here is my thread about the connection between salt intake, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, humidity, mucosal layers, and respiratory diseases / influenza-like illness (ILI) in winter seasons:



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Just as they have been completely wrong on just about everything covid.

Someone pointed out that the WHO's website says very little about nutrition and a lot about drugs. They are just drug pushers at the end of the day.

I am worried that our European bureaucrats will sign us up without question.

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I have POTS...which I got, BTW, before covid was a thing, even though the media is hyping POTS suddenly as being caused by covid. People with POTS need extra salt and often take salt tablets. This blanket recommendation is stupid on its face.

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Once a killer, always a killer.

Salt and fat are essential for survival, but not lab-produced salt and not corn or soy oil from GMO crops. Natural products, however, are becoming harder and harder to get, because product labeling has become quite lax, if I may use an understatement.

Nutritionists are making about 60 grand a year for misadvising patients about a healthy diet:


They even tell people to use artificial sweeteners.

"Doctors" and NPs are often even worse:


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James Roguski argues that the WHO is working around the treaty route that would require consent of executive or legislative bodies.

"The method (silence procedure) by which amendments to the International Health Regulations are adopted requires NEITHER a Presidential signature NOR the advice and consent of the Senate.

Amendments were adopted in this manner on May 27, 2022.

This can easily happen again in 2023 or 2024."


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Fortunately I take my health advice from my own body.

I use lots of salt. I've always had blood pressure on the low-normal side, and if I listened to those morons I'd likely have blood pressure on the corpse side.

Maybe close to 50 years ago, a friend was complaining about water retention. I told her to drink more water (within a normal range of consumption) and she looked at me like I was nuts. But she tried it and told me it worked like a miracle. Why? More water flushed out more sodium from her tissues and resolved the problem. I don't think I was a shamanic healer though; I'm sure I read that somewhere and we proved it was true.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Great article and you are exactly right. Giving the WHO increased power will promote great misery on the population as they impose nonsensical policies on the World due to their incompetence and corrupt character.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

"What will it look like now that Biden has given some assurance to the WHO that the US will abide by their recommendations?"

A slave ship. It will look like a slave ship.

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More proof that they aren’t even smart enough to be as evil as we think they are.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

When the WHO recommends 5,000 IU vitamin D3 per day I may listen.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by James Lyons-Weiler

Maybe I’m way off track, but salt is used in food preservation. Maybe the WHO is taking the long view: control how much salt someone can purchase, control how much food someone can store, control their ability to feed themselves.

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The establishment still won't give up on their cholesterol position, nor their insistence that "fat makes you fat" while ignoring carbs, and failing to differentiate between quality of food instead of micronutrients. But butting into policy is even worse than just recommending the wrong things.

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If the WHO is so worried about our health, then why not ban sugary processed carbs and tobacco products?

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Hey, Tedros, leave us kids alone!

All in all, you’re just another… (you fill in the blank; I’ll keep it out of the gutter.)

I need to send this to my 77 year old mother, who consumes almost no salt and who used to ride my butt for being a salt junkie.

This is a great article, once again. We appreciate you up here in Canada, Dr. Jack.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Salt sensitivity that can lead to high blood pressure is genetic, specifically determined by the AGT and ACE genes that are involved in the blood pressure response to sodium intake. Variations in these genes make a person have low, moderate or high sensitivity to salt. No one is testing people for variations in these genes. Following your advice to consume multiple grams of sodium per day is deadly for many. Humans only need 500 mg/sodium/day for basic metabolic function. 1500mg is the current AHA recommendation and it is a wise recommendation, not that most people follow it. For some, 1500mg is too much. For those with these gene variations and high blood pressure, avoiding adding sodium in the form of salt helps to keep blood pressure in a healthy range. Sodium attracts water and water increases blood volume which in turn increases blood pressure, potentially causing damage to the blood vessels, heart and kidneys. Those with genetic salt sensitivity do not metabolize sodium as efficiently as others and so the sodium builds up in the bloodstream attracting water that increases blood volume leading to hypertension. You should know better than to rely on one study. The recommended levels of salt intake in that study are ridiculous. You need to look at the whole body of research and look at who did and paid for the studies. Look at the food industry now and historically. Look at the politics. Modern food preparation adds a lot of salt and sugar to create addiction, but even natural salts are problematic for someone with genetic salt sensitivity. WHO's power is a separate issue.

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