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Oct 23, 2022
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Oct 23, 2022
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Critical thinking is no longer taught to children. To adults. So many seem to want someone else to do the thinking for them, which is how we ended up where we are, and not just in regard to informed consent/allopathic medicine.

Personal responsibility, in many ways, is a thing of the past.

Your bring to mind that little meme going around -- the f*ck around, find out graph

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Oct 23, 2022Edited
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My point is I don't buy into the idea that someone is a victim because they blindly followed medical advice. Or ceded their sovereignty on any issue to someone they deem to be an "authority" figure.

Even children should be held responsible for their choices, at least up to the point where they are able to understand cause and effect of their decisions and choices.

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Oct 23, 2022
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That is no longer the case in today's world. Case in point: all of the looting and vandalizing we see in the news everyday, gangs running rampant in stores loading up plastic bags with all they can carry. Zero responsibility for those actions/choices.

But I'll mention Fauci et al, how is that group being held responsible for the harm they have caused? The CDC? With responsibility comes consequences and so far I am not seeing any in many situations where there should be quite a bit.

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I think he has team mates.

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" ... a familiar figure and his wife ..."

Let's ask comedian Dana Carvey: Now who could that be? ... Hmm ... could it be ... Mr. & Mrs. SATAN?

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Don't diss God's prosecutor! Yeah, I know; whoever worked over the synoptic Gospels, some of the Epistles, and the Revelation of St. John already did. Fauci and the rest of these need Godly prosecution.

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"... Fauci and the rest of these need Godly prosecution." Amen!

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Superb Article!

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Thanks for laying out the timeline of the death of informed consent. More Fauci, Fauci, Fauci, our modern day Mengele, is behind it all. The don, the godfather of the medical/science mafia.

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W O W!

Thank you Dr. Jack!

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Circumcision - the genital mutilation of boys violates all bioethics - just like the jab mandates, and the jab itself being promoted on shoddy science, statistical manipulation, and poor study design...on purpose...

Circumcision, male genital mutilation, is not a life saving procedure - the foreskin is healthy, protective, erogenous tissue.

Therefore, the "procedure" is damaging, a violation of human rights, and legalized and culturally normalized torture.

"First do no harm".

They love the money, though, and the average American can't grapple with the uncomfortable fact that this is wrong because it either happened to them or they did it to their son(s) or both.

Men that live with their entire penises never opt to mutilate themselves because it's an inferior option.

We just don't give boys a chance, baby boys cannot consent - and they won't "consciously remember"...so strap them down to a circumstraint table and start chopping away, right?

Then those boys that grow into adults make jokes about European men and their intact penises, they get defensive and angry when the topic is attempted to be discussed in a serious manner, instead of using crass humor to pave over what lies beneath - a violation of the body, pain, sexual diminishment, profiteering off of their body (foreskin harvesting, and the profit made from the "procedure" itself), etc...

American liberty and freedom? What a joke.

Our great old USA country has been selling foreskin to biotech companies to do all sorts of testing.

Look up HFF, human foreskin fibroblast.


Look you can buy baby foreskin fibroblast online - a vial of it....



Harvesting baby boys' genital tissue, healthy, erogenous tissue for profit - is that freedom? Disgusting.

"The foreskin has important sexual nerve receptors that are removed during circumcision.[9][1][15][27] Circumcision removes the most sensitive part of a man's penis. The five most sensitive areas of the penis are on the foreskin. The transitional region from the external to the internal foreskin is the most sensitive region of the fully intact penis, and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis.[28]"



Circumcision is a disgusting and torturous scam and it removes 15 square inches of densely innervated erogenous tissue (as an adult that is what the foreskin grows into, size wise).

Here is a video playlist on the functions of the intact male genitalia.


Companies like SkinMedica love to use foreskin of baby boys in their products.

Look up Sandra Bullock Penis Facial on YouTube - they laugh about rubbing baby boy genital cream on their faces for their vain youth. Like old witches that eat babies to stay young, like Blood Mary.....All the old folktales of witches and vampires.




Any of you that know of the lies of the MRNA SHOT - yet, think genital mutilation is okay...you're still blind - just like a lot of those that think the jab is "safe and effective"...

Fauci and Bill Gates love genital mutilation - they have spent millions of dollars mutilating boys in Africa!



The same men who spearheaded this death campaign of the jab, actively have supported genital mutilation.

Healthy baby boys are not good candidates for surgery.

The foreskin is healthy erogenous tissue that protects the head of the penis - and the majority of nerve endings are in the foreskin - the majority of pleasure comes from the foreskin.

Generations and generations of mutilated men in the USA - where's the critical thinking? The liberty? The freedom?

I recommend the documentary, The American Circumcision on Amazon Video, or the presentation on YouTube, Circumcision: The Elephant in the Room.



They've been profiting hundreds of millions a year on baby boy genitals - and advancing their research to bring you all the technologies that will destroy and oppress people.

I wish Americans would really realize how they failed when it came to be fooled that circumcision was "medicine" and had any kind of "benefit" at all...

