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Jan 24, 2022
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Jennifer I am so with you. We will NOT let this go. These people must be punished for this. NEVER AGAIN.

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Jan 24, 2022
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I think we are going to see a small holocaust of people dying early, from cancer, heart attacks, autoimmune disease. i think we need to track it so it doesn't get shoved under the rug. I think anyone who has gone or now goes to the Davos, or young world leaders forum with schwab needs to be kicked out of society, and certainly never hold an office,.....not even dog catcher.

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Yes, it must be tracked.

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Schwab needs to be charged with terrorism and treason charges.

And the penalties for those enacted.

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Yes...but he is just the front man. I want Gates, Soros, and all the rest of the elites (including Bezos, Whathisname facebook, twitter etc...also hung. They hung three journalists at Nuremberg.

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I don't know enough about WW2. A weak point for me. I have studied the First World War. I'd add though that it's time for the trillionaire family to face justice as well.

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You SURE Schwab is just the front man? I get the impression he’s right there with the others. But I see your point. Layer after layer needs to be peeled back and exposed.

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Nuremberg did not even punish the people supporting Hitler's Gang. Like IBM, Standard Oil, Bush family, Ford, Rockefeller and Banking Cartel. Gates is supported by CIA-MI6 ditto Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc

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Gates and others feel like they are Untouchable. Yet they have a bad agenda in mind.

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Hmmmm.... Tulsi Gabbard? She was on the list. There are others, current Lt Govnr of Michigan. Don’t know his name but he was listed.

I refuse to villify each of these people without mercy BUT I want to know who holds their leashes.

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Oh my, loved this post. Thanks. I ditto your comment to the dear Mr Schwab. He’s not, by far, the only guilty party, but he is one of the primary.

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I don't think Israel has officially ended any Covid restrictions yet, but there is certainly some momentum in that direction.

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Question is, why did Israel go ALL-IN from the very beginning of the Pandemic and the fake jab rollouts? Why were they one of the first nations to sign contracts with Pfizer to get their entire population jabbed, and now going on their 4th jabs? This is all on Netanyahu, who was supposed to be the purveyor of freedom. There is something so OFF about all of this.

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How much money did he get?

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Yeah, good question. Israelis are really into "high tech" and following instructions from the government. So that may explain why compliance has been so high. But seems like there is more to this...

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Old Testament answers that question over and over and over again.

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We are supposed to learn from their example, but we don't. We just follow the bad example and worship idols.

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Welp, I can only pray you are right, but I think you are under-estimating the depth to which these sociopaths will go to establish their dominance, and I fear you severely over-estimate the degree to which the public will awaken to them.

It's a happy thought, and I pray you are correct, but I'm not very optimistic.

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From where I sit, and what I'm seeing - VRA is at least 50% of the adult public in the US - and growing.

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I haven't seen enough of it where I live (blue metro with heavy tech bias). People seem to have no idea, and are still masking their kids and sanitizing their shadows.

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VRA stands for? ("Vaccine" ... Awareness?)

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Vaccine Risk Awareness

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The adverse reactions are frequent enough that the MSM only has so much control over the narrative. And it's a 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.... sort of formula as well, only a matter of time before it's 100% of world.

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Excerpt from Article on Huff post to show the mentality of those Vaccine-Risk-Unaware-"My Gentle, Intelligent Brother Is Now A Conspiracy Theorist And His Beliefs Are Shocking-"While other family members refuse to engage, I’m triggered into a primordial rage by the videos he texts – by Sue Muncaster 01/21/2022 .....I believe the seeds of many conspiracies related to vaccine resistance can be traced back to the erroneous study by Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues published in The Lancet in 1998, promoting a nonexistent connection between autism and the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Wakefield’s work was later retracted, and his medical license was revoked. He’s become known as the “the doctor who fooled the world” and turbocharged the anti-vaccine movement. My brother believes the rise in autism is the fault of the pharmaceutical industry, and the fact that both the paper and Wakefield’s medical license were later retracted is just “proof” to my brother that the pharmaceutical industry was corrupt ― not the report itself......"

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Thanks for the lead to this article, which I see is all over the Regime media. It helps me see the view from inside their minds.

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I subscribed to MedPage Today and get the same information that is disseminated to corporate physicians. Very interesting.

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Just looked. This story;


I'm beginning to think that the epidemic of diabetes in the West has not been spread so much by McDs & CCola but more by the needle.

