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Oct 20, 2022
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Interesting thought about Newsom and forest fires. I live here in California too, Sonoma county. I've have a feeling the past 5 years I won't be staying in California, but I don't have a direction yet.

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The threat of removal of exemptions were just one of the many reasons I took my son out of school in 2011, when he was in 7th grade. He’d had a reaction to the mandatory whooping cough shot, and I was DONE with shots. Add that to the Anti-Bullying Agenda (it sounded so good, didn’t it?) and the coming Common Core--and I was finished.

My husband and I are both CA natives, as were his parents (mine are transplants). Our entire families, our friends, our work, our LIVES are here.

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Newscum has made deals all right,,, but theyre to line his pockets!

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What will happen? More kids will die. But maybe that’s their point

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I hope you are right.

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Civil War 2. Get ready. I’m ready.

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That, and/or another mass exodus from mandate states.

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I worry for my kids. They are so young. I fear something bad will happen to them if they are forced to get the vaccine. I will have to take them out of school and possibly stop working. My career will die which is a upsetting thought. I am scared. I love my children so very much.

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Heartwarming MarieSue - the states want to own the kids. It's so sick. Do not let anyone force your children to get the not-vaccine gene therapy untested injections please. They want us to be scared. We're strong, and there are a lot of us.

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You are a great mom. ❤️

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You don't want your kids in a school that would mandate this vaccine anyway. Hopefully parents will gather together in your area to homeschool like they are doing in my area. Hang in there. ❤️🌈💪🏽

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There are private schools opening that do not require Covid shots. Where are you located generally?

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oh yeah, you better believe it! people are gonna leave the public school system in droves. feel sorry for the parents who think they cannot. we have to grow our community to embrace them. I'm ready to do so.

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States can mandate it for private schools also.

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its my understanding that only school that take any public monies can be forced to follow the state regs, etc. just like some private school (many religious based) HAVE TO follow the states regs on vax exemptions, ADA accomodations etc. it works both ways

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I am in Indiana and that's the case here. we still have a religious exemption here and all K - 12 have to accept it, if they take any state money, like vouchers, etc. I think that day cares do not though.

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Hope and pray. Know others join you. 🙏🙏🙏🕯️

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You are not the only one MarieSue so its time to mobilize and seek out others with the same knowledge and get together and fight!!

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homeschooling coops exist in many areas which is an option that would not entail your leaving the workforce.

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I am seriously considering offering day care services for developmentally disabled adults, in my home, when I retire in a few years. driven in part, out of necessity since my own disabled son (now 18) only has a few yrs left where the public school district is obliged to have him in an adult life skills program. (luckily here in Indiana, we still have religious exemption... for now anyway!) there are not many viable options for him in our area. so I figure there has be to other parents in need. I intend on following special diets and biomed supplementation programs (since I have been deep into that community for 15 yrs now), knowing how important it is and that the public school rarely, if ever, support this.

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You are definitely not alone, please seek out like minded caring mothers to find out how widespread your beliefs are. Children are our future and parents are their protectors and leaders.

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please know that you, as a parent, do not have to do ANYTHING that you feel is not in the best interest of your children! there's always a gonna be a work around, even for the busiest parent. do not despair. reach out instead. our community is growing.

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I hope you're right. Says everyone who reads this stack. . . .

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I suspect you are right. Just as I have decided that the pharmaceutical companies are not to be trusted and I will not be taking any more vaccines, I believe a great number of parents will be doing the same with their children, including my own daughters. They have opened a can of worms here. I always ignored the warnings about vaccines but, with the obvious dangers of this one, I decided to take another look at what Bobby Kennedy Jr. has been saying and he’s looking more credible by the day.

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RFK Jr is a true Hero…intelligent, principled, unswerving integrity, courageous and kind!

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They only think they have the masses fooled. They are so blind they do not even realize that the silent majority is awaking to their deception. I think you are correct and the number of parents rejecting all vaccines will dramatically increase.

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We can only hope that happens if this is approved. It’s so sinister. We’ve watched our children be used as human shields for the past two and a half years and they they just want to keep it going. I’ve been amazed at how many eyes have been opened, the silver lining in this horrible nightmare.

