Wow! This is a hum-dinger. Later I will take more time with it. Thanks Dr. Jack and GVB.

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https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sewerage+divers+india&t=ffab&atb=v223-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images bye bye virus theory

? bye bye bacteria theory?? " what me worry ? bye bye virus bacteria bbyyee bye pasteur hi beuchamp

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I don't think I would have had even a remote chance of understanding Drs. Alexander's and vandenBosche's writing without taking Dr. Lyons-Weiler's "Biology of the Immune System" course. And I'm only half way through it! As you read through Dr. Lyons-Weiler's eight hypotheses, you'll note how easy it is to understand the knowledge he is disseminating. In such a complicated world fraught with daily free mongering tactics on both sides, his calm and clear approach is welcomed. Pray for unbiased entities to be created to conduct the research he suggests. it's our only clear path out of this quagmire in which humanity finds itself.

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If Vanden Bossche is right, could that be why they're seeing "record long-term sickness" in places like the UK?? https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/the-uk-economy-is-dying-due-to-record

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It is possible, yes. And the excess deaths. Hopefully these predictions are wrong but it seems unlikely.

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There is evidence that repeated influenza vaccination is not without risk

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Taking The Vaccine

Was Such A Bad Idea

That It Will Follow Them

Into The Next Life.

It Also Helps Explain

How They Showed Up Here

So Fucking Stupid.


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...and it is worse than that... the injections are encoded for undisclosed proteins. I expose this in this article: https://primerascientific.com/pdf/pssrp/PSSRP-03-096.pdf

But again it is worse.... one of those encoded for is Spider Silk (long massive clots https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/residual-dna-fragments-analysis-detected

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Thank you for this erudite article on this critical topic. I'm not a scientist so I can't say much but I will mention this comment from Greg at https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/how-often-have-i-said-to-you-that-72d/comment/53219872 - responding to something which Dr. Byram Bridle wrote on his Substack a few days ago (the quote is from Dr. Bridle):

"'"I am simply looking at the natural history of the interaction of viruses with people. When following a natural course, most viruses become more contagious but less dangerous over time since this promotes their survival. Ebola virus is a good example of a virus that is so deadly that epidemics remain small and relatively contained because the virus renders itself extinct within the local human population (it survives in reservoir species'

I believe Geert has already addressed this. The reason why viruses over time tend to become less pathogenic but more infectious is not due from anything inherent in them that leads them to try to survive. It's more a consequence of our immunity build up against them. Herd immunity forces viruses to become less pathogenic but more infectious for them to survive.

Without herd immunity against a virus, all bets are off as to whether the virus will become less pathogenic, and Geert is saying that mass vaccination against COVID has led to poor immunity against it. Conceivable, mass vaccination against Ebola could also lead to poor immunity against it and leading to more infectious and deadlier strains being selected. Such a virus theoretically could also race through a large population killing and maiming unabated before it runs out of victims and extinguishes itself."

I believe Dr. VB addressed that issue in the IPAK interview/presentation at https://vimeo.com/904298966 (somewhere towards the beginning if I remember correctly), I don't know where else he may have. In any case I would love to see you in conversation with Dr. VB!

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I don’t trust Geert. What the body produces as a result of these MRNA jabs is probably not the same as the virus. Also anyone fear mongering over another disease that they say really will be a pandemic,( which this guy has been doing the past two years), makes me suspicious they are trying to prime the public into accepting more testing, border control and lockdowns. Many of the so called “dream team” are, in my opinion, leading us down the path to total surveillance and control, just by different means

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It would be interesting to see the scientific magick by which the allegedly jab-generated spike protein grows into a whole coronavirus. Or is there a boundless pool of the said coronavirus (in all its disguises called variants) on the outside, somewhere? I do not say I am perplexed, but I should be.

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I posted a link to Dr. Vanden Bossche on my Facebook page and Facebook has now put a "Partly false information" banner on it, based on this "fact-check" article which just came out: https://science.feedback.org/review/geert-vanden-bossche-makes-unsupported-prediction-that-mass-covid19-vaccination-will-cause-immune-collapse/

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