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OK, I don't know about DUMBs, tunnels, and child eating elites... and I don't think *everybody* who gets the vaccine will die in 3 years. But, about about 1%? 5%? That's still pretty bad, right? And I know Andrew Wakefield lost his medical license, but I still think most people would agree that injecting mercury into your brain could lead to problems. It's probably not entirely safe.

I guess the basic message of the article is, only nutters who believe in DUMBs would doubt this vaccine, or any vaccine. Oh yea, and the hospitals were totally overwhelmed, that's definitely true because I saw it on TikTok.

Here's the link BTW


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I know someone who knows Wakefield. I don’t think he knows him well but he (my friend by the way is an MD and naturopath) truly believes Wakefield was censored and vilified just like Drs McCullough and Malone and Bhakdi are today.

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This was the conclusion of the famously maligned study by Wakefield and his 12 co-authors: "We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine." That's it. That was their conclusion: more research needed. I bet no one who vilifies Wakefield has even read the retracted study.

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That alone is criminal. The vilification of MDs who have raised the simple question. Canadian doc Charles Hoffe was obviously not on an anti vac mission in early 2021 when his patients in his cardiology practice and ER started coming in with heart problems they’d either never had previously or had had some minor issues and were doing well suddenly, after vac, have shortness of breath, extreme fatigue. And when he checked, they had pericarditis and myocarditis. He simply ASKED his hospital administration. Simply questioned. He wasn’t on a mission to discredit big pharma and their shots.

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I hope that leads to some sort of action against the medical madness.

But, anecdotally, those in my sphere are somewhat accepting, as in "well, ok, this time they may have gone overboard, but it's understandable," and then fall back on the "science."

People are well trained to think salvation is in a pill or a shot. Especially people who, in their hearts, know they are not living a healthy lifestyle.

I see more depression, more acceptance in my community than hope and optimism. There is no push back, only slogging ahead.

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You left off

6.1 terminate the liability waiver for childhood vaccines

6.2 reform drug testing to be 100% transparent and performed by 3rd parties, with testers and manufacturers jointly liable

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You have perfectly summed up the entire situation. But in addition to implementing your plan and abolishing the CDC, we must abolish and hold accountable all agencies who colluded to forbid early treatment and push warp-speed untested genetically-modifying mRNA jabs. This includes the AMA, AHA, the Lancet and NJEM...all of whom were callous and irresponsible in their lies about HCQ/IVM protocols! All of these bad players must pay a price, m as ybe put them all on trial, Nuremberg style.

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and let's not forget the Hospital Corporations who have been KILLING people with their "PROTOCOLS" and STANDARDS OF CARE. Every ADMINISTRATOR NEEDS TO LOSE THEIR JOBS.

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This is my biggest thing. I'm continually flabbergasted that hospitals will literally fight in court to be allowed to kill patients. How do these people sleep at night?

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I worked with these major healthcare systems for the past 3 decades, as they became more and more consolidated and hospitals were no longer community-based. Once hospitals lost their independent status and were controlled by major systems, they turned into more and more a business trying to rake in as much $$ as they could. This is where our HC system has gone severely wrong. It's no longer about patient care. It is about how much $$ you can make off a patient.

The pandemic has made their greed a lot worse with the Fed HHS dangling more Medicare dollars for hospitals that mark every inpatient admission as a Covid patient, whether they had Covid or not. Keep in mind that the PCR tests they used from 2020 were highly-faulty. A person with a severe flu could have been diagnosed with Covid and admitted into their ICU and put on a ventilator and treated with another experimental (most often deadly) drug called Remdisivir. And the fact that loved ones could not go in to the hospital to see their family members should have been a red flag to all.

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Please repeat and shout this from the rooftops. These hospitals need to be torn down and rebuilt to answer to the community.

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Centralization corrupts. I have heard about "health hub" PMAs cropping up around the country that are neither beholden to insurance companies nor government control. If such a hospital pops up within 50 miles of me, I'm joining.

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I would find an independet Concierge unaffilated Dr. ...I have one but he belongs to MVPP...just crap lazy and on board with the covid crap. I only keep him to get painkillers for the occasional kidney stone. Do NOT want to go to ER for any reason

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I wish I knew. I cannot beleive what is happening in this country now. It is beyond morally repugnant. And it is not incompetence. it is basically good germans saying "get in the shower".