Another good book is: Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, By Dr. Ronald Goldman.


A video playlist of Dr. Ronald Goldman addressing this issue - the psychological damages and emotional avoidance of those affected by this violation.


Doctors Opposing Circumcision Video Playlist


The president of Doctors Opposing Circumcision​ delivers a somber appeal to the American people: "Circumcision is unconstitutional... To do this to an infant is an atrocity, a savage, brutal act.... This tragic practice, cutting the genitals of children, is an epidemic." ~Dr. George Denniston

IntactAmerica is also a good website.


"Immediately prior to the training, I remember a blond-haired resident giddy with excitement at being able to learn the procedure, and vividly recall her saying: “Have the nursing staff line the boys up. Go Chop! Chop! Chop! Think of all the RVUs you can make??” RVU stands for Relative Value Unit, which is a figure used for compensation. Obviously, her main concern was the amount of money that could be generated by sexually maiming newborn boys in the name of profit. "


Also, Foregen is the name of a biotech company that is seeking to regrow foreskins in labs (no involvement of stem cells from babies or anything unethical like that) - with the patient's own body cells. They're almost in phase 3 of 3 human trials on April 1st 2023, and it will last for 1 year. I can't wait for men to start gaining full sexual function and feeling back.


Spread the word. Americans have been whoring out their boys for big pharma profit and mutilating them in a brainwashed fashion for decades. Search within your heart.

Medical freedom means ending genital mutilation. It's his penis, not society's penis or his parent's penis.

If you did this to your son or it happened to you, process the emotions, grapple with the issue, and evolve. Don't chronically beat yourself up about it, forgive yourself - we all get fooled some of the time.

Edit: I may or may not respond to replies. The majority of questions can be answered with the sources and claims I have mentioned. I spend a good amount of time on these forums as is - and I have many responsibilities. Please understand. Also, it takes a bit of an emotional toll on me to respond to those that are angry and are still under the circumcision cognitive dissonance/Stockholm Syndrome mode.

For my own quality of life, I sometimes have to take a step away.

Thank you.

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The above video series speaks about the sexual function of the foreskin and the intact penis as a whole.

Here are more links on the missing elements of sexual function.




This is what mutilated men and their partners are missing out on.

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That Sir is a masterful piece of work! Thank you for a rich historical overview of Informed Consent!

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Great article... very informative. I remember from the last Supreme Court ruling on the 1986 law--that did establish that vaccines are unsafe by nature--that the manufacturers were suppose to provide a package insert given to the patient before vaccine with all the known side effects. Where is the package insert with all the known side effects for these MRNA vaccines? I suppose that is buried in the Prep act somewhere. But when the EUA ends, then those package inserts should be there or these vaccines should not be administered. None of these recent decisions by the CDC or the FDA really is even following the recent rulings by the Supreme Court on 1986 law. I'm all for getting rid of the law but while its in place it should be followed to the letter of the law.

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"When you check into a hospital, you are now sometimes given an electronic pad. There’s a form on the pad that you are asked to check. By checking this particular box, you are “assenting” to any and all medical procedures that any attending physician considers necessary for your health."

Right?!! ...and sometimes that an iPad, attached to a swivelling pedestal that you can't even take with you to your seat in the waiting room!

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It's been harder and harder to get paper consent forms. I hate the electronic.

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More recently Sections 3023 and 3024 of the 21st Century Cures Act (2015-2016)

Which states informed consent is not required if there is "minimal risk"


Who is deciding what "minimal risk" is?

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That's exactly right. This was a last-minute add-on clause that clearly does not apply to anything involving safety trials.

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Nor "real world evidence" it appears.

Ability to experiment over safety, time and time again.

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Great article.

To some degree everything is out of proportion because we entered into an unannounced global civil war. All propaganda is full force---some even I'm the Medical Freedom Movement as there are participants with their own agendas and private moneyed relationships.

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When did the western world go off the rails. The jackboot lockstep is so obvious. At least in the USA you had some resistance and 1/3rd held out. Places like Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Lithuania, New Zealand and Australia have nobody left to shoot up.

In Austria 25% held out. I was totally shocked. I always expected Americans to hold out the most as they have a very healthy independence streak to their psyche but Austria? In the heart of lapdog Europe? Wow. I didn't see that one coming. Well done Austria!

Then the government of Austria decided to do the "Full Monty" and forcibly inject people. They made it legal to do this and were hiring the goons to do it.

Then the gloves came off and people going along with it were doxxed and attacked. Doctors, cops, politicians and anyone advocating for it were suddenly fair game and followed home. One lady doctor committed suicide as she couldn't handle the harassment. Good riddance. Next. The pigs decided to be cops again not due to morals or ethics but because they found out what the population was going to do to them when they tried to arrest them. Small 1-2 ounce container of gas in one pocket and a lighter in the other. Rather than be roast pork they refused.

Most people operate on the "Greater Fear" principle. They yield to whatever scares them the most. They were afraid of losing their paycheck. Then they were afraid of being maimed or killed by being burnt alive. The greater fear prevailed and they backed down.

