Wouldn't a stated vaccine efficacy of 90% in children actually be closer to a -10% efficacy since children don't contract COVID?

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Your analysis is also supported by Bartram's analysis that the vaccinated who die from covid do so after a longer period of minor symptoms.

"While the majority of deaths with covid occur in the 28 days following their positive test, there appears to be a relatively larger number of vaccinated dying after this point, compared with the unvaccinated" -- https://bartram.substack.com/p/are-deaths-in-the-vaccinated-delayed

So the vaccine reduces symptoms but does not clear the infection. In some cases, the infection eventually the infection gets the upper hand and hospitalization/death ensue.

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Thanks, Tim!

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Excellent article!

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Appreciate the stat analysis, though it is beyond my ken, but have you considered using a proofreading app like Grammarly to fix errors in your wording? It would have more impact.

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The average Brandon will not understand this. You are putting the onus on us to disprove, whereas the onus is on THEM to prove efficacy!

A simpler approach is to use their words against them.

1. IanMSC reminded people that Frauci said if 50% of the eligible population were vaccinated, we won't see any case surges.

2. And this guy went a step further:

:...remember when the FDA's top vaccine regulator said even a moderately effective Covid shot could produce herd immunity if 70 percent of people received it?"


Now, demand that they reconcile their words to their facts.

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I have been finding as many US states and countries reporting the raw numbers of vaccinated and vaccine-free hospitalizations and deaths as I can for the month of Sept, Oct and Nov, so I can see where the trend is going. Way many more vaccinated people are being hospitalized and dying in these months. The trend isn't going in a good direction for those vaccinated.

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Nova123, please send your email address to info@ipaknowledge.org ?

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Related calculations here.

Plus BTL: the question then is, whether the increase in cases through the vaccinations is offset and justified by them leading to fewer severe cases?!

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I'm having a hard time parsing this sentence:

"We should not see more breakthrough cases than cases in the unvaccinated under vaccination coverage is more then 95%."

I think this should read:

"We should see more breakthrough cases than cases in the unvaccinated when vaccination coverage is more than 95%."

There's a similar sentence below that in the description of the VE 66% case.

Of course, I could be completely wrong due to my misunderstanding.

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Is everyone aware that if a person dies within two weeks of their Covid “vaccine” they are reported as unvaccinated? I read a few comments on here that didn’t seem to take that into consideration. If I’m just repeating the obvious, My apologies.

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It seems the first two weeks after vaccination makes your immune system weaker and the risk of dying from covid increases compared to unvaccinated.

Very clever of them to list this as unvaccinated death. It really should be a separate group.

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On top of that, if it’s been 50 days or five weeks, (can’t remember which) since your last shot - and a new booster is available, but you have not gotten it, you will also be considered unvaccinated. It’s quite the scam.

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Do you know where I can read up on this? Is this still happening, 1 year later?

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I don’t understand the math behind graphs very well. Can i have some explanation? Thanks

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Bless you. Great essay. I've also been writing about this Plandemic for the last two years. I think it is the crime of the century.

This essay has now been read 2930 times. And as I write the House has passed HR 550 which will spend 400 million to track our vaccine status: the beginning of a national vaccine passport. When I first completed this essay it was 33 pages. It is now close to 50 pages. Before reading and sharing the essay I would ask that you take time to watch the following 3 videos and share them as well. They are very persuasive and they both expand and reinforce what I’ve written in this essay. In the first video Dr. Youngblood decimates the globalist corporate narrative and exposes that the mRNA injection is worse than the virus. In the second video Glenn Beck exposes the Deep State Collusion behind the financing of the vaccine and the marketing of this insane push for forced vaccination and vaccine passports. The 3rd video features Senator Ron Johnson who has been a great ally in the questioning of forced vaccination. In my opinion the Plandemic may be the greatest crime in the history of humanity and it is impingent on all of us to do whatever necessary to stop this globalist agenda — of forced vaccination, vaccine passports and digital currency — from moving forward. And no, I am not a conspiracy theorist, but thanks for asking.

Parallels between the Holocaust and the Plandemic. And why the Plandemic could be worse


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Hello! Thanks for this analysis. I am trying to crunch the numbers on my own, but not following how you did it. What is the equation you used to determine the expected number of breakthrough infections. What was the value for population size? I want to explore the concept of disease enhancement with the Barnstable County Data. I have mathematical training from my masters in science but that was over 30 years ago. Thanks so much.

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Hi, Liz, send me an email I'll send you the spreadsheet.

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PS The analysis should not depend on population size.

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Okay, did not think so, but your article said you would be using it in the calculations. If I have to calculate using factorials, I no longer have a calculator for that, lol. My goal is to wake up some of my clients and if I can understand how it was calculated that it increases disease enhancement, that is a slam-dunk in my eyes.

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Thanks do I have your email. Mine is lizperkins5@gmail.com. Also I just tried to find that article you cited as the one thing you should read on covid, found the journal vol 1 no. 2 but not the article you cited. Thanks so much!

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Two errors in "Those mutations that lead to amino acid changes in the spike protein that cause a reduction in the match between the spike protein amino acid sequence encoded by the DNA plasmid and the lab. To update the vaccine, the computer file is updated, and the plasmids produced then are updated. Moderna and Pfizer has not been updating the vaccine to target emerging variants, in part due to the regulatory grey zone that such a move would create."

1st sentence is incomplete. (The entire sentence is a compound subject; there is no primary verb, just one within the subject.). In the second sentence, "Moderna and Pfizer" is plural, but the verb doesn't match; "has" is singular.

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