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See my post above on AMA. And AMA, how do they sleep?

I work for doctors. Most of them, I think, have consciences. I will be risking my job, but Im having difficulty keeping silent. they are not in direct covid care, specialty not hit by, but by association and by mandating employee vax (and indemnifying themselves legally from) they are complicit.

I’m praying about when to speak. And what to say.

And this is not about vengeance. It is about justice.

By their silence, and by their own promotion of the lie, children will have died.

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I thought someone here posted the following JAMA article but I can’t find it, maybe it was on Lyons Weilers other recent post? Thank you whoever it was. It fits perfectly here.


The other person said it was “creepy”. Sort of, but I just consider it again, full of stupid misdirection, lies, and more importantly a CYA.

Despite it stating clearly that the “Current vaccines do not offer sterilizing immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection.“ they still call for “A system of community public health workers could augment the health care system by testing and vaccinating for SARS-CoV-2....

(In schools)....ensuring vaccination as a condition for attendance,”

And finally has the audacity to print this in conclusion: “Indeed, after more than 800 000 deaths from COVID-19, and a projected loss of $8 trillion in gross domestic product through 2030, these interventions will be immensely valuable.“ (they were talking about public health measures).

Anyone see the hypocrisy?

AMAs suppression of early treatment caused over half of these deaths (I would say conservatively 2/3rds), and promoting costly and ineffective and sometimes deadly (directly, Remdesivir, or indirectly, ventilators and “letting people die”) caused additional deaths.

AMA has supported ALL of the lies, the suppression of early treatment, the censoring of doctors bringing factual information to the table and the labeling of them as “dangerous bringers of misinformation” in past articles, and most important, the clamoring for cancelling these doctors’ licenses. AMA should be censured at the highest levels, taken down and judged as we are judging Soros and Gates.

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Totally agree.

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Great article Dr. James! I would like to share this among the soon-to-be awake in my life. Before I do, could you please fix the typo "deaths from drug overdose are not at an epidemic level." I think you meant "now". Thanks and keep fighting the fight!

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They're removing restrictions but keeping Covid passes.


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Why? So they can institute a social credit system like the Chinese? What the hell has happened to Israel?

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In the UK it is now recognised that the vaccinated spread the disease more frequently than the unvaccinated.

Therefore the government say the vaccinated no longer have to take the tests when travelling!

They are rubbing it in our faces, their own narrative makes no sense, even on the most basic reading but they use their power to punish the disobedient.


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Right. The rubbish and lies continue.

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"Public health" created this virus and turned it into a killer too. They denied treatments for profit. These perpetrators must be held accountable.

Four major crimes enabled the COVID-19 disaster: Dirty, regular vaccines turned a harmless virus into a killer; a lab modified virus was released; denial of treatments and killer COVID-19 vaccines


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Nuremburg trials NOW! (Germany, please inform us whether the venue is available)

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Well put. I love step 5. Let’s all shout for this one. My problem?

I am here working in a private medical office, 6 great docs. But..... all of them supported the nonsense, the lies, the mandates, the narrative. At first, I might give them a break, the original mask mandates and lockdowns, a lot of people can be excused initially for trying to support an effort because central authorities said to do it.

But as of May 2020, voices were already starting to declare (you included) this was all a bad idea, without scientific or economic or psychological benefit and certainly where the negative exceeded the positive benefit. My biggest shout is they were already pushing vaccines and suppressing early treatment voices as liars and conspiracy theories. There are so many responsible for those lies I can’t begin, but perhaps Fauci, Bourla and Bancel should be indicted first on that. Media, FDA and CDC following immediately behind.

All of what you wrote by any other name is “tell the truth, not fear monger and do NOT lie.”

Step 8 is great but, is it possible for those who actually received the so-called vaccines to ever recover their immune system? That was more a rhetorical question. Time may tell.

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Kazakhstan is interesting. Allegedly doctors and nurses are being rounded up and put in prison, together with politicians, bankers, and security officers. Some are claimed to have committed suicide, some did not survive their arrest. Unverified sources of information, but it gives food for thought.

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It is strange how they just pivoted or did a U-Turn. But not here in Canada. Nope. We're too smart. Smarter than Israel, UK, and USA combined. We're gonna keep going jabbing damn all lessons learned from other countries. I truly hope all what was written here happens. I had said early on the way they went about the mass vaccination program was unhinged hysteria and bound to possibly be counter productive to the point of undermining public trust in vaccines. Maybe even setting it back decades as mentioned here.