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Wow! I never heard about all that. Very inspiring! They took Solzhenitsyn's "How we burned in the camps later..." paragraph from the introduction to _The Gulag Archipelago_, to heart.

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The only mention of it in the media was the doctor committing suicide. They tried to paint it as a sob story "Poor lady doctor kills herself after being hounded mercilessly by the evil anti-vaxxers" type angle. I checked into what positions she had that could have lead to such attacks and she was 100% in favour of forced injections and refusing emergency care to the unvaxxed. The deader, the better IMHO. She was a war criminal and got what she deserved.

I found some details as to what had been done to drive her over the edge and damn those Austrians have a nasty streak. Protests on her street, blocking traffic, setting off car alarms in the neighbourhood at night, projectiles launched at her house, bomb threats to her clinic, sabotage the clinic and staff cars, following the clinic staff until they didn't go to work out of fear of being next. Her neighbours were probably asking her "When are you moving?" type stuff.

Those parts were not reported by the media LOL.

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Great article. But a tangential topic that you cover is this idea that doctors can inform patients of *all* risks. This is complete nonsensical. It is like microwave producers *having* (under the freaking law!) to inform people that it is not ok to put babies inside the microwave.

Seriously, this "judicialization" of everything is actually the root problem in the US. And it makes people believe doctors blindly. It has the opposite effect that you would expect.

If people knew better that doctors (or microwave producers) will *not* babysit you (or act on your self-interest), not tell you each stupid that risk exists from doing whatever they are proposing, then they would stop behaving like idiot children that trust "doctors" (or microwave producers) blindly.

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Not quite. Medical interventions and the administrative aspects of medicine require knowledge of known risks. The negligence that would be involved if the risks are not transmitted would be more like a chef zapping someone else with the microwave while cooking for them, knowing the risks but not telling someone. Someone doing something with a product that it was not designed to be used for exempts the people who profit from the sale of that product from liability from that abnormal use. And negligence is usually decided if and only if the product is somehow defective. Here, even if the medical procedures or products or drugs are not defective, risk exists. Therefore society has determined it is the responsibility of everyone involved in the manufacture production sale and distribution of vaccines should insure knowledge of the risks to the end consumers, who are of course the public. The medical community part of society is part of that distribution chain, and they distorted liability regulations so as to have shirked their responsibilities clearly.

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Oct 23, 2022Edited
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Now hold on there... Simply because some people make bad decisions sometimes does not mean that all people make bad decisions all of the time.

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Oct 24, 2022
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"the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community"... do you have a better word to suggest

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Oct 24, 2022
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It's about how we frame things. There is a form of scientism wherein people think the sophisticated thing is to abandon causal-realist framework and view events as 'a thing that just happened'.

This leads to the idea that 'society decides', but that is nonsense. Individuals decide. See Mises' "Human Action".

'Society decided' is the false doctrine to fog-over cliques and conspiracies of invididuals forcing 'one size fits all' 'solutions' on everyone in the country.

Not saying you intentionally do this.

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I am not disputing that "society" (actually the government) decided that it is the obligation of the people providing the goods and services to provide *all* the information about risks. We agree on that.

What I disagree is that this top-down imposition based on the law is beneficial to the people who supposedly benefits from it.

If people are required to tell you every risk "or face the law", then you will probably believe whatever the hell anyone tells you (or at minimum you will be more likely to believe them). On the other hand, if you knew that it is *your* job to find out the risks, you would not take the word of anyone at face value. Be them doctors or microwave sellers.

Most importantly, delegating your well being to someone else will always hurts you the most. Even if the "wrong doer" went to prison for a few years for making you paraplegic for life, or if you cooked your baby on the microwave, of if you took the jab.

Finally, it is not true that voluntarily accepting a medical procedure is equivalent to "a chef zapping someone else with the microwave while cooking for them" exactly because one case requires consent, and the other does not.

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America's Ceaucescus. May the U.S. military give them a fitting Christmas.

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Awesome article!!! Thanks for putting together a brief (but incredibly important) history on informed consent. I've been harping on lack of informed consent since the beginning. I was part of a lawsuit against 6 pharmacy chains in TX regarding lack of informed consent. We came up with a "proper" informed consent form in that lawsuit. I recently revised it as I've been in an ongoing dialogue with a retired doc, and lack of informed consent was one of my biggest points... would be curious if you wouldn't mind taking a look at my "proper" informed consent form (it is specific to Pfizer and specific to NJ) and commenting on it? Wondering if anyone else has attempted to put together a consent form that adequately captures the spirit of true informed consent? https://vaersanalysis.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/properinformedconsent_form_102322.docx

I am all for the freedom for people to inject themselves with whatever they wish, as I believe in the God-given right to bodily sovereignty, but it is criminal to leave out known adverse effects in the VIS's and thus fail to provide proper informed consent.

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Fauci and Grady can be summarized by one of the great lines in cinematic history when Otter said to Flounder, 'You fucked up. You trusted us!' with a nice pat on the back to emphasize it.

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