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From your lips....James

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I hope so, though in CA I'm not so sure. We will not comply - but it will be unpleasant for my teen if we have to remove them from high school. Unfortunate as they are really enjoying it. We will move if need be.

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Just met a woman here (Florida Panhandle) the other day. She moved here last year after "her" governor, DeWack (Ohio "Republican" DeWine), issued his mask "mandate".

She and her husband would not have it -- and knew, of course, where it would lead. Put their house on the market, "picked up sticks", and moved here. Two of her children were still in high school. She knew how hard it would be to take her kids out of school in the middle of the school year, but as she told me, "I told them...you will thank me later." And evidently they have...She said they have adjusted beautifully, they love their high school here, they've made friends, etc., they're on a couple of different teams -- all without the harassment of snot pouches -- and all the other BS going on around the country.

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From what I've gleaned reading some books like Dissolving Illusions, the federal government health establishment believes vaccines are of such paramount importance that they must subsidize their constant production to ensure that there is a manufacturing capacity ready and available for any emergency.

The mRNA as a platform is clearly the next level of vaccine technology in their mind. As such, it will be subsidized in the same way that the vaccine industry has been subsidized in the past: the childhood schedule and stockpiling. Unfortunately for the health of humanity and children in particular, the mRNA shots are not amenable to stockpiling so the subsidies must come from injecting innocent children. So it seems inevitable that both public health and pharma armed with immense newly-gotten wealth will do everything in their power to ensure a constant demand for the injections.

Until the belief that vaccines are an indispensable keystone of modern medicine is demolished, the logic of supporting the vaccine industry --even as it causes irreparable harm-- will remain for the public health authorities and their industry allies.

The strategy must be to take apart the entire edifice of vaccine mythology. I am so grateful for research like you are doing and to the authors books like Dissolving Illusions, Turtles All the Way Down, and Moth in an Iron Lung. I hope that the message that vaccines are not a panacea, not safe, not effective and not necessary can be communicated to enough young doctors and researchers to move the status quo eventually.

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I'm not convinced "they" believe in the vaccines as much as they believe in the money that is sent their way via the pharmaceutical companies.

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the vafight to restrict exccine manufacturers and big pharma will fight to restrict exemptions,

In some states they are too influential, but parents will have an opportunity to fight back. Some ambitious politicians will listen-there asre too many serious adverse events that cannot be hidden forever.

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Lawsuits will pile up. Families will leave California, NY, DC and other states for states like Florida and Arizona (pending election of Lake). Homeschooling and other alternatives will continue to accelerate. The rich will get richer and no one will be brought to justice. The poor will suffer. The healthcare system will continue to implode. The number of handicapped children and adults will become a tax burden too great to bear. Maybe, just maybe, this will be the tipping point where anti-vax parents become mainstream.

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I think we need another expression to describe those of us who believe in the natural health of children -- and ourselves. How about "pure health" parents?

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Agree!! the label of 'anti vax' is one that the mainstream media put on us. its not supposed to be flattering, its supposed to be a cut low. I would call us 'pro health choice' maybe?? the difference between us and them though, is that WE don't want to force people to join US: THEY do. WE believe in the rights of parents to choose; THEY do not.

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I HOPE there's a tipping point. I think its possible that with the massively overburdened social welfare system, those of us who don't bow down at the alter of Pharma (by rejecting vax) will be the ones that are eventually cut off from any kind of aid, medical insurance, etc. I have a severely disabled 18 yr old; my family will be among those that the rest of society will scapegoat for all of it.

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I don't think we're going to reach the point where exemptions are an issue. The WEF and their puppets in government are imploding every other aspect of civilization. Medicine is just a small part of it. Wait til BlackRock crashes the market for the last time, tries to buy up all the hard assets and then tries to roll out the CBDC. That's when TSHTF. At that point we won't have any more vaccines, but we also may not have penicillin - or vitamin C - either.

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You make good points. Many places will be too scared to let Pfizer fail because they make other 'good' medicines. If their shares tank then some BlackRock subsidiary will buy them pennies on the dollar and just wait out the bad press until gov bails them out of the likely vaccine harm settlements.

Billy has been buying arable these past years and this ins not idle speculation. He knows the dollar will eventually go south and a title deed is the only thing with real value. Should the stock market collapse then the new currency will be food and energy.

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