The forced booster shot woke some people up but there's still too many people who think had they not gotten double or triple jabbed the severity of Covid 'would have been worse' or they would have died. That is, people who got vaccinated months ago actually believe a waning vaccine with negative efficacy was effective in protecting them when in fact the version of the disease they got was in all likelihood going to be as it was whether they had a shot or not. In other words, if they got a mild cold, they were going to get a mild cold. The vaccine didn't make them get a milder version of it knowing the data we know. PLUS, the ones who got a booster and still got infected need to connect the dots (like in the coloring books) and understand boosters lead to higher infections - for reasons better debated elsewhere.

Anyway. Here's hoping my country awakens because at this pace, we'll be the last to come out of this. All this angst and destruction from the measures and little show for it. What a crime.

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They pivoted because of political reasons and lawsuits, nothing to do with suddenly realizing the harms they were doing!

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True, though 'political reasons' could mean they do see the harms and want to avoid culpability or lawsuits. I so want to believe Nuremberg 2.0 is possible.

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Even here, southern “free” state of Texas, I know some who believe they got “mild” covid due to the double vax status. I do not know enough personally who have been boosted to hear their feeling now. But I think I see little chinks in the armor of a few when they hear of Israel and the possible need for a “fourth”. They frown more instead of boasting “I’m fully vaxed” and unfortunately that phrase has been heard by me first hand, probably literally 100 or more times.

But even the science minded ones, one of my collegues, I asked, less than 14 days ago, if he was getting boosted because our office required it (medical private office) or what? He said no he wanted it. Drunk the cool aid. Wanted more. 2 others same answer except one was obviously afraid of covid death and believes the lies this will save her.

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Yeh, people like are done and can't be saved.

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At last a plan to remake our health system!

I would go further & add steps to slow or even stop future viruses (don’t just leave it to the “experts” as they are the best money can buy). Just as water-borne sewerage systems had a dramatic effect on diseases such as cholera, so we need to control our HVAC systems to limit respiratory-spread diseases. For example if you look at pre-2020 metros, aircraft & buses packed with commuters, this is a very dangerous position to be in come the next pandemic. With the proper controls set in place now, lockdowns will be unnecessary the next time.

Guaranteed there will be another pandemic given the scale of the worldwide biological research that is taking place & the world population size. Prevention is paramount.

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Brownstone.org had a great article on mitigation measures, highlighting building ventilation and building controls such as UV lights, including both positive and negative effects. But see the title, “fantasy”.


In this article it does mention that this could indeed minimize exposure. But at what cost? There is a cost. The cost is individual and herd immunity.

Polio was used as an example. Before good sanitation, polio was transmitted via fecal-oral route and, before vaccines, many had natural immunity, having been exposed. Of course, the tragedy was those severely affected. I met and became friends with a wonderful young Taiwanese doctoral student some years ago. And while she was one of the brightest and kindest people I have ever met (beautiful Christian lady who followed Christ with her whole heart) it was painful to watch her strap on the leg braces to walk, painfully with me. I would never wish this on anyone.

But covid, in the PRESENCE of early treatment rarely causes much havoc. Do we WANT prevention? As opposed to natural immunity?

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Love your Plan B. How do we get this going?

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While I hope you are being intuitive about Israel, there is no word of any such changes.....yet.

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They will not stop. At the beginning of the Corona operation, we were informed by the World bank that COVID - 19 project will continue until March 31, 2025, which means perpetual new “variants” to be expected.

Possible next stage might be coming in a near future

Get Ready For The Next One


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It was kind of you to like my post on the enemy’s use of strategic “feint”. But I think you’ll appreciate why I chose to delete it.

Instead of keeping our eyes on the enemy we need to keep our eyes on God.

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And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. - Ephesians 5:11

But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. -

Ezekiel 33:6

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Then maybe I shouldn’t have deleted my post about the feint. I still think this is all (all the recent backtracking by CDC and others) like a feint or a feigned retreat, so I’ll repost it.

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There has been talk about "living with" by more or less controlled "soft opposition" politiciansin Germany, too, and my impression was not that what it really means is back to normal, more like a new normal including taking certain pharma products.

It's about as superficially good sounding but not actually straight forward as other slogans going around, like "build back better".

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